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Consumer Online Shopping

Attitudes and Behavior

(Tunisian companies in focus)
A presentation Submitted by
Under the Supervision of
Dr. Mohamed AGREBI



Internship Report

Internship Project



Internship Report

Internship Project


General Objectives:
Having enough knowledge about Hands Global Service
Giving an overview of the internship experience: Tasks,
responsibilities, observations, accomplishments and
Identifying CSR in hotel industry.
Exploring the objectives of implementing RB program
in the Radisson Blu.
Discussing the three pillars of RB in the hotel.



Internship Report

Internship Project


Internship report
The institution profile:
My three-month internship took place in
Hands Global Service company
. HGS is an online store for electronics in

HGS company, created in 2008, is a us

company which has a branch in Sousse

Internship report

HGS s products:






The activities of Hands Global Service

Dialing for 8 hours shift every day, i.e. making

live calls to potential customers and explaining
to them companys products and offers
Reply to customers inquiries about HGSs online
productse via emails
uploading products online, Preparing catalogues
for these products and processing orders.
Dealing with payment and shipment
Contacting suppliers
Processing orders

Internship report
2. Overview of the internship experience
2.1. Tasks and responsibilities:

(As a service customer representative )

Research required information using

available resources
Manage and resolve customer complaints
Provide customers with product and
service information
Deal directly with customers either by
telephone, electronically or face to face
Respond promptly to customer inquiries

Internship report

Provide pricing and delivery information

Provide feedback on the efficiency of the
customer service process
Follow up customer calls where

Internship report
3. Dealing with difficulties:

Problem with the speed of the work

The field of e-commerce is very complicated
Phone calls with English native speakers

Internship report
4. Learned experience:

I practiced my communication skills as a

customer servive representative.( i was in direct
contact with people)
I acquired new information about Marketing and
purchasing online.
I gained an advantageous experience inside a
global modern firm.



Internship Report

Internship Project


Internship project

1. Introduction
With the competition is fierce in ecommerce, the online retailers supposed
to get to know more about the influencing
factors work on the online consumers. In
other words, the online retailers should
understand the customer relationship
management,which can lead to make
effective business strategy and achieve
the market demands in a right way.

Internship project
Main objectives of the study:

Understanding the major factors which

significantly affect customers attitude
towards purchasing products over the
internet in Tunisia.
Giving suggestions to the Tunisian
companies and governments for a better
development of e-commerce in Tunisia

Internship project

2. Literature review
2.1 The E-commerce:

E-commerce: consists of the

buying and selling of products or

services over electronic systems such
as the Internet and other computer
networks. (Laudon & Traver, 2008, p.

Internship project

2.2 E-Commerce Market Models :

Business to Business (B2B)

Business to Customer (B2C)

Customer to Business (C2B)

Customer to Customer (C2C)

Internship project

2.4 The benefits of online shopping :

Easy and fast to find products.

Consumer enjoys online shopping for 24 hour per
More reach to customers, there is no theoretical
geographic limitations.
Low operational costs and better quality of
No need of physical company set-ups.
Customers can easily select products from different
providers without moving around physically.

Internship project

2.5 Consumer behavior: Consumer

behavior is the study of when, why, how,

and where people do or do not buy
products. It blends elements from
psychology, sociology, social
anthropology and economics. It attempts
to understand the buyer decision making
process, both individually and in groups.
(Sandhusen, 2000, p. 218)

Internship project
2.6 Online shopping experience in Tunisia

In March 2012, the number of subscribers to the

Tunisian Internet exceeded 607000 , it had
doubled in less than three years. It is also
estimated that the ratio of the number of
computers / 100 inhabitants reached 15 (it was
5.7 in 2005).
In Tunisia, there are 614 operational sites21. This
number is up 12% compared to 2011. Another
improvement concerned electronic transactions.
In fact, it is estimated that this has jumped to
100,000 (an increase of 35% compared to 2011)

Internship project

In the first half of 2012, the turnover of

the Tunisian e-commerce is estimated at
11MD (an increase of 68% compared to
2011). On the other hand, According to
the Tunisian post office, the number of
cardholders e-Dinar (secure electronic
wallet) is 1,183,003. The same source
estimates that the number of
withdrawal and payment has reached
3.5 million.

Internship project

2.7 Factors influencing customers

attitude in Tunisia:
Restrictions on the dinar

Online payment
High fees

Internship project

The future of electronic commerce in


By 2014, the number of electronic merchant website

will amount to 750 sites and there are more than
100 B2B electronic platforms

A strategic approach is needed given the figures

recorded in recent times by comparing the activity at
31 December 2011 compared to the same period last
year, the statistics of electronic banking in Tunisia
show an evolution of 4% in terms of transactions
allowed, equivalent to 278.174 shares.

Internship project

The future of electronic commerce in


By 2014, the number of electronic merchant website

will amount to 750 sites and there are more than
100 B2B electronic platforms

A strategic approach is needed given the figures

recorded in recent times by comparing the activity at
31 December 2011 compared to the same period last
year, the statistics of electronic banking in Tunisia
show an evolution of 4% in terms of transactions
allowed, equivalent to 278.174 shares.

Internship project

3. Methodology
In order to study the situation of the
Tunisian sector of e-commerce and
understand the various factors that hinder
its development I used the technique of a

guided questionnaire

Internship project
3. Methodology
- To determine the psychographic profile of

consumers who purchase over the Internet.

-To identify the factors influencing online shoppers
and consumers.

- To identify the key product and service categories opted

for by consumers depending on their profile.

To study the customers level of satisfaction with regard

to online shopping.
To determine the average spending and frequency of
purchase over the internet by a consumer.

Internship project
4.1Education Background of respondents
It is the younger
generation who are
at the forefront of
online shopping
since most of our
respondents belong
to this category

Internship project

Income Distribution Among respondents

The buying
power of the average
Tunisian is still too low

Internship project
Frequency of Internet connection per week

there is no
significant relationship
between hours spent on
internet and attitude
towards online shopping
among the respondents

Internship project
Major products ordered over the Internet:

Tunisians prefer to order clothes and electronics

rather than books, Tunisians e-books take up is low

Internship project
Main Reasons for online Shopping:

Tunisians are attracted to the e-commerce by best

sellers have to put in mind this important

Internship project
1. Reasons discouraging the online purchase

Results have shown that the security of payment is

the biggest barrier in online shopping in Tunisia,

Internship project
4. Environmental responsibility:
Percentage of respondents' knowledge of hotel engagement in operating methods that preserve natural resources


0% 7%
No I dont know

The Radisson Blu is very interested in the protection

of the environment and the preservation of natural



Internship Report

Internship Project


Factors influencing customers attitudes negatively while purchasing


Restrictions on the
Online payment
High fees

The main barrier in the process of online

shopping is the safety issue,Low level of
trust on online stores is another factor
which keeps customers away from
shopping online
Main reason for the online shopping
the main crucial identified factors are
the best price, time saving and

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