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Advertising in

Electronic Media

Electronic Media
Youngest of the Major Media
Television came of age in the 1950s
Television once confined to the home, has

become more mobile

This medium provides the opportunity to sell
your product the way you want to

Advertising on Television
Creative and Endless opportunities
Reach to viewers hearts and minds
Efficiency of message
Reach to viewers

Broadcast Television
At first, television was only a broadcast

No special cables, wires, or decoding devices
were needed
Every one who has television can tune in fro
Limited channels
Now, unlimited channels
Pay for watching channels

Network Television
Network links stations in diverse locations
beamed by a single set of programs
This allows advertisers to reach many people in
many markets at one time
PTV is considered as the Network Television in

Local Television
Working for a specific area for specific viewers
Cable Television
Relies on wires/cables to carry signals to
Now a days nearly 73% of total viewers of
television relieved advertisement through this

Types of Television
When advertiser chooses a sponsorship

arrangement, it assumes responsibility for

producing a program and enjoys exclusive right
to air commercials during the show
Two main advantages of sponsorship
Advertiser link his product with a high-quality program
Advertiser has complete control over the showing of
its commercials during program

Budget still remains the main talking point of this

sponsorship deal

Various advertisers buy commercial time during
a specific program
Advertisers can participate in a program
regularly or sporadically
Advertisers have no control over program,
timings or content

Spot Announcement
Segment of commercial time purchased from a
local station, also known as Spot Television
This time can be purchased when network
station releases time to its affiliates
Advertisers reach specific markets without
much of budget waste
This is a complex scenario, where advertiser
have to juggle variety of pricing, scheduling,
and billing details

Advantages of Broadcast Television

Creative Flexibility
Countless creative flexibilities of using sight,
sound, color etc
To tell your story
Building credibility by demonstrating your product
Coverage of Mass Markets
Unlimited reach
Nearly every household owns a Television set

Cost Efficiency

a very cost as compared to its reach

Limitations of Broadcast Television

Limited Selectivity
Not precise demographic or geographic targeting
Audience Erosion
Movement towards cable television

Relatively High Entry Cost

Airing ad during desirable show is costly
Too many ads to remember

Not much time to make your mark

Limited Viewer Attention

Mute the volume, change of channel when ad is aired

Advantages of Cable Television

Increased Selectivity
Ability to deliver specialized programming to
highly targeted audiences
Lower Entry Costs
Lesser cost than broadcast
Increased Flexibility
Lengthy time slots

Limitations of Cable Television

Limited Reach
Audience Fragmentation
Its getting difficult for any one channel to build
a sizeable audience
Limited Reach

Planning Television
Measuring Television Audience

a device attached with TV set which tells which stations were watched

Ratings and Audience Share

Program Rating = Household tuned to the program/total television households
in the market
Selecting Time Periods
Early Morning
6.00 Am 9.00 Am
Day Time 9.00 Am - 4.00 Pm
Early Fringe 4.00 Pm - 7.00 Pm
Prime- Time Access 7.00 Pm 8.00 Pm
Prime Time
8.00 Pm 11.00 Pm
Late News
11.00Pm 11.30 Pm
Late Fringe
11.30 Pm 1.00 Am

Understanding Television AD Rates

Cost Per Rating Point = Cost of Commercial
Time/Program Rating
Placing Television Ads
List of Avails (Short for Availabilities)
Negotiating for price and schedule
Preemption Rate
Commercial Pod (Group of ads scheduled to run

during a particular program break)

Advertising on Radio
Painted Words
Catchy Sounds
Radio a Personal Medium
Low Cost

Types of Radio
AM Frequency (Amplitude modulation)
FM Frequency (Frequency modulation)
National Networks (Hook Up)

Advantages of Radio Advertising

Cost and Efficiency
Wide Exposure
Audience Selectivity
Potential for Powerful Imagery

Limitations of Radio
Lack of Visuals
Short Life Span
Audience Fragmentation

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