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Programming language construct that supports

controlled access to shared data
Compiler adds synchronization automatically
Enforced at runtime

Shared data structures
Procedures/functions that operate on the data
Synchronization between processes calling those

Only one process active inside a monitor at any

All procedures are part of critical section

High-level synchronization allowing safe
sharing of an abstract data type among
concurrent processes.
monitor monitor-name
shared variable declarations
procedure body P1 () {
. . .
procedure body P2 () {
. . .
procedure body Pn () {
. . .
initialization code


shared data

at most one
process in monitor
at a time

operations (procedures)

Mutual exclusion
only one process can be executing inside at any time
if a second process tries to enter a monitor
procedure, it blocks until the first has relinquished
the monitor

Once inside a monitor, process may discover it

is not able to continue
condition variables provided within monitor
processes can wait or signal others to continue
condition variable can only be accessed from inside monitor
waiting process relinquishes monitor temporarily

To allow a process to wait within the monitor,
a condition variable must be declared, as
condition x;

Condition variable can only be used with the

operations wait and signal.

The operation
means that the process invoking this operation is
suspended until another process invokes
The signal operation resumes exactly one
suspended process. If no process is suspended,
then the signal operation has no effect.

wait and signal


When process invokes wait, it

relinquishes the monitor lock to allow
other processes in.
When process invokes signal, the
resumed process must reacquire
monitor lock before it can proceed
(inside the monitor)

Monitors Condition

monitor ProducerConsumer {

void producer() {

condition full, empty;

item i;

integer count = 0;

while (TRUE) {
/* produce item i */

/* function prototypes */


void insert(item i);

item remove();

void consumer() {

void producer();

item i;

void consumer();

while (TRUE) {
i =
/* consume item i */

void insert (item i) {
if (count == N) wait(full);
/* add item i */
count = count + 1;
if (count == 1) then signal(empty);
item remove () {
if (count == 0) wait(empty);
/* remove item into i */
count = count - 1;
if (count == N-1) signal(full);
return i;

Monitors variations
Hoare monitors: signal(c) means

run waiting process immediately (and acquires

monitor lock)
signaler blocks immediately (and releases lock)
condition guaranteed to hold when waiter runs
Mesa/Pilot monitors: signal(c) means
Waiting process is made ready, but signaler
waiter competes for monitor lock when signaler leaves
monitor (or waits)
condition is not necessarily true when waiter runs again

being woken up is only a hint that something has

must recheck conditional case

Monitors (Mesa)
void insert (item i) {
while (count == N) wait(full);
/* add item i */
count = count + 1;
if (count == 1) then signal(empty);
item remove () {
while (count == 0) wait(empty);
/* remove item into i */
count = count - 1;
if (count == N-1) signal(full);
return i;

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