Consumer Motivation: by Balachandar K Reference Book: Consumer Behavior, Schiffman & Kanuk

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By Balachandar K
Reference Book: Consumer behavior, Schiffman & Kanuk

Motivation Definition

Motivation is the driving force within

individuals that impels them to action.

Model of Motivational Process


Innate Needs (Biogenic or Primary)

Physiological needs
Acquired Needs (Psychological or Secondary)
Learned from culture or environment.
Extrinsic Needs Motivates an individual to
achieve end results.
Intrinsic Needs His/ her own comfort.

MOTIVES Positive and Negative

Positive Shaping up the body

Negative To avoid health problems


Generic Goals
Product Specific Goals
The selection of Goals
Personal experiences
Physical capacity
Prevailing cultural norms & values
Goals accessibility in the physical and social
Individuals characteristics

Positive and Negative Goal

Promotion and Prevention Focus

Positive Goal( Approach Object) towards which

behavior is directed.
Negative Goal ( Avoidance Object) behavior
which is directed away.
Promotion growth and development.
Prevention safety and security.

Utilitarian and Hedonic

Utilitarian Utility
Hedonic feelings, to enhance satisfaction

Interdependence of Needs and Goals

Needs and goals are interdependent; neither

exists without the other.

Individuals are more aware of their

physiological needs than are of their
psychological needs.

Rational Vs Emotional Motives

Rational people choose product which gives

most utility (size, weight, price and miles)

Emotional people select goals according to

personal or subjective ( eg: pride, fear,
affection or status)

Dynamics of Motivation

Needs are never fully satisfied

Needs emerge as old needs are satisfied

Success and failure influence goals:

Substitute Goals
Defense Mechanism

Aggression express anger.

Rationalization they say the goal is worthless.
Regression childish behavior.
Projection blaming others
Daydreaming / fantasizing.
Identification solving the issue by comparing with others.
Repression or suppression, Sublimation avoid thinking about the goal

Arousal of Motives

Physiological Arousal
Emotional Arousal
Cognitive Arousal

Types and systems of Needs

Segmentation and promotional


A trio of needs

e.g. ego needs


e.g. groups


e.g. self confident

Measurement of Motivation

Qualitative Research
e.g. underlying feelings, attitudes, and emotions
concerning product, service or brand etc.

Story telling
Word association and sentence completion
Thematic apperception test
Drawing pictures and photo sorts

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