Modal Verbs

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Modals VERBS

The Members :
Aji Putra Perkasa ( 02 )
2. Faishal Daniswara B ( 09 )
3. Fitriana Gustiawanti ( 12 )
Kurnianto Dwi W ( 14 )
Nazhifah Dea N N ( 20 )

What is Modals ?
AModals is a verb that combines with
another verb to indicate mood or tenses.
The Example of Modals verbs are :
a. Can e. Must
b. Could f. Will
c. May g. Would
d. Might h. Shall
e. Should i. Ought to

The Function of Modals

Modals verbs are used to express functions
such as:
1. Permission
2. Ability
3. Obligation
4. Prohibition
5. Lack of necessity
6. Advice
7. Possibility
8. Probability

Rules of Modals

Does not have the suffix s/es for a single subject

example : She may go now

Always followed by the infinitive / Vbase

example : The will play football

Do not use the interrogative sentence, negative sentences,

and question tags
example : Can you swim?
I will not do anything
They should go now, shouldnt they?

There should not more than one Modals in a sentence.

example : Herry must can come to my birthday party.
( False )
Herry must come to my birthday party. ( True )

Kind of Modals
Modals are classified into 3 types
a. Modals Present
b. Modals Past
c. Modals Perfect

Modals Present
1. Will
Used to express the future, willingness, and
can also be used to soften the request (polite
In stating the future, this modal can be
replaced by the form is / am / are + going to.
Example :
. I will go to New York.
. I will help you if you need my help.
. Will you prepare a cup of coffee for me,

Modals Present
2. Shall
Used to express the future and to ask
for advice or opinions.
Example :
. I will go to London someday.
. Shall I go despite the rain?

Modals Present
3. May
Used to express polite permission and
Example :
. You may go tonight, but you have to
go home before late.
. She may be angry because of our

Modals Present
4. Can
Used to express ability / possibility and
polite permission. When we used to
express ability, this modal can be
replaced by the form to be able or to be
capable of.
Example :
. I can speak English
. You can eat what you want.

Modals Present
5. Must
Used to express necessity, possibility,
and advice or recommendation
Example :
. Imustgoto the supermarket today
. Youmustseethe new film with Brad

Modals Present
6. Ought to
Used to express an obligation.
Example : Youought toswitchoff the
light when you leave the room.

Modal Past
Past modals generally classified as a second form
of modals present, among others:
1. Would
This modals have uses for arrange future tense
past, expressed a desire and preference, and ask
Example :
. Rara would have cleaned the whole house by the
time her family come back last Friday.
. I would like to join you to the cinema tonight.
. Would you help me lift this bag, please!

Modal Past
2. Should
Used to express suggestion and
possibility or certainly.
Example :
. You should change your mind about this
. Henfry should be sleeping now.

Modal Past
3. Might
Used to express the possibility of past
and polite request
Example :
. She might be sad because she didnt
see you last night
. Might I come in?

Modal Past
4. Could
Used to express past ability and polite
Example :
. I didnt help her because she said she
could do it by herself.
. Could you repeat it again,please!

Modal Perfect
1. Should have / ought to have
Used to express suggestion that should
have been done in the past but not done
(past suggestion) or could also stated the
possibility in the past.
Example :
. You ought to have tried harder, so you
would win the competition.
. Sarah should have been sleepy when
she drove so the accident happened.

Modal Perfect
2. Must Have
Used to express a conclusion about
things that happened in the past (past
Example : Eko must have prepared this
surprise since a week ago

Modal Perfect
3. Could Have
Used to express a conclusion about
things that happened in the past (past
Example : Edo could have stay here
longer, but he went home earlier.

Modal Perfect
4. Might Have
Used to express possibilities in the
past (past possibility).
Example : Tika looked very upset; we
might have made mistake last

How We Use Modal Verb On

Modal verb also use to make suggestion. There are shall, could or
could have, should, and ought to or ought to have.
Shallis used to make a suggestion requesting permission or
agreement. Shall is also used in formal situations.
Example :
ShallI turn off the light?
Shallwe go to Malinalco and see the ruins?
ShallI open the window?
Could or Could have (in perfect tense) with you/we is frequently
used to make suggestions. Could shows the suggestion as being
an option.
Example :
You could go watch a movie.
We could have gone for a walk.

How We Use Modal Verb On

Should with you/we is used to make strong suggestions
like advice.
Example :
You should find out what you missed while you were sick.
We should go home early tonight.
You should study accounting.
Ought to or ought to have used to giving a more binding
suggestions to be done by someone.
Example :
You ought to respect your teacher
You ought to practice hard in order to win the competition

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