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Aaren (played by Me):

We thought it was key that we used the name of our character in

order to connote her personality. Hence, we chose to use a unisex
name, Aaren, to challenge female stereotypes and certify her as an
anti-hero as opposed to the typical femme fatale. Specifically, the
name means 'mountain of strength', and so we are using the name
as a means of foreshadowing her strong personality and thirst for
revenge - similar to Lisbeth Salander in 'The Girl with The Dragon
Aaren's costume is specifically all black. This creates the
connotations of a certain doom and her often looking down
suggests she wants to hide her identity, complimenting the thriller
genre with the concept of mystery and the unknown. Additionally,
her all black costume conveys an alternative representation of a
female within a thriller. We have aimed to give her a different
identity to that of what other thrillers present females as. For
example; sticking to this idea of Lisbeth Salander having a very
different, alternative Gothic identity, Aaren too represents her own
identity, referencing perhaps a similar strength to Lisbeth Salander
with unique dress sense suggesting her uniqueness and lack of
care over everyone else's opinion. This suggests Aaren's
uniqueness is for herself, emphasising her strength, lack of care
over the situation and over her victim.

'The Man' (played by Sam):

Sam was a very easy choice to make when deciding

who would play the man's role because he looks the
oldest out of our group and we needed someone who
looked old enough to act as a threat towards someone.
We contemplated a lot about whether to give this
character a name because our initial idea was to have
his name on the napkin in which he wipes the blood off
the girls face with in the flashback. This was to add
dominance and intrigue over who this man is. Having
said this, by giving him no name but 'The Man' , it
added to the enigma in which we wanted our thriller to
have. It suggested an importance to his character,
such as that of 'Bill' in Tarantino's 'Kill Bill', suggesting
the idea that there is more to him that meets the eye and that is why Aaren is so thirsty for a revenge upon

As a product of this character having no real

name, we have changed the element of his
name being on the napkin, to a symbol.
Almost like a tattoo, or a business mark, this
symbol will also be visible on him in the shots.
Moreover, the audience will feel even more of
a sense of an enigma with the question of
what the symbol means, whilst still enhancing
the man's vulgar behaviour as he cleans the
blood off her face with a personalised napkin.
The Man's' costume is formal to an extent, to
connote his previous dominance which Aaron
takes. He wears a business-like coat to convey

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