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Dissociative Identity Disorder

in art: Kim Noble

In fitting with my theme of mental illness, more

specifically Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), I
decided to research into artists who suffer from
this form of mental illness to possibly give me
some ideas for my print production.

'Kim Noble is a woman who, from the age of

14 years, spent 20 years in and out of hospital
until she made contact with Dr Valerie Sinason
and Dr Rob Hale at the Tavistock and Portman
Clinics. In 1995 she began therapy and was
diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder,
in which the main personality splits into
several parts with dissociative or amnesic
barriers between them.
Kim has 20 main personalities, many
fragments and 14 of the main personalities
are artists. Having no formal art training, 14 of
the main alters became interested in painting
in 2004 after spending a short time with an art
therapist. These 14 artists each have their
own distinctive style, colours and themes,
ranging from solitary deserts, sea scenes and
abstracts to collages and paintings with
traumatic content. Many alters are unaware
that they share a body with other artists.'

Personality: Judy
This alter is a teenage girl
who is anorexic. Most of
her paintings place a
heavy emphasis on the
concept of duality one
of the most basic occult
concepts exploited by
mind control rituals.
Duality is an ancient
hermetic concept which is
traditionally represented
with the juxtaposition of
the colours black and
white, as with the
Masonic check board
pattern or the symbol of
the Ying Yang.

Personality: Ria Pratt

The paintings made by Ria
Pratt are the most graphic
and disturbing but also the
most revealing. The alter
believes she is a 12 year
old girl and has vivid
recollections of the trauma
she has been subjected to,
whether it be physical or
dehumanizing. Simply
watching these paintings
is a difficult experience it
is further disheartening to
realize that she actually
lived these situations.

Personality: Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn is the alter that saw
the birth her daughter Aimee.
However, Dawn believes that
Aimee is still a baby and does not
recognize the teenage girl that
lives with her. The name Golden
Dawn has a heavy occult
connotation as it is the name of an
important and powerful secret
society that taught Hermetic
Kabbalah, astrology, occult tarot,
geomancy, and alchemy to its
initiates. It held within its ranks
prominent occultists such as Arthur
Edward Waite and Aleister Crowley.
The process of Monarch mind
control combines state-of-the-art
science with ancient occultism,
whether it be in hermetic theories,
kabbalistic symbolism or invocation

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