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Reported Speech


COMMANDS (rdenes)

We change the imperative form into an

infinitive. We use a reporting verb that
expresses command like tell or order. Dont
forget to include the indirect object

Direct speech


Stop speaking in class

Reported speech

Tell+ infinitive

She told me to stop

speaking in class.

Direct speech


dont eat in class! the

teacher said

Reported speech

Tell+ negative

The teacher told us not to

eat in class.

Offers (Ofrecimientos)

We used offer when they offer us


Direct speech

Will/would +
like + ?

would you like a cup of

tea She said

Reported speech

Offer + objects
+ noun

She offered me a cup of tea

Direct speech

Could (Modal

Se utiliza (Offer + object +


For example:
"Would you like a cup of tea ? " she said
She offered me (to have)a cup of tea.

Suggestions( sugerencias

Estructure: Suggest/recommend + Gerund / noun /

Pronoun or thatclause

Suggestions can be expressed by:


Why dont we?
Shall we?
Why not.?


-"Lets go out" Peter said to me. (Direct speech)

-Peter suggested going out. (Reported speech)
- Peter suggested that we go out. (Reported

Ask( Beg someone to do


Estructure: Ask + indirect object / infinitive

This is not a question, but a request or demand.
Could you show me your passport, please? he said
He asked me to show him my passport.
Can you open the door, please? She said
She asked him to open the door.

Advice (consejos)

In this case we use the verbs advise + object +

For example:
- You should study harder if you want to pass the test (Direct speech)
- She advised me to study harder if I wanted to pass the test
(Reported speech)

-In negative sentences we use not in front of the

For example:
"Dont be late tomorrow" she advised me. (D.Speech).
She advised me not to be late the following day. (Reported

Warn (Advertir)
We use warn in reported speech when
we warn people about something
For example:

Bill: "Don't drink so much or you'll get drunk!"

Bill: "No bebas tanto que te vas a emborrachar!
Bill warned Jack not to drink too much
Bill le advirti a Jack que no bebiera demasiado

Dont swim out too far, boys, I said

He warned the boys not to swim out too

Apologies (disculpas) and

Complaints (Quejas)
We use apologize in reported speech
when we apologize and complain to
complain about something.
For example:

Karen: "I am very sorry for having insulted you in that

She apologized to her friend for having insulted her.
This milkshake is too sweet!, she said
She complained about the milkshake
She complained that the milkshake was too sweet.

Remind (recordatorio)

Remind +Sb (somebody) +to inf


Jack: "Hey, Bill. Don't forget to mail this letter today!"

Jack: "Oye, Bill. No te olvides de enviar esta carta hoy!"
Jack reminded Bill to mail that letter that day
Jack le record a Bill que enviara una carta ese da

Verbs used in reported


Verbs: advise, ask, beg, command, encourage,

entreat, forbid, implore, invite, order, remind,
request, urge, warn, threaten, promise,
Remind +Sb (somebody) +to inf
go on, apply for the job, he said
He encouraged me to apply for the job

Change the following from

direct into Reported Speech
If I were you, Id stop taking tranquilizers, I said
I advised him to stop taking tranquilizers.
Sorry, I didn't want to be late," He said
He apologized for being late.
"The food is horrible," he said
He complained the food was horrible.
Please, dont take any risks, said his wife.
His wife begged him not to take any risks.
Dont forget to order the wine, said he.
He reminded me to order the wine.
Eat much because you are very thin, my friend told me
My friend advised me to eat much because I was very thin.
Lets stop now Mary suggested
Mary suggested stopping then.

Change the following from

direct into Reported Speech

He said, lie down, Tom

He told Tom to lie down.
You had better not leave the car unlocked, the police
officer said.
The police officer advised me not to leave the car unlocked.
Be careful crossing roads, she said.
She advised me to be careful crossing roads.
Would you like to have lunch with me on Sunday?, he
He invited me to have lunch with him on Sunday.
Could you translate this for me, please? I asked my friend.
I asked my friend to translate that for me

Change the following

sentences from Reported
Tom suggested his girlfriend climbing to the top.
we climb
to the top?
Tom asked
his girlfriend.

Lets climb to the top

Tom invited Ann to come for a drive the following day.
Would you like to go for a drive tomorrow, Ann? Tom
She promised to be a quick as she could.
I will be as quick as I can, she promised.
She told John not to be ridiculous.
Dont be so ridiculous, John!
He asked where she was going.
Where are you going? He said.
He asked me if I knew Bill.
Do you know Bill? He said.
The travel agent wanted to know whether I would go
by air or sea.
Will you go by air or sea? the travel agent said.



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