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the Bronze

John 3:14-15

14Just as Moses lifted up

the snake in the desert,
so the Son of Man must
be lifted up, 15 that
everyone who believes in
Him may have eternal

Numbers 21:4-9
4 and the soul of the people
became very discouraged on
the way.
5 And the people spoke
against God and against
Why have you brought us up
out of Egypt to die in the
For there is no food and no

Exodus 16

31 And the house of Israel

called its name Manna. And
it was like white coriander
seed, and the taste of it was
like wafers made with honey.

Because of its taste

and sweetness,
Jesus is the kind of
bread you will never
get tired of eating.
When you have Him,
you will always crave

Numbers 11

6 but now our whole

being is dried up; there is
nothing at all except this
manna before our eyes!
The Manna which is a
picture of Jesus did not
change its the people
that changed

Jesus is Our
Heavenly Manna
In the Manna is all the
provision, all the
satisfaction and all the
good things one can
ask for.

6 So the Lord sent fiery

among the people,
and they
bit the people; and
many of
the people ofNashak
to oppress
with interest
7 Therefore the people
on a
to Moses, and said, We have
sinned, for we have spoken
against the Lord and against
pray to the Lord that He take

8 Then the Lord said to Moses,

Make a fiery serpent, and set
it on a pole; and it shall be
that everyone who is bitten,
when he looks at it, shall live.
9 So Moses made a bronze
serpent, and put it on a pole;
and so it was, if a serpent had
bitten anyone,
when he looked at the bronze
serpent, he lived.

What did the people

ask Moses for God
to do?
To take away the
serpents from them
or take away their

Gods answer to the

peoples request was
not to take away the
snakes from them but;
to make a bronze
snake and set it on a
pole and whoever
looks at it will live.

Gods answer for

you today is not to
take away your
problem but to look
at His provision
look at the cross

Why bronze snake?

Bronze in the Bible is
always a picture of
And the bronze
serpent on a pole is a
picture of Jesus being

Why snake?
Because the snake
is a picture of curse.
In the garden, the
snake was cursed.

At the cross,
Jesus became
what we are;
so that we might
become as He is.

The Lord is telling the

people not to look at
the snake bite, not to
look at their situation
(being bitten by

He wants us to look at
the bronze serpent
(Jesus), His provision
of healing and answer
to all their problems.

The Hebrew word

used for look in v.9
is nabat
which means to look
with expectation.

In other words when

you look to the
cross Jesus and His
finished work,
you are expecting
something good to
happen to you.



Shaddai/ Fence


Nachash the
believer is fenced
from the Lord

The serpent (Devil)

is the one thing that
hinders the believer
from the Lord.

Because of the finished

work of Jesus, the Devil can
no longer bite (nashak) or
oppress you.
He can no longer fence or
hinder you from receiving
your healing, deliverance,
and provision for all your

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