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Muscle Tissue

Muscle Tissue

Types and characteristics of muscular tissue

Nerve-Muscle relationship
Behavior of skeletal muscle fibers/whole muscles

Introduction to Muscle
Movement is a characteristic of living

Types of muscle

Physiology of skeletal muscle

Characteristics of Muscle
_____________________ (excitability)
chemical signals, stretch and electrical
changes across the plasma membrane

local electrical change triggers a wave of
excitation that travels along the muscle fiber

Extensibility -- capable of being stretched

Skeletal Muscle
_________________________ attached to
______________________ as long as 30 cm
Exhibits alternating light and dark
transverse bands or striations
reflects overlapping arrangement of
internal contractile proteins

Muscle Fibers

______________________ has tunnel-like
infoldings or transverse (T) tubules that
penetrate the cell
carry electric current to cell interior

________________ is filled with

______________ (bundles of myofilaments)
glycogen (stored energy) and myoglobin
______________________________ = smooth ER
network around each myofibril
dilated end-sacs (terminal ___________) store


Made of 200 to 500 ___________________

entwined polypeptides (golf clubs)

In bundles with heads directed outward

around the bundled tails

Thin Filaments
Two strands __________________
Has a myosin binding site

Groove holds _______________________

each blocking 6 or 7 active sites of G actins

_______________ (calcium-binding) on
each tropomyosin molecule

Regulatory and Contractile Proteins

Myosin and actin are __________________________

______________________________ = regulatory proteins
switch that starts and stops shortening of muscle cell
contraction activated by release of calcium into
sarcoplasm and its binding to troponin,
troponin moves tropomyosin off the actin active sites

Overlap of Thick and Thin Filaments

Striations = Organization of Filaments

________________ unit of contraction; gives striated appearance
________________ (regions) alternate with lighter I bands
anisotrophic (A) and isotropic (I) stand for the way these regions
affect polarized light
lighter, central H band area contains no thin filaments
bisected by ___________ protein anchoring elastic and thin
from one Z disc (Z line) to the next is a sarcomere

Relaxed and Contracted Sarcomeres

pulling Z discs closer together
pulls on sarcolemma

Notice neither thick nor thin filaments change

length during shortening
Their overlap changes as sarcomeres shorten

Motor Units
throughout the muscle
when contract together causes weak
contraction over wide area
provides ability to sustain long-term
contraction as motor units take turns
resting (_____________________)
small motor units contain as few as
20 muscle fibers per nerve fiber
eye muscles
gastrocnemius muscle has 1000
fibers per nerve fiber

Junctions (Synapse)
Connection between
nerve fiber and muscle cell
__________________________________ stimulates
muscle cell
Components of synapse (NMJ)
synaptic knob is swollen end of nerve fiber (contains
junction region of sarcolemma
contains acetylcholinesterase (breaks down Ach)
__________________ gap between nerve and
muscle cells

Neuromuscular Toxins
________________ (cholinesterase inhibitors)
bind to acetylcholinesterase and prevent it from
degrading ACh
spastic paralysis and possible suffocation

blocks glycine release in the spinal cord and causes
overstimulation of the muscles

_____________________ (limp muscles) due to

curare that competes with ACh
respiratory arrest

Electrically Excitable Cells

resting membrane potential due to Na+ outside
of cell and K+ and other anions inside of cell

Stimulation opens ion gates in membrane

ion gates open (Na+ rushes into cell and K+
rushes out of cell)
quick up-and-down voltage shift = action potential

spreads over cell surface as nerve signal

Muscle Contraction and

Four actions involved in this process
_______________ = nerve action potentials
lead to action potentials in muscle fiber
excitation-contraction coupling = action
potentials on the sarcolemma activate
________________ = shortening of muscle
________________ = return to resting

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