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Ms. Josephine T. Eduardo

CSD, Faculty

What is CSS?
CSSstands forCascadingStyleSheets
Styles definehow to displayHTML elements
External Style Sheetscan save a lot of work
External Style Sheets are stored inCSS files

Introducing Cascading Style

Style sheets are files or forms that describe the layout and
appearance of a document.
Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, is a style sheet language
used on the Web.
CSS specifications are maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium
Three versions of CSS exist: CSS1, CSS2, and CSS3.

Cascading Style Sheets

CSS1 - introduced styles for the following
document features:
Block-level Elements

Cascading Style Sheets

CSS2 introduced styles for the following
document features:
Visual Formatting
Media Types

Cascading Style Sheets

CSS3 (which is still in development) will
introduce styles for the following document

User Interfaces
Columnar layout
International Features
Mobile Devices
Scalable Vector Graphics

Applying a Style Sheet

Three ways to apply a style to an HTML
Inline Styles
Embedded Styles
External Styles

Using Inline Styles

Inline styles are easy to use and interpret because they are
applied directly to the elements they affect.

<element style=style1: value1; style2: value2; style3: value3;>

36pt/40pt courier;font-variant:small-caps;border:thick
dashed blue">Welcome to my home page!</h1>

Inline Styles Example

<title> CSS </title>
<body STYLE="background: #000000; color: #80c0c0">
<h1ALIGN="center"STYLE="background:#000080;font:36pt/40pt courier;

font-variant:small-caps;border:thick dashed blue"> Welcome to my home



Using Embedded Styles

You can embed style definitions in a document head
using the following form:
style declarations
Where style declarations are the declarations of the
different styles to be applied to the document.

Creating an Embedded Style Sheet

An embedded style sheet is one in which the CSS code is written
in the <head> section of an XHTML document
On a blank line in the <head> section of an XHTML document, type:

<style type="text/css">
Press the Enter key four times
Type the end </style> tag
Position the insertion point on the blank line between the start
<style> and end </style> tags
Type the CSS code

Creating an Embedded Style Sheet

The following code shows the syntax for an embedded style
<style type="text/css">
. . . CSS code is typed here . . .

Embedded Styles Example

Using an External Style Sheet

Because an embedded style sheet only applies to the
content of the start.htm file, you need to place a style
declaration in an external style sheet to apply to the
headings in the rest of the Web site
An external style sheet is a text file that contains
style declarations
It can be linked to any page in the site, allowing the same
style declaration to be applied to the entire site

Using an External Style Sheet

You can add style comments as you develop an external style
Use the link element to link a Web page to an external style
You can import the content of one style sheet into another

Understanding How Styles Are

A style is a consistent, recognizable pattern
A CSS style is a collection of one or more rules
A style sheet is a collection of styles
A rule is the combination of a selector, a property, and a
The selector identifies the element to which you are applying
a style.
Element, type, class, and id selectors

Creating a CSS Style

In a text document, type the selector followed by a left brace,
as in the following code, and then press the Enter key.
selector {
Type the declarations (each indented by two or three spaces),
separating a property from a value with a colon. Type a
semicolon after each declaration, and then press the Enter
key, as in the following code.
property: value;

Creating a CSS Style

Type a right brace on its own line (but not indented) below the
declaration list. The following code shows the complete syntax
for a rule:
selector {
property: value;
property: value;

Understanding How Styles Are


Working with Color

The color property changes the foreground color of an
The background-color property changes the background
color of an element
You can define color in three ways:
By name
By their RGB triplet
By a hexadecimal value

Working with Color

Grouping Element Selectors

Grouped selectors are selectors with the same declarations
grouped into a comma-separated list

Using Descendant Selectors

A descendant selector is a selector nested within another

Using Font Properties

Using Font Properties

The font-variant property can make text appear in small

Using Font Properties

The font-size property is used to change the font size
You can express font size in:

Using Font Properties

Em units and percents are examples of a relative value, a
value that increases or decreases in size in relation to its
parent element
Point values are an absolute value, a fixed value that will
not increase or decrease in size in relation to its parent

Using Font Properties

The font-family property is used to change the typeface of
A font family is a set of fonts that have similar
Fonts you see depend on the platform
Generic font

Using Font Properties

Using the Font Shorthand Property

Following the selector and the left-facing bracket, type font:
on its own line, as shown in the following code:
h2 {
Type values for the fonts style, weight, variant, size, and
family as applicable.
Enter spaces between the values for the font properties.
Enter commas between values for the font family.

Using the Font Shorthand Property

The following code shows the syntax for a completed rule:
h2 {
font: normal bold 1.4em Verdana, Helvetica, sansserif;

Using IDs and Classes

Use an id to distinguish something, like a
paragraph, from the others in a document
For example, to identify a paragraph as head,
use the code:
<p id=head> </p>


HTML and XHTML require each id be unique therefore an id

value can only be used once in a document

You can mark a group of elements with a common identifier

using the class attribute
<element class=class> </element>

Applying a style to a class

Applying a style to a class and


Sizing Elements and Floating an


You can define the width of columns in a columnar layout

using: width: value

You can use CSS to set an elements height using: height:


You can float a paragraph using: float: position

Working with the div Element

The div element is a generic block-level element


Working with Background

CSS background properties are used to define the background
effects of an element.
CSS properties used for background effects:

Using Background Color

Using Background Image

Using Background Image

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