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Presenter Info
Kris Dunn
CHRO at Kinetix (RPO, Recruiting)
Founder of Fistful of Talent , The
HR Capitalist
Hoops Junkie

Dawn Burke
VP of People at DAXKO
TV Binge Watcher (House of Cards)
Contributor at Fistful of Talent



Departments UNITE:
Why do we have to end up
holding the bag?

HR/Recruiting/Talent Pro (In bandana) when

Lukewarm Turnover/Recruiting Report comes out


How many times a year do you take
responsibility for data that really
shows someone elses problem?


What Went Wrong?

Were measuring things and
reporting them like were in 100%
control But were not.

What we traditionally report
Turnover as a percentage of headcount
Sometimes its annualized, sometimes
its not

What we forgot to mention:

We could stack rank whos doing well
and whos not, and the lowest turnover
isnt always the best department

What we wont say out loud:

Contrasting good and bad turnover is
often a rationalization for managers
who make bad hiring decisions

Time to Fill
What we traditionally report
How many days it takes us to fill a

What we forgot to mention:

Hiring manager delays on resume
and interview feedback are chronic
problems in most organizations

What we wont say out loud:

It would be helpful if you knew what
you wanted and had realistic
expectations on what to pay

Cost Per Fill

What we traditionally
report on:
How much it costs on average to
fill a job

What we forgot to mention:

What gets included in the
calculation is both arbitrary and
misleading in most circumstances

What we wont say out

We find it amusing when you
squawk about allocated costs and
then pop 30K for a single search


Which traditional
Recruiting/Talent metric are you
most routinely hung out to dry for?


The Answer:
Interrupt the Pattern and
Start Including Metrics
That Measure Others
(Lets start by throwing something
in that measures the
effectiveness of managers in
hiring and turnover prevention)

Hiring Manager Batting Average

Have you ever had a hiring
manger who:
Was awful at interviewing and
making hiring decisions, and/or;
Couldnt keep good talent once she
onboarded it?

You know who your best hiring

managers are in interviewing,
marketing the company to
candidates, making the right
offer and giving them what they
need once theyre part of the

It only stands to reason you

should be reporting on that

How to Calculate Hiring Manager Batting

Average (HMBA)
On HMBA A miss is a miss
Use the rolling stats of at least a years
worth of data
Unlike raw turnover reporting, HMBA
gets to quality of interviewing, quality of
match (not overshooting or
undershooting) as well as micro-culture
considerations on individual teams
THE FORMULA <All employees hired
by manager over time period still with
company>/<All employees hired by
manager over time period, including
those who have left>
Want to launch this piece of big data?
Go back over the last 3 years of hiring
data and put it together. If you want to
be PC, report it out by department, then
report the actual HMBAs to the
department head, along with your
recommendations, of course

Need More Metrics That

Evaluate a Managers
Ability to Manage
<OK, Heres 3 more>

#1 Turnover Prediction
#1 all-time post on the HR
Capitalist Turnover Calculator
Most of us are reporting turnover,
but were not predicting it.
Reporting turnover is a start.
Turnover is the biggest lever you
have to getting organizational
change that is friendly to talent
often from leaders that are hostile
to HR and recruiting.
Always start any data play using
turnover with no less than a years
worth of data.

3 Ways to Experiment with Turnover

1. Project Turnover for Next
Month/Quarter based on annualized
run rates.
2. Pick the variable(s) you think has
the most juice and add it as an
influencing factor (example You
think a mix of age, tenure, compratios and size of last increase impact
turnover. You study and implement it
into your reporting.) Note that the
best way to find influencing factors is
to study whats happened in the past.
3. Buy a solution that has a
turnover predictor (starting to
trickle into marketplace)

#2 Salary Cap Utilization

When it comes to managing
headcount dollars and FTEs, there
are 3 universal truths:
1. HR Departments report FTEs more
than they report $$$
2. Business leaders long for max
autonomy. FTE reporting is the
opposite of this
3. Most people are familiar with the
sports world concept of a salary cap.

In moving to reporting on company

and departmental salary caps,
smart HR departments focus on
flexibility and consultative solutions,
which make them an assassin
instead of a cop.

How to Report Headcount Via

Salary Cap Utilization
Salary Cap (per department or by manager with
large spans of control) = Budget Salary Dollars for
month/year (recommend month to month breakout)
Salary Cap Utilization = % of Salary Cap spent for
Report month and chart trend. Report headcount if
needed but eliminate budgeted headcount just report
Call it the Salary Cap
Makes HR consultative via flexibility with the following
topics merit increases, equity increases, offers above
budgeted amount, retention of high priced talent vs.
performance expected, etc.
Can you reinvent your department with the same cap
You want to do something new? What are you willing to
give up?
You want to give an average of 8% on merit increases in
your department? Are you willing to lay people off to do
it? Will your business run the same? What will you get
back related to performance?
Advanced Play Turnover Factor baked in to reduce
salary cap for open position float.

#3 Revenue Per Employee (RPE)

Think all the talk about a set of 20 metrics is
white noise?
Cut to the chase and report the biggest data
lever you have at your disposal Revenue
Per Employee (RPE)
RPE seamlessly merges whats most
important to most of you the performance
and effectiveness of people with whats
most important to the people who employ
you the financial health of the business as
noted by top-line revenue.
Use to drive attention and partnership with
any autonomous business unit or product
line delivering significant revenue.
Best practice in presentation appears to the
left bar chart for total headcount with line
graph of revenue per employee.

Ways To Use Revenue Per Employee (RPE) To Do

Your HR Bidding (evil laugh)
Is RPE going up or down in various
divisions/product lines/territories? Why?
What do you believe in from an organizational
performance perspective as a HR/recruiting
pro? Performance Management? Training?
Tech Deployment? Better hiring? Better firing?
What you believe in becomes your angle as
an organizational consultant to the leaders of
your company. If we want RPE to go up with
the same or added headcount, heres what
we need to do
RPE (just like turnover, HMBA and Salary Cap
utilization) is about the state of the business
and what you can do to fix areas that indicate
they are broken. Its not about HR metrics.


Which one of the 4 new metrics we
just covered do you see the most
potential with at your company?


4 More Metrics
To show your hiring process actually
prevents bad hires.
<Because We Care>

Bonus Metric #1: Funnel

Funnel Reporting means you
report the total number of
applicants, phone screens, live
interviews, offers and hires.
If you dont report on this,
most managers have no idea
of the volume flowing through
your ATS.
You should take credit for
dealing with that volume in an
efficient way that nets new
Of course, you have to be able
to explain low volume

Bonus Metric #2: Screened Out On References

The number of candidates
who were screened out
(post interview) as a result
of poor feedback/reference
Ask yourself the question
Have you ever said no to
someone due to
If the answer is no or
Maybe a couple of times,
you might want to check
on how you are doing

Bonus Metric #3: Passive Pipeline Growth

You adjust your recruiting
funnel to show uniquely
sourced candidates,
which are the ones the
recruiters had to go out
and find
Hunting vs. Farming
Shows you hunt as a
recruiting team
Always interesting to see
where the hires come from
active or passive

Bonus Metric #4: The Screen/Show/Hire

A great way to
provide an executive
summary of all hiring
activity is the
following kind of
We screen 45
candidates, show
you 6, you hire 1
Non-HR people love
Just make sure yours
look good


Thank you to our webcast sponsor:

Twitter: @kris_dunn

Twitter: @dawnHRrocks

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