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Representation and

Format: How does our

opening sequence represent
particular social groups?

Evaluation #2

Target Audience
The target audience for our thriller opening is 1535 year old males of any ethnicity. Both the victim
and antagonist are British Caucasian and wear a
variety of different costumes that are associated
to a number of social classes. This is so that we
can try and cover as many classes as possible to
make it relatable to a larger proportion of the
audience. In this case, it would be those people
who fall under B and below because people of
the A demographic are less likely to visit the

Class and Ethnicity

Editing This shows mostly the antagonist because at this point in the
story he is the dominant character. There are lots of cuts of what he is
wearing to signify his class as well as to show the minimum of his identity.
Soundtrack The soundtrack peaks in intensity when the antagonist is on
screen to show that he is key to what is going on at this point. It also
makes it clear he is superior to the victim in terms of how much influence
they have over one another.
Mise en Scene The costumes of the characters do not specifically relate
to their ethnicity so there is no discrimination when it comes to there
background because the clothes could be worn by anyone. However they
do signify the class of the characters but not for any other reason than just
because these are the clothes people of middle/upper-working class would
Cinematography We use low angle shots to show the dominance of the
killer and how the victim is vulnerable in the situation which translates to
the audience as we want them to feel the same as the victim.

Age and Gender

Mise en Scene The weapons suggest that the characters are male
because of the connotations of men being associated with danger.
The clothes also signify the gender but because one of them is
wearing a mask in cannot be confirmed.
Soundtrack The soundtrack is dark and intense which also
illustrates that these characters are more likely to be male than
female because of the connotations these themes have.
Editing Having a long shot for the torture sequence could highlight
the how vulnerable the victim is because as time goes on there is
nothing he can do to stop the killer. Vulnerability can be associated
with youth which could suggest the victim is young. You dont know
about the antagonist because of the mask he is wearing
Cinematography The POV shot again signifies the vulnerability of
youth and so supports the idea of the victim character being young.

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