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January 2015 Trip


Purpose of the trip

Study other clinics in the region

Come up with standards that clinic in Saltadere should meet

Some information in the report is based on the previous trips to


Hospitals visited

Clinic in Dos Palais

Medical staff: one social medicine

doctor, one lab tech, one midwife,
and two nurses

Building seems bigger than needed

Partnered with St Michaels Catholic

Church in Glen Allen

Midwifes for Haiti visit the clinic

Partners in Health Hospital in

205,000 sq. ft.

300-bed facility

Primary care services about 185,000

people annually with some secondary
and tertiary care available

Provides education for next generation

nurses, medical students, and resident

Nursing school in Sapaterre

Two faculties available: Nurse

Sciences and Medical Biology

119 students enrolled

4 years of studies for students to

receive a license

Partners in Health Hospital in Cerca

la Source

11,830 sq. ft.

Around 90 employees

Services offered: general

consultation, Nutrition, Women
Health, HIV/TB/STC clinic, community
health, Cholera Treatment Centre

Outdoor night lightning provided by

the solar panels

In the process of constructing a

separate, about 8-room Maternity

Cerca la Source Clinic

St. Josephs Clinic in Thomassique

Medical staff: 3 medical doctors, 4

nurses, 3 midwives, 1 lab technician,
3 receptionists, 1 chef, 3 part time
kitchen workers, 6 facilities
personnel (maintenance, cleaning)

Built and supported by Medical


One of the best health facilities in its


St. Therese Hospital in Hinche

Largely supported by Partners in

Health both with staffing and

However, there is a severe

shortage of basic materials and
limited electricity

Neonatal deaths and high-risk

mothers on a regular basis

Midwives for Haiti undergo clinical

practice in this hospital

Saltadere Clinic

Members of the community stated that many patients dont get

medical care in time due to lack of transport

Residents expressed how much they want a local clinic

While they would love a brand new building, they recognized that a
well-renovated building would serve them well

Renovation is well supported by the community members

Clinic floor plan

3 Clinic rooms/Birthing room

Reception/waiting area

Public restroom

Present use of the clinic

Monthly midwife visits

Twice a month visit by Doctor George

Occasional special clinics

One of the 4 local nurses is based in the Saltadere clinic

Clinic review by CARITAS

Met with CARITAS (Catholic Relief Organization) engineer to evaluate

the building being renovated

Measurements were made

Areas of focus are

The leaking roof

Adding space

Usage of storage building

Ideas for further improvement

Fencing around the clinic

Development phasing to use the old clinic with renovations initially

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