Web Dynpro For ABAP: IBM Global Business Services

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IBM Global Business Services

Web Dynpro For ABAP

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Session Overview
Web Dynpro is a programming model provided by SAP. Web Dynpro is
implemented in Java and ABAP. It is suited to generate standardized user
interfaces (UIs) using a declarative approach, resulting in a minimum time effort
to realize Web applications.
The advantages of using the Web Dynpro programming model (compared to
other established Web programming models) will be explained in this unit. In
this context, the basic architecture and functionality of Web Dynpro will be

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Describe the declarative programming approach used to create Web
Dynpro applications.
Explain the benefits resulting from this metadata approach.
List the most important elements that are part of a Web Dynpro application
and that can be defined declaratively

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Why Another Technology for Building UIs?

If you invest in a UI today, you must be sure it will run on tomorrows technology.
If you build a UI framework today, you want to be sure it can take advantage of
tomorrows technology.

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

SAP UI History: From SAP GUI to Web Dynpro

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Web dynpro for ABAP : Motivation

Web Dynpro UI definition
independent of client technology
As much abstract declaration as
Different rendering engines for
different (future) UI technologies
without adapting application coding

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

What is Web Dynpro?

A Programming Model for User Interfaces
Defines a standard structure for user interface applications
Derived from the MVC (model-view-controller) design pattern

A Set of Tools for User Interface Design

Focus on graphical modelling
Code is generated from meta-model declarations

Integrated in SAP NetWeaverDeveloper Studio and the ABAP Workbench

A Runtime Environment for Applications

Framework running on SAP Web AS server offers common services

A Technology for Software Modularization

Components help structure applications and support pattern-based UIs

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Web Dynpro Main Benefits

Deliver an Enterprise Quality Web
Development Environment
Enforce clear separation between UI logic and
business logic
Little coding, lots of design
Declarative UI development

Achieve Independence
run on multiple platforms - Browser, Smart
Client, Mobile Device,

Supports major platforms

Java (NetWeaver 04), ABAP (NetWeaver

Saves SAPs and customers investments

Conversion of classic ABAP Screens

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Development Benefits
Web Dynpro offers the following advantages for application developers:
The use of declarative and graphical tools significantly reduces the
implementation effort
Web Dynpro supports a structured design process
Strict separation between layout and business data
Reuse and better maintainability by using components
The layout and navigation is easily changed using the Web Dynpro tools
Stateful applications are supported that is, if the page is changed and the
required data remains intact so that you can access it at any time throughout
the entire application context.
Note that stateless applications are not possible.

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Development Benefits Contd

Automatic data transport using data binding
Automatic input check
Automatic operation of the Web Dynpro application using the keyboard
User interface accessibility is supported
Full integration in the reliable ABAP development environment


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Web Dynpro Programming Model


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Meta-model Declarations and Custom Coding

Meta-model Declarations

Custom Coding

Guarantees common app. design

Guarantees universality

Good for graphical tool support

Good for data-driven, dynamic apps

Screen Layout and Nesting

Implementation of business rules

Navigation and Error Handling

Dynamic screen modifications

Data Flow

Access to services (files etc.)

Componentization ...

Portal eventing ...


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Model View Controller (MVC) Approach

Design approach for decoupling
presentation and application logic within a
Web Dynpro application
Highly structured Web application
Reusable application entities
Import of external models
Reuse of existing SAP functionality

Visualization of application data

Event handling
Application data update
Control flow definition

Application data definition
Connection to business


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Web Dynpro Component Architecture

SAP Web Dynpro uses principles of
MVC paradigm
Controller handle the user input
and steers the application
Views define the layout
Model holds and provide the
business logic


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Web Dynpro Components

Web Dynpro Component contains
UI elements

Context Data

Component Interface
Interface Controller
Interface View


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Web Dynpro Component Architecture : Internally Visible Web

Dynpro Entities


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Web Dynpro Component Architecture : Externally Visible Web

Dynpro Entities


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Web Dynpro Views and UI Elements

Is embedded into window
Defines the visible layout via
predefined UI elements
Dont contain any HTML or scripting
UI elements
Are the smallest UI building blocks
(button, input field,)
Available as provided UI element
Have properties which steer their
Can be nested with Container UI
Are positioned in hierarchical structure


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Defining View Layout


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

UI Element Categories
Various categories of UI element are supported

Each UI element object is represented as an abstract class that is independentof any

client presentation layer.

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

View and View Controller

Contains the UI element
Defines the Layout
UI elements mapped to Context

View Controller
Stores Data in Context
Methods access context data and
Model layer
Supply functions fill context nodes
Actions for event handling

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Windows and Nested Views


Topic Title | Jan-2007

A Window is a set of all possible views that

can make up a visible screen

A window can have zero or more views

embedded in it

A View can have ViewContainerUIElement.

This allows nesting views within a window

A ViewContainerUIelement can only display

one view at a time.

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

View Assembly

The Subset of views visible at any point of time is known as a View Assembly.
Navigation causes either specific views within a view area to be replaced, or it can
cause entire view combination within the window to be replaced
View Assembly 1


Topic Title | Jan-2007

View Assembly 2

View Assembly 3

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Context Mapping

Component Controller
Controller which is the backbone of the Web
Dynpro component
Has its own Context
Contains the logic for interaction with the
model (ABAP class, function modules,
BAPIs, Web Services)

Context Mapping
Nodes of Component Controller context can
be mapped to nodes of other contexts
Framework cares about data transport

Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Context Mapping

Context mapping allows a context node in

one controller to be supplied automatically
with data from a corresponding context
node in another controller.

When two controllers within the same

component share data through a mapig
relationship, it is known as Internal

The mapping between controller contexts

located in different Web Dynpro
components is known as External


Topic Title | Jan-2007

Mapping Relationship between Component

Controller and View Controller
IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Data Binding

Data binding is the means by which data is

automatically transported from a view
controllers context to a UI element in its layout,
and visa versa.
The Web Dynpro framework then manages the
following two tasks:
The transport of data from the context
attribute to the UI element during the
screen rendering process
Repopulating the context attribute from the
UI element after data has been entered by
the user and the next server round trip is
Data Binding


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Concepts: Web Dynpro Application

Web Dynpro application is an entry point into a Web
Dynpro component and is the only Web Dynpro
entity that can be addressed via a URL.
In order to define a Web Dynpro application, you
must Specify :

Which interface view of the root component will be

used; the default views) in this interface view defines
the default view assembly.

The component to be invoked; this component is

then known as the root component

Which inbound plug will act as the entry point for the
nominated interface view (this inbound plug must be
of type Startup)


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

IBM Global Business Services

Session Summary
You should now be able to:
Describe the declarative programming approach used to create Web Dynpro
Explain the benefits resulting from this metadata approach.
List the most important elements that are part of a Web Dynpro application
and that can be defined declaratively


Topic Title | Jan-2007

IBM Corporation 2013

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