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Cash crops

Cash crops are crops grown for profit.
The term is used to differentiate from
subsistence crops, which are those
fed to the producer's own livestock or
grown as food for the producer's

Cash crop. A crop, such as tobacco, grown
for direct sale rather than for livestock

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,

Fourth Edition copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All
rights reserved.

Cash crop. (Agriculture) a crop grown for

sale rather than for subsistence

Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged

HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003


Sugarcane is an important cash crop of India.
Molasses, sugar and khandasari etc. are
produced from the juice of sugarcane. India is
the first; in the sugar can cultivate area point
of view, in the world. Sugarcane cultivation
needs temperature of 15 to 40 and rainfall of
100 to 150 centimeters and fertile loamy soil
or hard soil. Sugarcane is cultivated from
Kanyakumuri (southern part) to Punjab (northwest) but it is more cultivated in Uttar Pradesh.

India has been known as the original
home of sugarcane and sugar. The
types of sugars produced are:
Bakers sugar
Barley sugar
Brown sugar
Candy sugar

India is first in the cultivation of tea
in the world. Tea cultivation needs
hot climate, excess rainfall and
sloppy soil. Due to this tea is
cultivated only in excess rainfall and
sloppy areas of hills. Tea is found
more in Assam. But it is also
cultivated in Karnataka, Kerala and
Himachal Pradesh.

Coffee cultivation needs hot and wet
climate and fertile sloppy land. Coffee
needs more temperature than tea. So it is
cultivated in southern part of India. Coffee
tree cannot bear direct sunshine and so it
is cultivated under the shade of big trees
and it grows rapidly beneath the big, trees.
Coffee cultivation is found in the States of
Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu.

Rubber: Rubber is another cash crop. Rubber is
needed by different industries and transport
industry in this modern age. Rubber is both
natural and artificial. Rubber is produced through
chemical processes in an artificial way. Rubber
needs equatorial climate to grow but it is now
cultivated in hot and wet climate garden in
natural way. Rubber is cultivated in the State of
Kerala in India. Except Kerala, it is found in the
Andaman Nicobar Islands, Kurgan of Karnataka
State and Chicmagalur district etc.

Groundnut, mustard, rapeseed,
linseed and caster help us to get our
edible oil. Oil is also extracted from
coconut. Out of these oils, some oils
are used in the preparation of
INDIA is the first leading producer of
groundnut and second in linseed.

How Are Cash Crops

Indias major occupation is
Agriculture.Due to climatic conditions
and farmland availability India aces
in cultivation of crops both for
domestic and commercial use. Cash
crops like
and tobbaco are majorly cultivated
and exported to other countries
maitaining the economic stability of

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