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Minimum and Maximum

Value of a Fxn
Nikiyta Lagahit

If the quadratic is in the form y =

ax2+ bx + c

Decide whether you're going to find the

maximum value or minimum value.

For y = ax2+ bx + c,
(c - b2/4a)gives the y-value (or the value of the function) at
its vertex.

If the value ofais positive, you're going to

get the minimum value because as such the
parabola opens upwards (the vertex is the
lowest the graph can get)

If the value ofais negative, you're going to

find the maximum value because as such
the parabola opens downward (the vertex is
the highest point the graph can get)

The value ofacan't be zero

If the quadratic is in the form

y = a(x-h)2+ k

For y = a(x-h)2+ k,
kis the value of the function at its vertex.

kgives us the
minimum value
of the quadratic
asais positive.
kgives us the
maximum value
of the quadratic
asais negative.

When the quadratic is in the form

y = ax^2 + bx + c

Substitute this value of x into y to

get the minimum/maximum point.

Letf(x) =x 6x+ 5.

X= -b2a
X= 6/2(1) a =1

b =6

6x+ 5
63 + 5

Letf(x) = 2x3 9x2+ 12x

f '(x) = 6x2 18x+ 12
=6(x2 3x+ 2)
=6(x 1)(x 2)=0
x= 1 or x= 2

f '(x)=6x2 18x+ 12
f ''(x)=12x 18
f ''(1)=12 18 = 6.
The second derivative is negative. The function
therefore has a maximumatx= 1.
To find they-cordinate at that maximum we evaluate f(1):

f(x)=2x3 9x2+ 12x 3

f(1)=2 9 + 12 3
The maximum occurs at the point

(1, 2)

f ''(x)=12x 18
f ''(2)=24 18 = 6
The second derivative is positive. The function
therefore has a minimumatx= 2.
To find they-cordinate at that minimum, we evaluatef(2):

f(x)=2x3 9x2+ 12x 3.

f(2)=16 36 + 24 3
The minimum occurs at the point

(2, 1)

y=x 3x +

y'= 3x2 6x
= 3x(x 2)

y''(x) = 6x 6.
y''(0) = 6.
The second derivative is
negative. That means there
is a maximum atx= 0. That
maximum value is
y(0) = 2.

y''(2) = 12 6 = 6.
The second derivative is
positive. That means
there is a minimum
atx= 2. That minimum
value is
y(2) = 23 322+ 2
= 8 12 + 2
y= 2

Find the maximum or minimum values of the ff.


y=x 8x+ 1
y= 2x + 3x + 12x
y= 3x 4x 12x +

y= 2x3 3x2+
12x+ 10.

Atx= 1 there is a maximum ofy= 17.

Atx= 2 there is a minimum ofy= 10.

y= 2x + 3x + 12x

Sincef '(x) = 0 has no real solutions, there

are no extreme values.

y= 3x 4x 12x +

Thevalue of the function,

the value ofy, at either a
maximum or a minimum is
called anextremevalue.
A value ofxatwhichthe
function has either a
maximum or a minimum is
called acritical value.

If a<0 then the

function has a
minimum value.
If a>0 then the
function has a
maximum value.

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