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Entrepreneur Vs Manager

Entrepreneur :
 Owner: An Entrepreneur is the owner of the

 Profit: The reward for Entrepreneur is profit.

 Full risk bearing: The Entrepreneur has to

bear all risks & uncertainties involved in

running the business.
 All Functions : An Entrepreneur has to

perform many functions in order to run the

enterprise successfully.
 Innovator: An Entrepreneur mainly acts as

Manager :

 Servant: A manager is acting in capacity of

servant in the enterprise.
 Salary : The reward for a manager is salary

which is certain and fixed.

 No risk bearing : As a servant, the manager

need not bear any risk involved in the

 Managerial functions only: a manager

renders only the managerial services in an

 Executor : A manager mainly acts as an

 A new brand of corporate entrepreneurs

called Intrapreneurs.
 An Intrapreneur is an individual, who

performs all the duties of entrepreneur, but

within an established organization in short he
belongs to the family member of the founder.
Copreneur : When a married couple share
ownership, commitment and responsibility
for a business, they are called copreneurs.

•There is a steady rise in the number of

copreneurial ventures all over the world.

• It has been proved that marital satisfaction

increases when both husband and wife are
emotionally supportive of each other career.
 Types of Entrepreneurs

Innovative Entrepreneur :
• The person who is able to foresee

potentially viable and profitable

opportunities through innovation.
• This entrepreneur is highly motivated

and talented.
• Innovation is the key function of them.

• An innovating entrepreneur

implements the inventor”s ideas.

 An innovative entrepreneur may exhibit
his talents of innovation in any one of
the following forms.

• Introduction of new product

• Introduction of a new method of
• Opening of a new market
• Discovery of a new source of supply of
raw materials or semi-finished goods.
• Introduction of a new quality of an
existing product.
 Adoptive or Imitative Entrepreneur

• The person who is ready to adopt the

successful innovations already
inaugurated by innovating
• An imitative intrepreneurs does not
innovate anything by himself, but, he
only imitates techniques innovated by
• This type of entrepreneur has a vital
 Fabian Entrepreneur
• The person who adopts a great caution
and scepticism in introducing any
change in the business.
• He has neither the will to introduce any
new changes nor the desire to adopt
new methods.
• He is dominated more by customs,
religions, traditions and past practices
and he is not ready to take any risk at
 Drone Entrepreneur :

• The entrepreneur who blindly follows the

traditional methods of production even
when it causes loss to him.
• He continues to carry out his business in
the traditional way even when he suffers
• He is not prepared to introduce any
change under any circumstances in the
method of production he has already
 Entrepreneurship :
By A.H.Cole
• Entrepreneurship is the purposeful

activity of an individual or a group of

associated individuals, undertaken to
initiate, maintain or organise, a profit
oriented business unit for the
production or distribution of economic
goods and services.
• Entrepreneurship is the process

involving functions to be undertaken to

establish an enterprise.
 Characteristics of
• Innovation
• Risk bearing
• Decision Making
• Organisation & Management
• Making the enterprise a success
• Accepting challenges
• Handling economic uncertainty
• Problem solving
• Opportunity seeking
 Factors Stimulating Entrepreneurship :

• Capital formation
• Entrepreneurship Development
• Training facilities
• Suitable environment
• Collateral arrangement
• Ideal climate for innovation
 Entrepreneurship Development
Modern writers have identified three
phases in entrepreneurship
• Initial Phase :creation of awareness

about entrepreneurial opportunities

based on survey and research.
• Development phase : At this phase, the

motivated entrepreneurs are properly

trained in the chosen field.
• Support phase: after necessary

training, adequate support should be

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