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Training in Organizational Context

Human Resource Management Process & Functions

Human Resource (HR) Planning

The process by which managers ensure that they have the right
number and kinds of people in the right places, and at the right times.
Helps avoid future shortages and surpluses of people in organizations.
What do you do in HR planning:

Assessing current human resources.

Assessing future needs for human resources

Estimate people to be hired or fired

Recruitment: The process of locating, identifying, and attracting
capable applicants to an organization.
Sources of Recruitment:

Pre-requisites for Recruitment

Job Analysis: Systematic study of a job Collecting all information
related to the position/job

Description: A written statement that describes a job

Specification: A written statement that describes

qualifications/skills for the person to perform the job successfully

The process of screening job applicants and hiring the the most appropriate candidates.
What interviewers do in Selection?
Predicting which applicants, if hired, will be (or will not be) successful in performing well on the criteria the organization uses to evaluate performance .

Selection Tools: Application Forms, Interviews, Knowledge/skill Tests,Physical and Medical Examinations, Background Investigations

Induction (Orientation Training)

Education that introduces a new employee to his or her job and the

Work unit orientation:

familiarizes an employee with the goals of the work unit,

clarifies how job contributes to the units goals, and

includes an introduction to his or her new coworkers.

Organization orientation:

informs a new employee about companys goals, history,

philosophy, procedures, and rules.

includes relevant HR policies and maybe a tour of the facilities.

Training & Development

Employee skills have to improve/change over time
Managers are responsible for deciding

what type of training employees need,

when, how long, how frequent they need it, and

Who should train, etc

Development involves teaching broader skills

Employee Performance Management

(Performance Evaluation or Performance Appraisal)

A process of establishing performance standards and appraising
employee performance.
Evaluating performance, recording assessment, and providing

Compensation and Benefits

Means all monetary payments and all goods or services used to
reward employees

Helps attract and retain high-performance employees.

Impacts the performance of individuals and the firm.

Types of Compensation & Benefits

Fixed Pay Variable pay

Travel benefits

Incentive payments

Health/disability/life insurance

Skill-based pay




Paid leave/vacations



Employee Stock Options Plans (ESOP)

Subsidized food

Retirement Assistance



Also known as Separation

Employees leave voluntarily, retire, are right-sized, or are

fired for poor performance

Poor performing employees can be disruptive and cause

problems for morale

Exit interviews can be used to learn about dissatisfaction

Some of the Contemporary Issues

Downsizing is the planned elimination of jobs in an organization.

known as Righsizing (reducing the companys workforce to

the right size to make company more stronger and competitive)


must effectively and humanely manage the process

Managing Diverse workforce

Managing Work-life Balance
Controlling people Costs

Firing less effective employees; temporary workers, outsourcing,

recruiting from lower cost countries, reducing subsidized benefits

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