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What is training

Training in a sense is also teaching a specific skill

generally of a well structured and standardized type
and capable of being communicated in an objective
manner from one person to another.
Training is planned process to modify attitude
knowledge or skill behavior through learning
experience to achieve effective performance

in an activity or range of activities. Its
purpose in the work situation, is to develop
the abilities of the individual and to satisfy the
current and future needs of the organization
Thus training is enhancing abilities in
terms of individual or groups more effective
contribution towards achievements of
objectives of an organization

Training -- Another

view of training
It is not what you want in life but it is knowing
how to reach it
It is not where you want to go but it is
knowing how to get there
It is not how high you want to rise but it is
knowing how to take off



Refers to imparting of knowledge contextual

and specific which would be necessary as a
background for understanding and practicing
skill and need not always have the sharp
vocational focus which training must have

Training --

Education can also be defined as activities

which aim at developing the knowledge, skill,
moral values and understanding required in
all aspects of life rather than a knowledge
and skill relating to only a limited field of
The purpose of education is to provide
conditions essential to develop an
understanding of the tradition and ideas

Training ---- influencing the society in which they live and

enable them to make a contribution to it
Education in general also involves study of
culture and the laws of nature as well as the
acquisition of linguistic and other skills which
are basics to learning,personal development,
creativity and communication

Training --Education is not

for knowing more
for behaving differently

Training ---- Development


Development are those efforts which not only

teach skill but also encourage and improve
the ability to teach and train oneself and
others. It aims at individuals whole
personality and not at his hand and brains.

Training --

Employees development is basically about

making learning happen although usually in
the service of some, goals or objectives
It involves planning and management of
peoples learning with the aims of making the
learning process more effective, increasingly
efficient, properly directed and therefore

Training---- Thus

training relates to job oriented learning

experience, education to individual oriented
learning experience and development to
organizational learning experience.
In other words it can be said that education is
for life while training is for work

Training --

Increasing importance of training

Rapid change
- Technological
- Social
- Legal
- Economical
Optimum utilization of resources
Creating excellent organizational and work culture

Training --

New demands on leadership

Integration of the market at the international
Need of self motivated and enthusiastic
minds to steer the process of innovation and
research through self generated initiatives
Corporate social responsibilities

Training ---

Necessity for sustained self generated

development and growth
Necessity for recognition and respect of
contribution of others and generate will to
collaborate with them

Training Objectives

Training ---- this has to be viewed from different

perspectives namely
a) Employer/ investor
b) Trainee/ employee
c) Designer/ trainer
d) Evaluator/ user
The challenge is to synchronize
different perspective and move ahead

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