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20+ management tips for
leadership avoidance

We all have our leadership

Why arent

Often they go no-where

but no influence

Want to know?
How did my boss become a senior
manager when he/she has zero
leadership skills?

This presentation defines management

behaviours that surround us

but are generally

sidestepped to prevent

No gloss
There are no pretty pictures and
awesomely inspired imagery.

Just words.

So then, just what is..

fake leadership???

Whilst employed as a senior manager, fake

leadership can be defined as;

1. An avoidance of defining what

leadership is

2. A consistent lack of leadership behaviour

3. The covering up of (1) and (2) via
alternative behaviours

So how do you become a fake


20+ tips to show you the way..

1. Management matters
As a senior manager your priority is
managing sales, systems, processes,
people and the numbers
Get this right and your lack of
leadership will never be a real issue

2. Confidence
Be full of it
even when you have no reason to be

You are the person who always knows

what they are doing,
clearly you are a leader

3. Involve HR
Corporates encourage managers to
involve HR people/process in any
decision (to avoid accountability)
It might be the wrong decision,
but it was half OK if HR gave their

4. Know the theory

..of leadership inside and out. Put that
leadership course certificate
prominently on your office wall.
You may have zero leadership
behaviours, but you know how its
supposed to be done
This should be enough

5. Quote Apple and Jobs

Quote a reference to the iPhone, you
will be right every time
Despite the irrelevance of Steve
Jobs expertise and management style
to your industry, quote him anyway.
No one will argue with you

6. Be on a Leadership
Surround yourself with likeminded
managers on this exclusive team.
Emphasise its importance on your
public Outlook calendar.
Who can ever challenge your
leadership qualities?
Youre on the team!

7. Force a positive internal

Better together
Good to Great
Striving for Excellence

Its what good leaders do. Anyone who questions

the cheese can be isolated for being negative.

8. Give the dog a bone

Offer a surprise managers shout;
Lunch at a local restaurant

Leaders pay for it. Everyone loves it.

9. Bark now and then

Bite someones head off

Surprise everyone. Youre the boss.

Youre the leader. Youre just like Steve Jobs

Keep them on their toes

10. Stroke your team pet

There is one in every team.
When your leadership is lacking the
team lapdog will highlight your

The others remain frustrated

Thats their choice.

11. Dress to impress

Shiny shoes!
Gigantic watch
Fancy pen
Big car

You are definitely a leader

12. Perception is reality

Highly technical business and industry
Only leaders have time for such things.

Leave the latest editions scattered around

your office. Drop in a random article quote
The leader knows all

13. Agree with

1. Your boss about everything
2. Anyone more senior than you
3. Anything from HR
This is not leadership, this is effective

14. Disagree with

1. Your direct reports
2. Anyone less senior than you
3. Anything that hasnt got HR approval

Reinforce your authority to steamroll

leadership challenges

15. Monthly Expenses

Never do your own

ensure they are of significant value

True leaders spend up large and let

others do the donkey work

16. Leadership pictures

Black and white imagery of famous people
long dead.
Your office is a shrine
You are a disciple

Their leadership qualities live on through


17. Be needed
enjoy a grand hotel, a drink & a nice meal
Leaders must always
personally attend fancy random events
Being a leader demands
a lot of your time
This is your sacrifice.

18. Big company = hiding

avoid leadership simply by existing
within layers of management
let them come and get you
if they dare

19. Distraction
Laugh at others
Esp the competition and various internal
your team will have this in common
with you;
a distraction from your own

20. The Big Signature

Dominate the bottom of every

Big leaders have page presence.

21. Narcissism
A weakness for many
A complement for the fake leader

you know how awesome you really are.

Wikipedia: narcissism is a term that originated with Narcissus in Greek mythology who fell in love with his own image
reflected in a pool of water. Currently it is used to describe a person characterized by egotism, vanity, pride, or selfishness;
an erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes.

And finally. Numbers.

Always manage the numbers.
Leadership is not the top priority
valued by the shareholders.
The numbers are.

For more tips on leadership avoidance

you can follow me on YouTube:

Click here

Kind Regards,

the leader

Rate your boss

How many of Davids tips relate to
your boss?
3 to 5 = typical scenario, observe and
5 to 10 = look for another job
10 to 15 = leave your job regardless
15 to 20 = your boss is a twat in any
>20 = David Brent

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