Minor Disorders of Pregnancy For 3rd BSC 2014

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Minor disorders of


During pregnancy the body will go through a

lot of changes and some of these changes may

be unpleasant or even worrying. So during
pregnancy a number of so called minor
disorders may arise.
These minor disorders may occur due to
hormonal changes, accommodation changes,
metabolic changes and postural changes.
Every system of the body is affected by

Various minor disorders

1.Acidity and heart
3.Ligment pain
4.Back ache
5.Leg cramps
8.Frequiency of

9.Vericose vein
1o.Breat tenderness
11.Nausea and vomiting
12.Ankle edema
13.Vaginal discharge
15.Head ache

Causes of minor disorders

1.Due to hormonal changes,
2.Accommodation changes,
3.Metabolic changes
4. Postural changes

Acidity and Heart burn

This is burning pain in the
meditational region caused
by reflux of the stomach
contexts in to the
It is most troublesome at
30th -40th week.

This is the term used when
the mother craves certain
foods unnatural substance
such as coal, clay,dirt,ice

Nursing management
Nursing diagnosis
Impaired nutritional status related to heart
burn, acidity, and pica

Interventions: for Pica

If the substance craved is harmful to the baby

she should be advised for medical help.

Encourage to stop eating the non food
Correcting anemia as it always accompanies
the iron deficiency anemia

Ligament pain , Back ache leg

Ligament pain: The growth of the pregnancy
progresses causes stretching of the supporting
ligaments of abdomen which the women may
experiences sharp painful spasms called ligament pain
Back ache : Backache is a common disorder that is not
restricted to a particular trimester but may span all
three trimesters and continue to the post natal period
Leg cramps : Cramps are a sudden sharp pain or
gripping contraction of the calf muscles, frequently
occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy. The
women may woken up during the might and left with
painful calf muscle.

Nursing management
Nursing diagnosis :

Acute pain back ache ,ligament pain and leg

cramps related to muscle spasm secondary to
postural changes
Interventions :
Ligament pain:
Avoidance of stretching of muscles.
Take warm bath or hot water bag application
Massaging the abdominal muscles

Back ache :
Improvement of posture
Rest on hard bed / form mattress
Use of well fitted pelvic girdle belt.
Avoid standing for longtime
Wear law headed shoes.
Avoid heavy lifting
Bend knees and back straight when Lifting or picking up
things from ground.
Avoid heavy lifting
Work at a surface high enough to prevent fro stopping
Set with back straight and well supported.
Adequate rest, diet and exercises
Local hot application
Weight reduction

Leg cramps :
supplementary calcium therapy in tablet or
syrup after the principle meal
Application of heat
Vitamin B1 (30mg) daily
Leg stretching exercise before go to bed.
Ankles and leg movements increase the
circulation and to helps to prevent cramping
Include plenty of calcium rich food such as
leafy vegetables, diary products, sunflower
seeds) and also magnesium rich food (nuts
dates, fig, apple, green leafy).
Vit C rich food

Rub or massage the

hard muscle
Massaging the leg
When the women is
troubled with camps
advice the women to
pull the toes upwards
towards the ankle
(dosiflex the foot in
opposite dissection) i.e.
and rub the muscle
hard, and also
straighten the leg and
press the knee.

prescribe Asphogel

which binds
phosphorus in
intestinal tract and
lowers its level
Avoid stretching with
toe pointed and leg
full extension
Vit C rich food


Nursing diagnosis :

Constipation related to decreased peristaltic

movement secondary to hormonal changes

If the constipation persists then hemorrhoids

may develop caused by straining at

defecation and also pressure from the bulk of
growing uterus which subsequently causes
particular difficulties during birthing process
Nursing diagnosis :
Hemorrhoids related to constipation

Prevention of

Regular use of
laxatives to keep the
bowel soft.
Local application of
Surgical treatment is
with hold as the
condition sharply
improves after the

Cold compress to

reduce pain
Knee chest position
Replacing the
hemorrhoids with
gentle finger


Frequency of Micturation
This occurs in the first trimester when there is

pressure of the gravid uterus on the urinary

bladder. It may reoccur in late pregnancy when
the fetal head descends into the pelvis.

Nursing diagnosis :

Impaired bladder pattern related compression

of uterus over the bladder
Reassure that it is a normal phenomenon
Observe for urinary tract infection
Reduce the caffeine
Teach kegal exercises

9.Varicose vein

Varicose vein is development of

tortuous vein because of the weight
of the distended vein put pressure on
veins returning blood from the lower
extremities .This causes pooling of
blood in the vessels of legs and vulva
Nursing diagnosis :
Acute pain related to venous
congestion ,decreased venous return
secondary to hormonal changes

Interventions :
For leg varicosities
Avoid standing for long

Vitamin C help in reducing

Avoid crossing the leg
while sitting
Raise the foot with pillow
on resting
Walk regularly
Elastic crepe bondages
during movements.
It usually disappear after
the delivery Back with
raised against wall for 15
to 20 minutes

For vuval varicosities

the size of varicose vein

since it is involved in the
formation of blood vessel
and collagen and

It is very rare and is painful.

It may rupture and bleed

during delivery
Sanitary pads may give
support to the vulval
varicose vein

11.Breast tenderness
The Brest becomes tender and feeling fullness due

to the effect of increased estrogen which is for

preparation of fat store for the breast feeding .The
vascular circulation is increased and the nipples
become larger and areola become pigmented .
Nursing diagnosis :

Acute pain breast tenderness related to increased

levels of progesterone and estrogen
Management:Advice to were fitting or good bra
Reduces the caffeine and carbonated drinks

1.Nausea and vomiting

It is a common

disorder seen in
about 50% women
between 4th and 16th
week of gestation.
They usually appear
following first or
second missed
period and subsided
by the end of first

Nursing diagnosis :

Risk for fluid volume deficit related to

And also
High risk for Risk for fluid volume deficit
related to vomiting

Ankle edema
Ankles, feet, fingers often swell a little in

pregnancy because of the excessive fluid

retention than usual.
Nursing diagnosis :

Risk for fluid volume excess related to

increased blood volume

Avoid standing for

Avoid crossing the leg
while sitting or sleeping
Regularly check the rings
and bangles if hands and
fingers have the tendency
to swell.
Rest with elevation of limb
on pillow or on a chair
Do not prescribe the

Vaginel discharge or
It is the increased white non irritant viscous

vaginal discharge in pregnancy due to high

estrogen level and increased blood supply to
vaginal epithelium and cervix.
Nursing diagnosis :
Risk for infection related to increased vaginal

discharge secondary to hormonal changes

Nursing diagnosis : Risk for injury related

headache and fainting secondary to vasodilatation


1.Frequent washing of the value (3-4 times a day)

with plain water
2.Wear loose and cotton underwear
3.Notice for any possibility of infection ie discharge
is colored, foul smell and itching .
4.Start with metronidizole

Fainting &.Head ache

Fainting: In early pregnancy fainting occurs

due to vasodilatation under the influence of
progesterone . It may subside following the
compensatory there case in blood volume.
Head ache: Frequently women complaints

of headache during pregnancy

Avoid long periods of standing as well as sitting

or lying down when she feels slightly faint.

Try to get up slowly after sitting or lying down.
If you feel faint while on lying down on your
back turn to side
Regular rest and relaxation
Brisk walk
Occasional use of paracetamol
Severe head ache not relieved by paracetal mol
occurring during the third trimester together
with increased blood pressure or protenuria,it
should be notice to the physician



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