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Evangelii nuntiandi

(Evangelization in the
Modern World)
By pope paul vi


DECEMBER 8, 1975
The apostolic exhortation of Pope Paul VI
first words of the text: Evangelii nuntiandistudium nostrae aetatis
hominibus. ("The effort to proclaim the Gospel to the men of our time.")


was primarily given to the Church in order to enrich and deepen
herself in the understandingof evangelization. It is likely to be an
update regarding the state of the Church ten years after the
Vatican II Council (No. 76) especially on its call for renewal. In
other words
is merely telling us on how to evangelize or proclaim the message
of the gospel incontext with the present situation of the society
and of the world.
concerned with ongoing conversion.

Structure of the Document

1. highlights the connection between Christ the evangelizer and his Church which imitates
his example.
2.Paul VI and the Synod of Bishops propose a definition of evangelization in contrast to all of
the other possible conceptions of the term.
3. explains the content of evangelization.
4. The fourth describes the methods of evangelization.
5. denotes the beneficiaries of evangelization
6. clarifies who the workers in evangelization are.
7. considers the Spirit of evangelization.

it explains how the Councils teaching on the
vocation of the laity and the Churchs commitment
to human promotion and social justice are
incorporated into the overall task of
it was the impetus for Catholics to get their faith
outside of themselves and to share it with others

In simplest form, it is spreading of the good news.
Bringing the good news of Jesus into every human situation
and seeking to convert individuals and society by the divine
power of the Gospel itself.
the task of inaugurating the Kingdom of God in concrete
historical situations to this conciliar mandate.

To bring about in all catholics such as enthusiasm for their faith that, in
living their faith in Jesus, they freely share it with others.
To invite all people, whatever their social or cultural background, to hear
the message of salvation in Jesus Christ so they come to join us in the
fullness of the catholic faith.
To foster gospel values in our society, promoting the dignity of the human
person, the importance of the family, and the common good of our society,
so that our nation may continue to be transformed by the saving power of
Jesus Christ.

Two statements to what evengelization

1.SHARING Sharing the good news of
Jesus in an explicit way
2.WITNESS Simple living of the faith


Evangelisation for all believers: It refers to the continual deepening of the faith, a
deepening of commitment, a continual conversion to be more committed to Christ and
to the Christian Gospel. Evangelisation is not just limited to the churchs dialogue with
those who do not believe.
Evangelisation and culture: This means that the church needs to look critically at
the culture and challenge cultural institutions to be more wholesome in the way they
support persons in their lives.
Evangelisation and the Churchs missionary activity: Evangelii Nuntiandi had
special implications for the conduct of missions. Catholic missionary activity had for a
long time been very imperialistic -- tending to impose a European style of Catholicism
which devalued local culture, local language and local spirituality.


1. Pope John Paul II sees the need for a "great relaunching" of
evangelization in the present life of the Church in a variety of
2. In Mission of The Redeemer (Redemptoris Missio ), John
Paul II presents a new synthesis of the Church's teaching
about evangelization in modern times

Meaning of the Whole Document

the document emphasized that the modern
world emphasized images more than words. As
such, the world needs to see witnesses of a
new possible way of living in order to be
introduced to the Good News/Gospel.

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