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Public sector trading

Presented by
Bhaskar Jyoti Bhowmik (41)

Export is important
By the sides export development is
Government endeavoring to develop
Government taking measures.
Such measures help exporting firms in
several ways.

The benefits of exports to the

I. To achieve economies of scale and growth.
II. Supply of many commodities.
III. Exports enable certain countries to achieve
export-led growth.
IV. Export markets may help mitigate the
effects of domestic recession.
V. Exports to earn enough foreign exchange

Organizational Set Up
Government has established to provide
different assistance to the exporters.
There are also a number of other

Ministry of Commerce
The various offices/ organizations under the
administrative control of the Department are:
(A) Two Attached Offices
(B) Eleven Subordinate Offices
(C) Ten Autonomous Bodies
(D) Five Public Sector Undertakings
(E) Advisory Bodies
(F) Fourteen Export Promotion Councils (EPCs)
(G) Other Organizations.

Public Sector Undertakings

There are five Public Sector
i) State Trading Corporation of India Limited
(ii) MMTC Limited
(iii) Project and Equipment Corporation of India,
PEC Limited
(iv) Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
Ltd. (ECGC)
(v) India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO)

State Trading Corporation of

India Limited (STC)

STC was set up on 18th May, 1956.

Registered as an autonomous company
under the Companies Act, 1956.
Primarily aim to undertake trade with East
European Countries and to supplement the
efforts of private trade and industry in
developing exports from the country.
By virtue of infrastructure and experience it
plays an important role in arranging import of
essential items and developing exports of a
large number of items from India.

Minerals and Metals Trading

Corporation Limited
It was created in 1963 .
separated from State Trading Corporation of India

primary aim to deal in exports of minerals and ores
and imports of non-ferrous metals.
In 1970, MMTC took over imports of fertilizer raw
materials and finished fertilizers.
Over the years import and exports of various other
items like steel, diamonds, bullion, etc.
MMTC over the years has grown to become the
largest trading Organisation in India.

PEC Limited
It is known as the Project and Equipment
Corporation of India.
It was carved out of the STC in 1971-72.
Aim to take over the canalized business of
STCs railway equipment division,
to aid & assist in promotion of exports of
Indian engineering equipment.

Export Credit Guarantee

Corporation of India Ltd. (ECGC)
It was established in 1957 as the Export Risk

Insurance Corporation of India Ltd.

Due to wider role played by the Corporation, the
name was changed to Export Credit Guarantee
Corporation of India Ltd. (ECGC).
It provides
(a)a range of insurance covers to Indian exporter.
(b) different types of guarantees to banks and
other financial institutions to enable them to
extend credit facilities to exporters on liberal

India Trade Promotion Organization

It was formed by merging Trade Development
Authority (TDA) with Trade Fair Authority of
India (TFAI) with effect from 1st January 1992.
It is the premier trade promotion agency of
India and provides a broad spectrum of
services to trade and industry so as to
promote Indias exports.
ITPIO has four foreign offices located at New
York, Frankfurt, Tokyo & Dubai.

The major activities of ITPOs foreign

offices include
Provides necessary inputs to head office
&Regional Offices for various ITPO activities.
Assists in fixing appointments & business
meetings for Indian exporters travelling
Sponsoring buying delegation to India .
Generation of trade enquiries &
dissemination of trade information.
Collect latest information on fashion trends,
pricing, distribution channels, standard,

Mobilization of foreign participation for trade
fairs being organised in India.
Provide assistance in space booking, custom
clearance etc. for trade fairs being organised
by ITPO .
Publicise the ITPO participation in
international fairs in their region by direct
mailing , telephone contacts, press conference,
Invites buyers, government officials and
representatives of industry association, etc. to


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