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Content: Introduction

Component of F.M.S

Processing Station
Material Handling
Computer Control
Types of F.M.S Layout
Objectives of F.M.S

What is F.M.S ?
-A flexible Manufacturing System (F.M.S) is an
arrangement of machines ,interconnected by
a transport system . The transport carries
work to the machine on pallets or other
on is accurate
, rapid and
-F.M.S consist of a group of Processing work
Stations interconnected by means of an
automated material handling and storage

In manufacturing, flexibility meansThe Capability of Producing Different parts without

major retooling.
A measure of how fast the company converts its
process(es) From making an old line of product to
produce a new product.
The ability to change a production schedule ,to
modify a part or to handle multiple parts.
manufacturing system in which there is some
amount of flexibility that allows the system to react
in the case of changes whether predicted or

Levels of Flexibilities:There are three levels of manufacturing flexibilities-

1.Basic Flexibilities
Machine flexibility - the ease with which a machine can
process various operations
Material handling flexibility -a measure of the ease with
which different part types can be transported and properly
positioned at the various machine tools in a system
Operation flexibility - a measure of the ease with which
alternative operation sequences can be used for
processing a part type

2. System Flexibilities
Volume flexibility- a measure of a systems capability to be
operated profitably at different volumes of the existing part
Expansion flexibility- the ability to build a system and
expand it incrementally
Routing flexibility- a measure of the alternative paths that a
part can effectively follow through a system for a given
process plan
Process flexibility- a measure of the volume of the set of part
types that a system can produce without incurring any setup
Product flexibility- the volume of the set of part types that
can be manufactured in a system with minor setup

3. Aggregate flexibilities
Program flexibility- the ability of a system to run
for reasonably long periods without external
Production flexibility- the volume of the set of
part types that a system can produce without
major investment in capital equipment
Market flexibility- the ability of a system to
efficiently adapt to changing market conditions

An automatic materials handling subsystem links
machines in the system and provides for
automatic interchange of work pieces in each
continuous cycling of individual
Complete control of the manufacturing system by
the host computer.
Lightly manned, or possibly unmanned.

FMS Example:

Types of FMS:
Based on the number of machines
Based on the number of kinds

A) Based on the number of machines

Flexible manufacturing systems can be
distinguished according to the number of
machines in the system. The following are typical
Single machine cell (Type I A)
Flexible manufacturing cell (usually type II A,

sometimes type III A)

Flexible manufacturing system (usually Type II
A, sometimes type III A) (NIT Jalandhar)

Single Machine Cell (SMC)

A single machine cell consists of one CNC machining

center combined with a parts storage system for

unattended operation.
Completed parts are periodically unloaded from the
parts storage unit, and raw work parts are loaded into

Flexible Manufacturing Cell (FMC)

A flexible manufacturing cell consists of two or three

processing workstations (typically CNC machining

centers) plus a part handling system.
The part handling system is connected to a
load/unload station. (NIT Jalandhar)

Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)

A flexible manufacturing system has four or more

processing workstations connected mechanically by a

common part handling system and electronically by a
distributed computer system. (NIT Jalandhar)

B) Based on number of kinds

Sequential FMS
Random FMS
Dedicated FMS
Engineered FMS
Modular FMS

Sequential FMS: It manufactures one-piece part batch

type and then planning and preparation is carried out for
the next piece part batch type to be manufactured. It
operates like a small batch flexible transfer line.
Random FMS: It manufactures any random mix of piece
part types at any one time.
Dedicated FMS: It continually manufactures, for
extended periods, the same but limited mix of piece part
batch types.
Engineered FMS: It manufactures the same mix of part
types throughout its lifetime.
Modular FMS: A modular FMS, with a sophisticated FMS
host, enables and FMS user to expand their FMS
capabilities in a stepwise fashion into any of the previous
four types of FMS.

Basic component of F.M.SWork stations or Processing Stations

Automated material handling
Computer control system

1. Workstations
Workstations are typically computer numerical
control (CNC) with machine flexibility. Following are
the types of workstations typically found in an FMS:
Load/Unload Stations.
Machining Stations.
Other processing Stations. (punching, shearing,
welding, etc.)
Assembly Station.
Other Stations and Equipment. (Inspection,
Vision, etc)

Load and Unload Station: as identifies from the

name load and unload station are used for loading
and unloading of work parts in the F.M.S.
The various Feature of Load and Unload stations
are:-It act as a physical interface between the F.M.S
and rest of the Factory.
-Raw work parts enterthe system at load station,
while finished work parts exit at unload station
-Manual loading/unloading is more prevalent (NIT

Assembly Work Station : Industrial Robots

are usually consider to be the most
appropriate automated assembly work station
in the F.M.S ,they can be programmed to
perform task with variation in sequences.
Inspection Station: Inspection Station are
designed for inspecting the completed work ,
In F.M.S inspection can be happen either at
work station or by designing Special
Inspection Station for this purpose (NIT



Industrial Robots assembling the Car:- (NIT Jalandhar)

Material Handling and Storage System
The various Automated material handling system are used
to transport work parts and subassembly parts between
the processing station .
Functions of the Handling System
movement of workparts between
Handle a variety of workpart configurations.
Temporary storage.
access for loading and unloading
Compatible w ith computer control

Material Handling Equipment

The material handling function in an FMS is often shared between
two systems:
Primary handling system establishes the basic layout of the
FMS and is responsible for moving workparts between stations in
the system. (Conveyor).
Secondary handling system consists of transfer devices,
automatic pallet changing, and similar mechanisms located at the
workstations in the FMS.
The function of the secondary handling system is to transfer
work from the primary system to the machine tool or other
processing station and to position the parts with sufficient
accuracy and repeatability to perform the process or assembly

Tow Type A.G.V:- (NIT

Unit Load A.G.V:- (NIT Jalandha

3. Computer Control System

It is used to co-ordinate the activities of
processing station and material handling System
in the F.M.S.
A typical FMS computer system consists of
a central computer and microcomputers.
controlling the individual
machines and other components.
The central computer coordinates the activities
of the components to achieve smooth overall
operation of the system

The various function of computer control system

are: Control of each work station.
Distribution of control instruction to work station.
Production control.
Traffic control.
Shuttle control.
Work handling system and monitoring.
System performance monitoring and reporting.

There are five types of F.M.S Layout Configuration:
1. Progressive or Line type: The machines and
handling system are arranged in a line as shown in
Fig. It is most appropriate for a system in which the
part progress from one workstation to the next in a
well defined sequence with no back flow. The
operation of this type of system is very similar to
transfer type. Work always flows in unidirectional
path as shown in Fig.

2. Loop Type: The basic loop configuration is as

shown in Fig.. The parts usually move in one
direction around the loop, with the capability to stop
and be transferred to any station. The
loading and unloading station are typically located
at one end of the loop Fig.
3. Ladder Type: The configuration is as shown in
Fig. The loading and unloading station is typically
located at the same end. The sequence to the
operation/transfer of parts from one machine tool to
another is in the form of ladder steps as shown in
Fig. (NIT

Progressive type

Ladder type


4. Open Field Type: In the open field type, The

loading and unloading station is typically located at
the same end. The parts will go through all the
substations, such as CNC machines, coordinate
measuring machines and wash station by the help
of AGVs from one substation to another.
5.Robot Centered Type: Robot centred cell is a
relatively new form of flexible system in which
one or more robots are used as the material
handling systems .Industrial robots can be equipped
with grippers that make them well suited for
handling of rotational parts.

Fig: Robot Centered cell

Objectives or AIMS of
Decreased Lead Times
Increased machine utilization
Improved Due Date Reliability
Decreased Store Inventors levels
Remove Labour Cost
Decreased Work in Progress
Increased Quality

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