Leadership Wisdom RobinS Sharma

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Self Learning

Leadership Wisdom
- Robin S Sharma


8 Rituals of Visionary Leaders

Leadership is really a philosophy for life
4 key ingredients of success



Link Paycheck to Purpose

Manage by Mind, Lead by Heart
Reward Routinely, Recognize Relentlessly
Surrender to Change
Focus on the Worthy
Leader Lead Thyself
See What all See, Think What None Think
Link Leadership to Legacy

Link Paycheck to Purpose

The Ritual of Compelling Future Focus
Compelling Cause contributing in others lives
Continuously communicate your compelling

cause so it engages hearts

Focus on Purpose than Result

Create purpose people can relate with

Look at Big Picture than dots

Beware of Law of Diminishing Intent

Performance Gap We Know but do not


good things 1 by 1 brushing teeth


your Video with your Audio

Failure is high-way to success
Greatest privilege of leadership is the
chance to elevate lives
One eye on the Result leaves only one for
the Purpose
If youth only knew. If age only could.

Manage by Mind, Lead by Heart

The Ritual of Human Relations
Every Visionary Leader deeply connects


his followers
Deepest of all human hunger is the need to be
cherished & understood
Be consistently compassionate
Promise Keeping
Aggressive Listening


Reward Routinely, Recognize

The Ritual of Team Unity
Great leaders are great teachers & coaches
Praise is free give genuine appreciation
Hunt for good behavior will get more of what

you reward
Implement innovative recognition concepts
Victory Wall
Treasure Chest
Orange/Purple Cap & Reserved Parking

Surrender to Change

Ritual of Adaptability & Change

Develop the discipline of managing the
Become massively competent
Move from learning to doing
Inspire positive attitude to the opportunities
change represent
The best anti-dote for fear is knowledge

Focus on the worthy

The Ritual of Personal Effectiveness
5 Steps of Time Leadership

Envision how ultimate success will look like

professionally and personally
Decide annual victories worth achieving this year
Minor victories to accomplish in next 7 days
Allocate weekly wins/activities in daily schedule by
Strategic Time Blocking (Mon Human Relations, Tue Biz. Development,
Wed Marketing/Finance, Thu Open Day, Fri Self Renewal Day)

Regular Reflection (Reflection is mother of wisdom)


Switch from being busy to achieve results

A plan relieves you of the torment of choice
Law of planned neglect
Focus on the Best (not just good) & delegate the rest
If you dont act on life, life will act on you
The tougher you are on yourself, the easier life will be on
The real secret of personal effectiveness is concentration
of purpose
If your priorities dont get put into your planner, other
peoples priorities will get put into your planner

Leader Lead Thyself

The Ritual of Self Leadership
Personal Renewal
Discipline of Abundant Knowledge
Discipline of Physicality
Discipline of Early Awakening
Discipline of Deathbed Mentality

See What All See, Think What

None Think
The Ritual of Creativity & Innovation
Every human being is creative. Make Workplace fun
and create playground of ideas
The company that plays together stays together
Shed the shackles of outdated thinking and discover
smarter ways of doing what you do
Celebrate spontaneity and reward original thinking
Allow people to take risks and fail freely
Weekly Idea Quota
Creative questioning what would the child that I once
was think of the adult that I have become?

Link Leadership to Legacy

The Ritual of Contribution & Significance
The purpose of life is a life of purpose
Focus on leaving a footprint and making a

Leadership greatness comes by beginning
something that does not end with you
Create a successful present while building a
brilliant future


and internalize one by one

Where to Get More Information


Wisdom - Robin S Sharma

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Robin S

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