Penyebab Virus - Rhabdiviridae (RABIES) & RotaVirus

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Disease : Rabies CNS inflammation

Spread by infected animal-bite.

Viral characteristic
A. Virus structure :
Rhabdovirus : rode /round 75 X 180 nm.
Glycoproteins cover p = 10 nm.
Genome : single stranded RNA ; MW 4,6 X 106
Have RNA polymerase

B. Reaction against physical & chemical substance :

- Resistant in t = 4 C in several weeks.
- Inactivation by CO2.
- : UV, in t 50 C an hour, lipid solvent
(ether, 0,1% Sodium deoxycholic), trypsin,
detergent & extreme pH
C. Antigen characteristic:
Only 1 serotype but the strain can different,
based on :
- Species
- Geographic
- The differentiation on nucleoprotein &

D. Animal susceptibility & Virus growing :

- Wide susceptibility host all animal
poikilothermic & human could be infected.
- Virus : CNS, saliva, urine, lymph, milk & blood.
- Strain :
1. Long incubation period strain (21-60 days)
inclusion bodies in cytoplasm
2. Short incubation period strain (4-6 days)
hasnt inclusion bodies.

Clinical appearance

Rabies primary animal disease human, through

1. Infected-animal bite
2. Contact with infected-salivary animal

Incubation period 1- 6 weeks

The sign divided into 4 phases :

1. Prodormal phase: fever, malaise, anorexia, headache,
nausea & vomiting
2. Sensory phase : Lacrimation, hallucination, muscle rigidity.
3. Excitement phase : photophobia , sound, & water.
4. Paralytic phase : ascending muscle paralytic

Laboratory Diagnosis
A. Microscopic:
Immunofluorescensi : rabies hamster antisera
Brain or cornea impression.
Pathognomonic : negri bodies(+) in muscle /MS
B. Virus isolation:
Infected tissue (saliva) inoculate to mouse intra
(+) : Leg flaccid paralyzed, encephalytic & death.
CNSs mouse examination Negri bodies & rabies Ag

C. Serology :
- Ab test against rabies : IF, CF or Nt test.
- Ab : (+) in human / animal along sick.
D. Animal observation:
1. Suspected animal rabies killed tissue
2. Other animal rabies possibility stalled
& observed about 10 days.
3. If sign (+) killed & tissue exam.

Immunity & Preventing

Rabies preventing pathophysiology through vaccine:
1. Virus replication in muscle closed from inoculation
site virus enough to cause infection of CNS.
2. Giving vaccine / immunogenic substance promptly
depress virus replication & prohibit invasion to CNS.
3. Action of passive ab :
a. inoculated infected virus & virus decrease
b. to give enough time to vaccine to stimulate active AB
production to prohibit virus entering to CNS.

Vaccine type :
1. Human diploid cell vaccine(HDCV)
2. Rabies vaccine absorption (RVA)
3. Neural tissue vaccine (NTV)
4. Dock embryo vaccine (DEV)
5. Attenuated living vaccine




genus :
genus pada pertumbuhan

-Penyebab peny. sal. cerna, sal. nafas
pada manusia & hewan
- Sindroma klinik : belum jelas
- Mudah diisolasi dari tinja dari pada
dari hidung / tenggorokan
- Tumbuh subur pada biakan ginjal kera
Reo = Respiratory Enterik Orphan

* Orbi = cincin / lingkaran
* Pertamakali ditemukan oleh Barden dkk
* Berkembangbiak dalam : serangga,
Vertebrata, Tumbuhan
* Pada manusia : demam ringan, sakit
* Yang paling patogen menyebab Blue
tongue (lidah biru) pada kambing

* Bentuk virus menyerupai roda (rota = roda)
* Pertamakali ditemukan oleh Bishop dkk 1973
pd pend. diare non-bakterial di Australia
* Bersifat invasif
* Penularan = oro-fecal
* Terutama menyerang anak-anak 6 bl - 2 th
* Nama lain :
- Duovirus
- IGV = Infantile Gastroenteritis Virus
- HRVL = Human Rotavirus Like Agent

Gambaran Klinik
* Bervariasi : Diare ringan - berat

* Self limiting disease Sembuh dalam

beberapa hari
* Khas : Sebelum diare terjadi Muntahmuntah + suhu tinggi

Sifat Rotavirus

* Relatif stabil
* Resisten terhadap pelarutpelarut lipid
* Susah dibiak pada biakan

Diagnosis Rotavirus
* Mikroskop elektron :- mahal
- tenaga teknisi khusus
- sangat kompleks

Berdasarkan interaksi Antigen-antibodi :

Latek aglutinatin test
Radio Immuni Assay (RIA)
Reverse Passive Haemoglutination (RPHA)
Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophorese (PAGE)
Nucleic Acid Hybridisation (NAH)
Elisa (Enzym Linked Imuno Sorbent Assay)
Diagnosis cepat

Terapi Rotavirus

* Supportif
* Mencegah dehidrasi
mengakibatkan syok

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