Power and Politics: Bases, Tactics and Behaviors

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Bases, Tactics and Behaviors

What is Power?
The capacity that A has to influence the

behavior of B so that B acts in

accordance with As wishes
Exists as a potential or fully actualized

influence over a dependent relationship

What is essence of Power?

Why Power is what it is?
- the function of Power

Power and Dependency

The General Dependency assumptions
The greater Bs dependency on A, the greater

the power A has over B

Possession/control of scarce organizational

resources that others need makes a manager

Access to optional resources (e.g., multiple

suppliers) reduces the resource holders power

Power and Dependency

Dependency increases when

resources are:
No substitutable

Contrasting Leadership and

Leaders use power as a means of

attaining group goals. Leaders

achieve goals, and power is a means
of facilitating their achievement
Their different axis on which

leadership and power can be


Contrasting Leadership and Power



Focuses on goal

Used as a means for

Requires goal
compatibility with
Focuses influence
Research Focus
Leadership styles

and relationships
with followers

achieving goals
Requires follower
Used to gain lateral
and upward influence
Research Focus
Power tactics for

gaining compliance

Where does power come from?

What are its sources?
What is it that gives individuals or
a group influence over others?

Bases or sources of Power

We can divide sources or bases of

power into two general groupings

formal and personal and then
breaking each of these down into more
specific categories

Formal power
Based on an individuals position in

an organization;
Formal power can come from the

ability to coerce or reward, from

formal authority, or from control of
It has four basis

Bases of Formal Power

Coercive Power
A power base dependent on fear of
negative results
Reward Power
Compliance achieved based on the
ability to distribute rewards that
others view as valuable

Basis of Formal Power

Legitimate Power
The formal authority to control and
use resources based on a persons
position in the formal hierarchy
Information Power
Power that comes from access to and
control over information.

Personal Power
Power that comes from an individuals

unique characteristics such as

expertise, the respect, and admiration
of others, and charisma
It has three basis

Bases of Personal Power

Expert Power
Influence based on special skills or knowledge.

Referent Power
Influence based on possession by an individual

of desirable resources or personal traits.

Charismatic Power
An extension of referent power stemming from

an individuals personality and interpersonal


How power is translated into actions?

How power is manifested into
Through Power Tactics

Power Tactics
Ways in which individuals translate

power bases into specific actions

They are influenced by nine different


Influence Tactics
Relying on ones authority position or

stressing that a request is in accordance

with organizational policies or rules

Rational persuasion
Presenting logical arguments and factual

evidences to demonstrate that a request

is reasonable

Influence Tactics
Inspirational appeals
Developing emotional commitment by

appealing to a targets values, needs,

hopes, and aspirations

Increasing the targets motivation and

support by involving him/her in deciding

how the plan or change will be done

Influence Tactics
Rewarding the target with benefits or

favors in exchange for following a


Personal appeals
Asking for compliance based on

friendship or loyalty

Influence Tactics
Using flattery, praise, or friendly behavior prior

to making a request

Using warnings, repeated demands and threats

Enlisting the aid of other people to persuade

the target or using the support of others as a

reason for the target to agree

How power is exerted?

By Politics

Political Behavior
Activities that are not required as part

of ones formal role in the organization,

but that influence, or attempt to
influence, the distribution of
advantages or disadvantages within the
It exist in two forms

Forms of Political Behavior

Legitimate Political Behavior
Normal everyday politics -

complaining, bypassing, obstructing

Illegitimate Political Behavior
Extreme political behavior that

violates the implied rules of the game:

sabotage, whistle-blowing, and
symbolic protest

He who knows how to flatter

also knows how to slander
Napoleon Bonaparte
The great power is great

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