006 Training Methods and Techniques

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Training Methods and


Training method refers to the specific

means by which training is imparted to the

There are various methods of training which
can be broadly classified into on-the-job
training methods and off-the-job training
The choice of a method would depend on a
wide variety of factors, such as competence
of instructors, relevance to the participants,
the program design, the content and finally
its cost implications.

Objectives of Training
1.To impart the basic knowledge and skill to the

new entrants and enable them to perform their

jobs well. To equip the employees to meet the
changing requirements of the job and the

2.To teach the employees the new techniques and

ways of performing the job or operations.

3.To prepare employees for higher level tasks and

build up a second line of competent managers.

Principles of Effective Learning

and Training Methods
Some selected aspects of the relationship

between principles of learning and teaching

methods are:
Active Involvement
Sequencing and Structuring
Delivery Skills and Program
Management(The reading material, the
slides, if he has to present something ,lighting
arrangements, sitting arrangements, the stage
appearance etc)

Factors in the Selection of

Training Methods

On the site
b)Job rotation
d)On the job

Off the site

b)Small group
c)Case studies
d)Role plays
e)In basket

On the site methods

Apprentice: A formal arrangement between an

individual who wants to learn and employer

who needs a skilled worker. It is an earning
while learning arrangement where the
apprentice receives knowledge and develops
skills associated with the designated trade.
Job rotation
Vestibule training: combines the benefits of the
classroom with the benefits of on job training
classroom is a model of the working
expensive arrangement.

On-the-Job Training
This is considered to be the most effective method of

training to train the employees at the operational

Under this method, the worker is trained on-the-job
and at his work place.
This enables him to get training under the same
working conditions and with the same processes,
materials and equipments that he will be using
The responsibility of the training is given to his
immediate supervisor, who knows exactly what the
trainee should learn to do or to some outside
instructor, who is the training specialist in the field

On-the-job training is the most efficient

and effective method of training for the

employees, because it satisfies the three
basic laws of learning(Thorndike)
The law of readiness
The law of exercise
iii. The law of effect

Off-the-Job Training
The off-the-job training methods includes:

A talk given without much, if any, participation in the
form of questions or discussion on the part of the
It is suitable for large audiences where participation of
the trainee is not possible because of numbers. The
information to be put over can be exactly worked out
beforehand even to the precise word.
The timing can be accurately worked out.
The lack of participation on the part of the audience
means that unless the whole of it, from beginning to end,
is fully understood and assimilated the sense will be lost.

A talk incorporating a variety of techniques,

and allowing for participation by the

The participation may be in the form of
questions asked of trainees, their questions
to the speaker, or brief periods of
discussion during the currency of the
It is suitable for putting across information
to groups of not more than twenty trainees.

Case Study
A history of some event or set of circumstances,

with the relevant details, examined by the

Those in which the trainees diagnose the
causes of a particular problem.
ii. Those in which the trainees set out to solve a
particular problem.
It provides opportunities for exchange of ideas
and consideration of possible solutions to
problems the trainees will face in the work

Role Play
Trainees are asked to enact, in the training

situation, the role they will be called upon

to play in their job of work.
Used mainly for the practice of dealing
with face-to-face situations (i.e. where
people come together in the work
It is suitable where the subject is one
where a near-to-life practice in the training
situation is helpful to the trainees.

Exercise Method
Trainees are asked to undertake a particular task,

leading to a required result, following lines laid down

by the trainers.
It is usually a practice or a test of knowledge put
over prior to the exercise.
Exercises may be used to discover trainees existing
knowledge or ideas before further information or
new ideas are introduced.
Exercises may be posed for individuals or for groups.
It is suitable for any situation where the trainees
need to practice following a particular pattern or
formula to reach a required objective.

Application Project
Similar to an exercise but giving the trainee much

greater opportunity for the display of initiative and

creative ideas.
The particular task is laid down by the trainer but the
lines to be followed to achieve the objectives are left
to the trainee to decide.
Like exercises, projects, may be set for either
individuals or groups.
It is suitable where initiative and creativity need
stimulating or testing.
Projects provide feedback on a range of personal
qualities of trainees as well as their range of
knowledge and attitude to the job.

In-basket (In-tray)
Trainees are given a series of files, papers and letters similar

to those they will be required to deal with at their place of

work (i.e. the typical content of a
desk-workers in-tray).
Trainees take action on each piece of work.
The results are marked or compared one with another.
It is suitable for giving trainee
desk-workers a clear understanding of the real-life problems
and their solutions.
The simulation of the real situation aids the transfer of
learning from the training to the work situation.
It is also useful for developing attitudes towards the work,
for example priorities, customers complaints, superiors, etc.

Business Games
Trainees are presented with information about a

company financial position, products, markets, etc.

They are given different management roles to
One group may be concerned with sales, another
with production and so on.
These groups then run the company.
Decisions are made and actions are taken.
The probable result of these decisions in terms of
profitability is then calculated.
It is suitable for giving trainee managers practice in
dealing with management problems.

Sensitivity Training (Group

Trainees are put into situations in which

the behavior of each individual in the

group is subject to examination and
comment by the other trainees; the
behavior of the group (or groups) as a
whole is examined.
It is a vivid way for the trainee to learn
the effect of his/her own behavior on
other people and the effect of their
behavior upon him.

Experiential Learning
Experiential learning is an action-oriented

behavioral situation.
The purpose of the action situation is to
have participants generate their own data
about each of the key concepts to be
studied or understood.
I hear and I forget,
I see and I remember,
I do and I understand.

Experiential Learning Method

To get the best from experiential

methods, the trainer must be a good

observer of behavior.
Thus, when the group starts to examine
its experiences and reflect upon them,
he is in a position to assist with this
His responsibilities in focusing learning,
and making it clearer for each
participant, are extremely important.

Experiential Learning Method

The primary tasks of the trainer are
1.Drawing out data from participants in

terms of what has actually happened

together with their feelings about it.
2.Helping participants to see the cause
and effect of the actions of people; that
is, the initiating behavior of a person
and the type of response he received to
it; and finally.
3.Relating the classroom experience to
what happens in on-the-job training
program in the organization situations.

Outward Bound Learning

(OBL) Method
Outward Bound Training OBT programs

take participants out of their familiar

settings and offer unusual, original
In safe but hard and demanding tasks
based on a well-balanced combination of
outdoor and indoor activities the
participants verify and develop their
responsibility, self-confidence, cooperation,
respect, tolerance, and learn social skills.

Outward Bound Learning (OBL)

Basically this method helps a person internalize

the whole training program as he experiences

most of learning, he learns from observing other
people and also the feedback and since he has a
chance to apply that learning there itself he
internalizes it.
A facilitator watches them play and observes a
trainees behavior individually, in-group, learning
skill etc.
The facilitator gives each of the trainee feedback
and then observes again how he applies this
learning and also helps him connect this learning
to the corporate world.

Benefits of Outward Bound

Management Training contd
The participants gain knowledge by

themselves on the basis of practical

personal experience. It contributes to a
larger value and durability of such findings
for them.
The courses have an attractive content,
which attracts the participants enthusiasm
and receptivity to learn.
It offers to the participants an opportunity
to get away from the typical routine of
their work-lives. The participants are in a
relaxed state of mind, which enhances
increased receptivity to the program.

Benefits of Outward Bound

Management Training contd
Most of the exercises designs as part of

OBL help the participants specifically in

the following areas.
Discover their potential.
Increase their self-awareness and
Confront their self-imposed limits and
overcome them.
Develop leadership qualities.

Benefits of Outward Bound

Management Training contd
Most OBL training program consists of a

variety of games including:

Problem solving games
Field exercises
Navigation exercises
Water based exercises
Cliff face exercises
Combined exercises
Problem-solving games

Case Let Problem with


Upon learning that he will undergo training, Con became

excited because he wanted to be an effective senior customer
service officer. He was sure that he could handle the job with
support from his manager. He thought that training would help
him to perform well in his new role but he was a little uncertain
about how he might cope given his lack of formal education.
Con was excited when he entered the training room. The trainer
introduced herself and went on with the training. The trainer
used the lecture style in training. Although the trainees were
given opportunity to raise questions, they did not. Con felt that
he was heading down a path going to unknown destination.


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