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Organizing A Speaking Syllabus

It has been a constants theme in this book that the skill of

speaking is much more than the oral production of grammar or
vocabulary items.
Syllabus that is only orl argely a list of such items is not a
speaking syllabus,and As well as re-focusing attention on
fluency,the advent of the communicative approach has given rise
to what are called multi-layared syllabuses,which specify not only
the grammar and vocabulary competents but also the skills to be
The specifically target aspects of the speaking skill,such as
conversation,discussion and oral presentations a speaking course
that aimed to be comprehensive might choose from all the above
strands talking into account the specific needs and abilities of the

Integrating Skills.
A separate speking syllabus,or stand-alone speaking
course,might given the impression that speaking exist in
isolation,speaking always assumes a listener,whether
phsycally present other the other end of the
line,speaking,needs to be practised in conjuction with other
skills which suggest an integrated skills approach.
Such as to contact in an english international airport,they
will not only have to respond to questions,but they will have
to interpret and complete an immigration card,follow
sign,make a costums declaration and read the associated
literature an integrated approach is one argument in favour of
ask-based syllabus.

A Task-Based Approach
Outlined a model of instruction based on the learners attempts
to communicative using their available,resources an approach
that foreg rounds the performance of a task.And which only
after word focuses attention on the linguistics competentsof that
task,is known as a task-based approach.
Task-based instruction olginally motivated by the belief that a
language is best learned through using it,and that learning is
promptet and refined by the need to communicate,the learning
performs seccessive trials and re-trials.
These would involve speaking,of course,although not
necessarly exclusively and also ideally,reflect the kind of
language tasks that the learners would meet in the real world as
identified through needs analysis.

Generic task type include

Design task
Research tasks
Imaginative tasks

A Genre-Based Approach
Task-Based instructionhas been criticized and on the arounds
that is prioritizes the processes of using language,that expense
of a focus on the products,A task based approach to
instruction,when a fact learners need,clear and explicit models
of the language behaviour they are,

The starting point in a genre-oriented sequence of

instruction therefore is establishing the social purpose and
culutral context of the genre in question.The presentation and
analysis of a typical example before learners attempt to create
their own examples,the same criticims of a product-based
writing can be levelled at genre-based teaching.
In the is not that difficult to marry the two
approaches,the task based one and the genre-based one.This
then can be used as a point of comparison with the
performance of a more expect user.

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