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Team B Members

Gretchen Bratt

Seth M Kaplowitz

Ellen Chang

Lois McWay

Juan Guerra
UCSD Extension: Project Management
Image source:

Team and Project Overview
Project Charter
Statement of Work (SOW) and Scope Statement
Team Organizational Structure
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
Roles & Responsibilities
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Feasibility Study Project Schedule
Communications Plan
Current Project Status
Lessons Learned
Project Closure Plans

Who is Team BRAVO?


Team Bravo is a boutique land development, construction and consulting firm that focuses on
assisting owners, real estate developers, builders and investment groups perform their project
due diligence both in pre-development and active development phases.

Assists individuals and companies that are not staffed with objective and experienced
professionals to research the viability of a development or construction project.

Provides an alternative to traditional land development and construction services by serving

as the client's representative in an objective advisory capacity and not an adversarial role.

Team Bravo has found a niche in this questionable economic market where individuals and
companies are doing more with less funds and staff, while relying on outside service providers
to fulfill their in house needs.

Team Bravo takes the uncertainty out of the most crucial aspect of a project by offering a service
that is tailored to the needs of their client by providing the necessary information for decision
making at any stage of a project.

In addition, Team Bravo provides forensic services for clients with under performing or risky
projects as well as construction management of those projects.

Team Bravo's strategy works best when retained at the inception of the project and prior to any
significant work being done by the client or professionals being retained so that resources are
not wasted or efforts turn out to be unproductive do to poor planning or execution.

Project Overview

Team Bravo has been retained by Steve and Suzanne Manchester to prepare a feasibility
study to determine if their property can be subdivided into multiple conforming single family
home building lots.

The feasibility study will provide the foundation for a Business Case that will help assess
whether or not this is a good real estate investment will the properties provide a positive

Team BRAVO will provide all services required from due diligence through construction

The due diligence conducted over the course of the feasibility study will determine:
Whether or not the property is zoned for intended use, and how many lots could be
Market analysis to determine the sales price of homes and profile of the target market
What the application process entails
What governmental agencies would need to be included in the process
Time frame for government entities to act on the application
Which professionals are needed to assist with Phase II and III of the overall project
Feasibility Study Report and Outbrief
Weekly Status Reports


Project Title
Start Date
Project Mgr

Manchester Estates


Seth Kaplowitz
Phase I complete by
Project Objectives 11/15/10
Approach: Determine
Success Criteria:
milestones, Define
measurement of success,
time lines, Project Phases,
Assignments, Key risks, how
to communicate with group,
SOP, Meeting times,
expectations of group

Seth Kaplowitz
Project Manager
Gretchen Bratt

Team Member

Ellen Chang
Lois McWay

Team Member
Team Member

Juan Guerra

Team Member

Project Director

Phase I
Phase 2


Phase 3
Determining that there are no
restrictions that would impede the
development of this property into
multiple conforming single family
building lots; preparing a feasible
financial structure to support the
project; creating a project team of
professionals that have experience
with the community government; all
applications being approved

888-732-4348 x15

888-732-4348 x16

888-732-4348 x17
888-732-4348 x9

888-732-4348 x12

Statement of Work
This Statement of Work defines the scope of work to be accomplished by Team Bravo under the terms and conditions of this
agreement. The tasks to be performed by Team Bravo and corresponding estimates are listed.
Changes to this Statement of Work will be processed in accordance with the procedure described in the section titled "Change
Control Procedure." The investigation and the implementation of changes may result in modifications to the Estimated
Schedule, Charges, or other terms of this Statement of Work.
The objective of this Statement of Work (SOW) is to provide our client, the Manchesters, with an estimate for developing their
property for single family homes.
Detailed Requirements & Approach
The following are activities to be included in this Statement of Work (SOW).
1.Zoning department to confirm zoned for determining the conformity to the zoning ordinances
2. Planning Department to determine if there are any impediments to processing an application for subdivision approval
3. Engineering/Building Department to research any particular codes, community specific regulations and processing
4. Coastal Commission to determine if the potential application would need CC approval and if so, what are the applicable
5. Real estate marketing report establishing the comparable sales prices for the neighborhood for determining the sales price
vs construction pricing
6. Requests for Proposals from professionals that would be retained if the Manchesters decided to move forward with the
project, ie. civil, soil and structural engineers, architect, attorney for processing the application, general contractor or
construction manager or both
7. Financial Analysis to determine the viability of the project.
8. Preparation of Feasibility Report.
9. Should Client's decide to move forward based on the results of the Feasibility Report, the deliverable for Phase One, Phase
Two would begin by retaining a civil engineer and architect to prepare a preliminary layout to submit for technical review by the
appropriate governmental agencies and departments.
10. Should a favorable decision be made by the appropriate governmental agencies and departments Client's would need to
determine if they would like to engage the required professionals to begin the formal process, Phase Three, of filing an
application for subdivision approval .

Statement of Work (2)

Statement of Work Continued

Team Bravo will prepare a detailed feasibility study integrating all of the information collected with recommendations based on
the analysis.

Acceptance Criteria
The Manchester's, as clients, provided with enough quality information for purposes of decision making with regard to the
pursuit of the project. Team Bravo will be satisfied with client's acceptance if the balance of the project is paid in full.

Special Requirements
None noted at this time

Change Control Procedure

The following provides a detailed process to follow if a change to this Statement of Work (SOW) is required.
A Project Change Request (PCR) shall be the vehicle for communicating change. The PCR must describe the change; the
rationale for the change and the effect the change will have on the project. Team Bravo will prepare and review the proposed
change and and seek clients approval as to time and cost. If the change request is agreed upon and authorized, Team Bravo
shall get written authorization from client for the PCR and provide any confirmation of funding, as specified in the PCR, in a
timely manner in order to allow the work defined in the PCR to be performed within schedule.

Communications Plan

Stakeholder communications requirements: Team BRAVO plans to use interviews,

checklists, and status meetings to ensure project communications stay on track. Our plan
includes communications requirements for suppliers (outsourced consultants) to the team.

Communications Summary: It is important to understand that the clients are a married couple. The tendency to be contacted
by both clients individually is possible. No authorizations to perform any task or change without the consent of both clients is
permissible. All such conversations must have a memo sent to the client and our file.




Short Meeting;
hard copy and inProject Kickoff and
Summary Briefing
email - includes
status of work,
where help is
needed, and any
Weekly Status Report schedule risk
email - includes
Weekly Status Report status of work,
Draft Report on
where help is
Comps Midway
needed, and any
schedule risk;
Final Report on
final report - hard


Due Date/Frequency

Project Team; led by

Project Mgr

Kickoff - no later than 1

week after project start;
Summary - end of project

All team members

Weekly; Mondays at 7pm

Real Estate Comps

Team BRAVO Project Organization

Manchester Feasibility Study (Phase I)

Team BRAVO Project Organization

Manchester Feasibility Study (Future)

Roles & Responsibilities (1)

/ Manager

Roles & Responsibilities (2)


Team BRAVO Feasibility Study

(Phase I) WBS

Phase I
Phase 2
Phase 3

Feasibility Study Project Schedule

Current Status Report

Project Name
Project Status for
Week Ending
Project Manager
Project Administrator


Project Kickoff
Feasibility Draft
Project Outbrief

Manchester Feasibility

Seth Kaplowitz

Gretchen Bratt

Planned Dates

Actual Dates






Work Accomplished
This Reporting Period

Receive/Review Real Estate Comps Rpt

Complete Construction Financing Source
Section of Report
Provide draft Feasibility Study for Team
Plans for Next Week

Project Outbrief

Customer excited about project - provided

additional guidance on what they were looking for
Date slipped a week - not all team members
available to fully review final draft.

Reviewed RE Comps; provided a few comments to
the RE Consultant and received update
Complete - initial strategy developed
Need to ensure this task stays on track - that team
stays focused. Not much time for recovery if there
are drastic errors or rework.

Project Closure
Project Closure
Project Name

Manchester Feasibility Study

Final Deliverables

Delivery Date/Final Budget

Feasibility Study

11/19/2010; $100,000

Feasibility Study Outbrief


Team BRAVO met my aggressive deadline for a feasibility study so that we
Expectations/Comments: could evaluate the real estate investment potential we were considering.
They proactively communicated with us, allowing us to have insight into their
progress, which made us feel they were on the right track and would do a
superb job for us.

Customer Signoff

Steve & Suzanne Manchester

Project Lessons Learned

Project Lessons Learned
A. Discuss Project Scope, Time, Cost Goals
Internal budget for project was $85,000, while price to customer was $100K. Our final cost was approx $88,000,
having negotiated a fee waiver for the cost of Real Estate Comps consultant.

We interfaced with the Client at least weekly, providing them our report. This allowed good dialogue. The client
appreciated the ability to obtain feedback; however, at times, we were challenged to manage our scope. In the
end, we were successful.
B. List this projects three biggest successes. (What Went right)
Factors that Promoted this Success
Project Kickoff
Many projects do not do a project kickoff - which pulls all team members together to ensure we are all on the
same page with regards to scope, schedule, objectives. Our kickoff was successful because it identified a few
areas where we were not on the same page, and so we could address those areas right off the bat
Interim Milestones - deliverable
reviews - set early
Disciplined Comms Plan
C. List areas of potential improvement along with high-impact improvement strategies: (What Went Wrong)
Factors that Promoted this Success
We should have defined roles and responsibilities prior to the Kick Off and then sorted out questions at the
kickoff. This wasn't a big issue, all in all, but did cause some confusion in the beginning
Team Expectations

D. Transition Plan
Document Repository

Hot Wash

We should have went over our expectations for each other at the outset (Kickoff); we ended up working through
individual work-habit differences in the end, but up front discussion would have prevented some frustration, and
enabled the team to gel earlier.
Ensure all team members know where project documents are stored, to include minute from meetings as well as
client comments on project outbrief. Ensure procurement management/materials are included (for the hiring of
the RE consultant)
Conduct final hotwash post Client Outbrief with team - to ensure all are available/committed for Phase II

Federal, State, County and Municipal Ordinances
Municipal Departments
Direct Interviews with Officials
Planner/Zoning Officials and Assistants
Engineering Officials and Assistants
Building and Sub-Code Officials and Assistants
State Departments
Coastal Commission
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
County Departments
Department ofEnvironmental Protection (DEP)
Coastal Commission
Federal Agencies
Army Corps of Engineers
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Local Utility Companies for 'Will Service Letters
Electric, Gas, Water, Sanitary, Cable, Telephone
(Will Service letters insures that there is enough capacity and availability to provide the service to the project. If there was a
moratorium, drought or inferior infrastructure a 'will service' letter would not be forthcoming and a denial or wait list would be

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