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Objective and description :

The proposed of project is to construct the dam on river
Tapi (Dist- Jalgaon Maharashtra ) to have storage of
262.58 Mcum of water
The proposed project is a lift irrigation project
Main objective is to cater the need of water for
irrigation purpose from Tapi River Basin
Water will be lifted for irrigating 25657 ha of Irrigable
Command Area. The proposed project will benefit 83
Water will be utilized for kharif, Rabi and hot weather
crops by providing perennial irrigation facility

Baseline environmental status :

For the purpose of Environmental Impact Assessment the
Study area includes
Area within 10 km radius of the main Project Components
The area covering 1 km area around the Command Area of
project. Max temp 41.2C
Min temp 15.3C
R.H 88%-14%
Wind speed 12.8Km/h


6.8 to 7.6

Heavy metals(As,Cd) Surface Water:

detection limits

Total Dissolved Solids 58 to 220 mg/l.

iron and zinc Low conc.
( within standard )

Baseline environmental status :

Ground Water:pH level 6.5
to 8.3

TDS 156 to 750 mg/l.( Max

Standard 500mg/l)

can be used for drinking purpose after necessary

Day : 48.84 to
Night : 40.16 to 45.97
55.13 db
Noise Environment:
Soil Quality:
moderately fine, medium in texture and non-saline(pH
7.00 to 9.00)
soils do notland
any problem
for agriculture
to of
area covers
the study area
No sensitive environment
population 92846

Impact prediction and mitigation

measure :

Impact on Air
Construction phase :
due to emissions of fugitive dust from the construction
materials/activity/solid waste handling (not permanent )
Operation phase :
due to vehicular traffic movement, connecting network
of roads with various project components.
Mitigation measure: use of pollution under control (PUC)
certified vehicles

Impact prediction and mitigation

measure :
Impacts on Water quality
construction phase :
significant due to escape of suspended solids from
various construction activities(excavation ,construction )
soil erosion will deteriorate quality of water
downstream if allowed unchecked.
wastewater (domestic and construction ) discharges
can pose significant impact if discharged untreated.
Mitigation measure : sewage treatment plant

Impact prediction and mitigation

measure :
Impacts on Water quality
operation phase:
gates of Barrage is proposed to be kept open in
silt will be automatically flushed out in every monsoon
Mitigation measure :
conduit pipeline system has been proposed for irrigation
purpose from the reservoir(conserve water and minimize

Impact prediction and mitigation

measure :
Impacts on Hydrology
Construction phase
During the monsoon season, storm water run-offs will contain
large amounts of suspended solids/ debris ( due to construction )
During construction a suitably designed storm water diversion
system will be provided.
This result in higher water levels, water logging and submergence
of water into some unoccupied flat land in the vicinity

Mitigation measure : construction of temporary channel with

adequate bunding

Impact prediction and mitigation

measure :
Impacts on Hydrology
Operational phase
Due to lifting of large quantity of water from reservoir ,
some impact may be seen in downstream
Mitigation measure :
water distribution system will be through conduit
pipelines with provision of drip/sprinkler
sluices are provided in the barrage to have regulated
downstream flow

Impact prediction and mitigation

measure :
Impact of Water Logging
the chances of water logging in command area are
negligible due to
ground water level is very deep in the command area
the supply of water for irrigation will be through pipe

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