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Company Overview
2265 Onyx St. Sta. Ana Manila
Tel. No. 561-4215 to 18; 563-8672; 563-8675; 563-
Fax No. 651-3064
We,Stanlite Marketing Inc.,be able to sell at
least 30 million annually

M is sio n :
To se lld u ra b le e le ctro n ic p a rts a n d co n stru ctio n s su ch
a s co n n e cto rs, in te g ra te d circu its, re sisto rs, sw itch e s e tc . W e
b e lie ve th a t th e cu sto m e rs a re th e ce n te r o f th e u n ive rse .
T h e cu sto m e rs a re th e re a so n fo r o u r co n tin u o u s se a rch fo r
im p ro ve m e n t in p ro vid in g q u a lity p ro d u cts, se rvice s a n d
g re a te r a d va n ta g e
Company History
Stanlite was created during 1998, before Mr.
Carlos Sy became the President Of this company;
he first owned a buy and sell store now they are a
wholesaler retailer services
Product and Services
•E le ctrica l Pa rts a n d C o n stru ctio n

N u m b e r o f C u sto m e rs
•4 0 0

N u m b e r o f Tra n sa ctio n s
•4 0 p e r d a y
Statement of the problem
The company’s human resource department lacks strategies in
monitoring their attendance. Even though they have the database
of records of employees the monitoring of their attendance is still
• HR monitoring
• Checking of late attendance is not active
• Using log book for time in and time out

Statement of the
• Payroll
• Computation errors are made when payroll
system is done manually
• The company needs to buys vouchers for
recording the salary of each employee
which adds up to the company’s spending.
• They use folders to keep the vouchers that are
Objective of the System
Our goal is to build an automated system for the HR department combined with its
payroll system.

• The system provides computation of salaries of fixed formula to

avoid computation errors
• The time in and time out of employees will be specified by the
system to ensure the tardiness of each employees
• Lessen the work time
• The system will automatically organize the records of each
employee’s salary.
• Use of the system lessens the company’s spendings by
eliminating the need to buy vouchers.

Significance of the Study
The company is currently having difficulties in their HR
department which monitors their employees’ attendance.
The system would help lessen manual labor in the company.
It would also provide a more accurate tally on each
employee’s attendance.
Our group created this study to seek improvement for the
existing and proposed automated system of the company.

Scope and Limitation
The proposed Human Resource Information System
(HRIS) Payroll System (PS) allows checking of employees’
attendance within the workplace; at the same time, it
computes each employee’s salary deductions due to

The system is exclusive for Stanlite Marketing; only

employees within the Human Resource Department and for
the employer are allowed for the system’s applicability.

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