Main Memory

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Main Memory


Program must be brought (from disk)

process for it to be run

into memory and placed within a

Main memory and registers are only storage CPU can access directly

Memory unit only sees a stream of addresses + read requests, or address +

data and write requests

Register access in one CPU clock (or less)

Base and Limit Registers

A pair of base and limit registers define the logical address space

CPU must check every memory access generated in user mode to be sure it
is between base and limit for that user

Hardware Address Protection with Base and Limit Registers

Binding of Instructions and Data to Memory

Address binding of instructions and data to memory addresses can happen at

three different stages

Compile time: If memory location known a priori, absolute code can be

generated; must recompile code if starting location changes

Load time: Must generate relocatable code if memory location is not

known at compile time

Execution time: Binding delayed until run time if the process can be
moved during its execution from one memory segment to another

Multistep Processing of a User Program

Logical vs. Physical Address Space

The concept of a logical address space that is bound to a separate physical

address space is central to proper memory management

Logical address

generated by the CPU

also referred to as virtual address

is the set of all logical addresses generated by a program

Physical address

address seen by the memory unit

is the set of all physical addresses generated by a program

Memory-Management Unit (MMU)

To start, consider simple scheme where the value in the relocation register is
added to every address generated by a user process at the time it is sent to
Base register now called relocation register

Dynamic relocation using a relocation register

Routine is not loaded until it is called

All routines kept on disk in relocatable load


Useful when large amounts of code are

needed to handle infrequently occurring

Dynamic Linking

Dynamic linking

linking postponed until execution time

Small piece of code, stub, used to locate the appropriate memory-resident

library routine

Stub replaces itself with the address of the routine, and executes the routine

A process can be swapped temporarily out of memory to a backing

store, and then brought back into memory for continued execution
Backing store
fast disk large enough to accommodate copies of all memory
images for all users

out, roll in
swapping variant used for priority-based scheduling
algorithms; lower-priority process is swapped out so higherpriority process can be loaded and executed

Schematic View of Swapping

Swapping on Mobile Systems

Not typically supported

Flash memory based

Small amount of space

Limited number of write cycles

Poor throughput between flash memory and CPU on mobile platform

Hardware Support for Relocation

and Limit Registers

Contiguous Allocation

Multiple-partition allocation
Degree of multiprogramming limited by number of partitions
Hole block of available memory; holes of various size are scattered
throughout memory
Operating system maintains information about:
a) allocated partitions

b) free partitions (hole)





process 5

process 5

process 5

process 5

process 9

process 9

process 8
process 2

process 10
process 2

process 2

process 2

Dynamic Storage-Allocation Problem

How to satisfy a request of size n from a list of free holes?

First-fit: Allocate the first hole that is big enough

Best-fit: Allocate the smallest hole that is big enough; must search
entire list, unless ordered by size

Produces the smallest leftover hole

Worst-fit: Allocate the largest hole; must also search entire list

Produces the largest leftover hole


External Fragmentation total memory space exists to satisfy a request, but it

is not contiguous

Internal Fragmentation allocated memory may be slightly larger than

requested memory


Memory-management scheme that supports user view of memory

A program is a collection of segments

A segment is a logical unit such as:

main program
local variables, global variables
common block
symbol table

Users View of a Program

Logical View of Segmentation



user space

physical memory space

Segmentation Architecture

Logical address consists of a two tuple:

<segment-number, offset>,

Segment table maps two-dimensional physical addresses; each table entry


base contains the starting physical address where the segments reside
in memory

limit specifies the length of the segment

Segment-table base register (STBR) points to the segment tables location in


Segment-table length register (STLR) indicates number of segments used by

a program;
segment number s is legal if s < STLR

Segmentation Hardware

Segmentation Example


Physical address space of a process can be noncontiguous; process is

allocated physical memory whenever the latter is available

Divide logical memory into blocks of same size called pages

Keep track of all free frames

Address Translation Scheme

Address generated by CPU is divided into:

Page number (p) used as an index into a page table which contains
base address of each page in physical memory

Page offset (d) combined with base address to define the physical
memory address that is sent to the memory unit
page number

page offset

Paging Hardware

Paging Model of Logical and Physical Memory

Paging Example

n=2 and m=4 32-byte memory and 4-byte pages

Formula for Paging Computation

p = U div P
d = U mod P
P = page size
V = physical address
U = logical address
p = page number
f = frame number
d = displacement

Paging Computation Example1

1. Get the physical address of a page where d = 0
= 4 * 7 + 0 = 28
2. Get the logical address of a page
3. Get the page number of a page
p = U div P
= 0 div 4 = 0
4. Get the displacement of a page
d = U mod P
= 0 mod 4 = 0

Paging Computation Example2

1. Get the physical address of h page where d = 3
= 4 * 6 +3 = 27
2. Get the logical address of h page
3. Get the page number of h page
p = U div P
= 7 div 4 = 1
4. Get the displacement of h page
d = U mod P
= 7 mod 4 = 3

Free Frames

Before allocation

After allocation

Implementation of Page Table

Page table is kept in main memory

Page-table base register (PTBR) points to the page table

Page-table length register (PTLR) indicates size of the page table

The two memory access problem can be solved by the use of a special
fast-lookup hardware cache called associative memory or translation lookaside buffers (TLBs)

TLBs typically small (64 to 1,024 entries)

Associative Memory
Associative memory parallel search
Page #

Frame #

Address translation (p, d)

If p is in associative register, get frame # out

Otherwise get frame # from page table in memory

Paging Hardware With TLB

Effective Access Time

Associative Lookup = time unit

Can be < 10% of memory access time

Hit ratio =

Hit ratio percentage of times that a page number is found in the associative registers;
ratio related to number of associative registers

Consider = 80%, = 20ns for TLB search, 100ns for memory access

Effective Access Time (EAT)

Consider = 80%, = 200ns for TLB search, 100ns for memory access

EAT = 0.80 x 100 + 0.20 x 200 = 120ns

Consider more realistic hit ratio -> = 99%, = 200ns for TLB search, 100ns for memory access

EAT = 0.99 x 100 + 0.01 x 200 = 101ns

Memory Protection

Memory protection implemented by associating protection bit with each

frame to indicate if read-only or read-write access is allowed

Valid-invalid bit attached to each entry in the page table:

valid indicates that the associated page is in the process logical

address space, and is thus a legal page

invalid indicates that the page is not in the process logical address

Valid (v) or Invalid (i) Bit In A Page Table

Shared Pages

Shared code

One copy of read-only (reentrant) code shared among processes (i.e., text
editors, compilers, window systems)

Similar to multiple threads sharing the same process space

Also useful for interprocess communication if sharing of read-write pages is


Shared Pages Example

Structure of the Page Table

Hierarchical Paging

Hashed Page Tables

Inverted Page Tables

Hierarchical Page Tables

Break up the logical address space into multiple page tables

A simple technique is a two-level page table

We then page the page table

Two-Level Page-Table Scheme

Two-Level Paging Example

A logical address (on 32-bit machine with 1K page size) is divided into:

a page number consisting of 22 bits

a page offset consisting of 10 bits

Since the page table is paged, the page number is further divided into:

a 12-bit page number

a 10-bit page offset

Thus, a logical address is as follows:

page number

page offset






where p1 is an index into the outer page table, and p2 is the displacement within the page of the
inner page table

Known as forward-mapped page table

Address-Translation Scheme

64-bit Logical Address Space

Page table has 252 entries

Address would look like

outer page inner page





page offset

Outer page table has 242 entries or 244 bytes

One solution is to add a 2nd outer page table

Three-level Paging Scheme

Hashed Page Tables

Common in address spaces > 32 bits

Each element contains (1) the virtual page number (2) the value of the
mapped page frame (3) a pointer to the next element

Hashed Page Table

Inverted Page Table

Rather than each process having a page table and keeping track of all
possible logical pages, track all physical pages

One entry for each real page of memory

Inverted Page Table Architecture

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