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Section 1

NDT Personnel Qualification

and Certification
NDT Level III Study Guide
Pg. 9-55

Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A
ASNT Level III Certification


PdM Level III


Part 1Recommended Practice No.

NDT Level III Study Guide
Pg. 13-42


Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A,

Personnel Qualification and Certification
in Nondestructive Testing: first document
widely used for the qualification and
certification of NDT personnel.

History of SNT-TC-1A

1950-1960: Corporations, government

agencies and other technical societies
asked ASNT if the training and
qualification of NDT personnel was
properly the domain of the Society.

History of SNT-TC-1A

1961: The Society, through its Technical

Council, assigned a task group to study
the feasibility of preparing such a

The Task Group endeavored to prepare a

recommended practice containing the
consensus of expert opinion for training
and qualification of NDT personnel:
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A

SNT-TC-1A Section 1

1.0 Scope:
States that document provides guidelines
for the establishment on a qualification and
certification program.
Recognizes that the guidelines may not be
appropriate for certain employers
Allows the employer to modify these
recommendations to meet particular

SNT-TC-1A Section 2

2.0 Definitions:
Defines the primary terms used in SNT-TC1A.

SNT-TC-1A Section 3

3.0 Nondestructive Testing Methods:

Lists the NDT Methods currently
recognized by Recommended Practice No.
Standard two- and three-letter
abbreviations are also shown.

SNT-TC-1A Section 4

4.0 Levels of Qualification:

Lists the three basic levels of qualification,
Levels I, II & III, with a description of what
tasks a person qualified to each Level
should be capable of performing.
(Note: Trainee is defined as a person in the process of being
initially trained, qualified and certified)

SNT-TC-1A Section 5

5.0 Written Practice:

Describes the need for an employer to
establish a written practice that describes
the training, experience and examination
requirements for each Level of certification.
Note that the word shall, instead of
should is used to denote that a written
practice is required, what it is to cover, and
that it shall be kept on file.

SNT-TC-1A Section 6

6.0 Education, Training and Experience:

Requirements for Initial Qualification
Level II: references to Table 6.3.1A, which lists
recommended initial training and experience
times. Table 6.3.1B shows alternative times.
(Care should be taken to read the notes under both Tables)

Level III: Paragraph 6.3(2)

[Discussed later]

SNT-TC-1A Section 7

7.0 Training:
Sufficient organized training to understand the
principles and practices for the Level and Method.
Comprehension examinations recommended
References Topical Outlines from SNT-TC-1A
Employer is responsible for ensuring outside
services meet the employers written practice.

SNT-TC-1A Section 8

8.0 Examinations:
Level III has administration and grading
responsibility; may delegate to a qualified
representative if documented.
Composite grades are by simple averaging.
Visual exams: Near vision in one eye, to Jaeger
J-2 or equiv, at not less than 12.
Color contrast: must differentiate contrast among
colors or shades of gray
Suggested initially and at 3-year intervals

SNT-TC-1A Section 8

8.0 Examinations (Contd):

Levels I & II:

General Written
Specific Written

Level III:


(Failed exams may be retaken after 30 days or additional training.)

SNT-TC-1A Section 9

9.0 Certification:
Certification is the responsibility of the
Qualification to Sections 6,7 & 8 may be
modified by the employers written practice.
Outside Level III services may be used, but
the employer retains certification
Personnel files SHALL be maintained on
file. Items to be maintained are listed.

SNT-TC-1A Section 9

9.5 Recertification:
All Levels may be re-certified by:
Evidence of continuing satisfactory performance;
Re-examination as deemed necessary by the employers
NDT Level III.

Recommended recertification intervals:

Level I & II: 3 years
Level III: 5 years

Employer may retest an employee at any time to

extend or revoke certification.
Written practice should cover duration of interrupted
service for reexamination and recertification.

SNT-TC-1A Section 10

10.0 Termination:
Certification is revoked upon termination.
New Employers may recertify all Levels based on
examination if the following are met:
Proof of prior certification;
The employee worked as certified within 6 months of
The employee is re-certified within 6 months of
Employees not meeting the above should receive
additional training as deemed necessary by the NDT
Level III

Official ASNT Position on the

Use of SNT-TC-1A

...SNT-TC-1A is published to serve as a

guideline to employers in establishing their
own written practice for the qualification and
certification of NDT personnel. It is not
intended to be a strict specification. The
intent is to provide guidelines for proficiency
levels required for personnel involved in
nondestructive testing
Materials Evaluation, July 1980

Part 2ASNT Level III Certification

NDT Level III Study Guide
Pg. 45-50

ASNT Level III Certification

In 1977, the Society offered NDT Level III
examinations for the first time.
Examinations administered by ASNT in
eleven different NDT methods are now
offered throughout the United States and
other countries.
Through January 1996, over 6,000
persons have been certified as


Beginning in 2000, ASNT offered the
first Predictive Maintenance (PdM)
Level III certifications.
Certification can be obtained in Infrared
Testing (IR) and Vibration Analysis
Testing (VA).

What is an ASNT Level III?

An ASNT Level III is an individual who

assumes the title of Level III through:
a screening process offered by ASNT
under the scope of the Level III
Certification Program; and
satisfactory completion of both Basic and
Method examinations.

Level III Eligibility Criteria

Education and experience requirements:

Graduation with a degree in engineering,
physics, or science from a four year college
or university curriculum plus one years
experience in NDT in an assignment at least
comparable to that of a Level II inspector in
the applicable test method(s),or;

Level III Eligibility Criteria

Education and experience requirements:

Completion of at least two years of
engineering or science study at a university,
college, or technical school with passing
grades plus two years experience in an
assignment at least comparable to that of
an NDT Level II inspector in the applicable
test method(s), or;

Level III Eligibility Criteria

Education and experience

Possession of four years of experience in
an assignment at least comparable to that
of an NDT Level II inspector in the
applicable test method(s).

Basic Examinations

A Basic Examination is given to all

applicants regardless of the methods
for which they seek certification.

Basic Examinations

The NDT Basic Examination covers the

administration of SNT-TC-1A and CP189, materials, fabrication, product
technology (general knowledge), plus
general principles and applications of
commonly used NDT methods.

Basic Examinations

The PdM Basic Examination covers the

administration of SNT-TC-1A and CP189, knowledge of predictive
maintenance, plus general principles
and applications of commonly used
PdM methods.

Method Examinations

Method Examinations are given

according to the applicants request, in
one or more of eleven different NDT
methods or two PdM methods.

Method Examinations

Each Method Examination addresses a

specific test method and includes
method fundamentals and principles,
the establishment of method
techniques, and the interpretation of
codes, standards, and specifications
relating to the method.


All examinations are closed book,

multiple choice.

Reference material, if needed, is

included in the body of the exam.

Official ASNT Position on

ASNT NDT Level III Certification:

Individuals certified to Level III in any NDT method

are considered to have met the guidelines of SNTTC-1A (Basic examination and Method
examination). Where proof of experience exists, and
is documented with or without examination, in the
preparation of codes, standards or specifications
and in the evaluation of test results, and is
acceptable under the buyer-seller agreement, then
the individual is considered to have met the
guidelines of SNT-TC-1A (Specific Examination).
Materials Evaluation, July 1980

Employer Certification Options

Incorporate acceptance of ASNT NDT Level

III certification into the employers own written
practice; or

Incorporate acceptance of a Level IIIs

qualifications using an outside agency
acceptable to the employers clientele in the
employers written practice; or

Incorporate the companys own documented

examination program acceptable to their
clientele in the written practice.

ASNT Level III Recertification

ASNT Level III recertification can be

obtained by application subject to the
following three conditions:
Reaffirmation of the ASNT Code of Ethics for
Level III Personnel;
Continued active employment in Level III
functions as related to the test method(s) for
which recertification is sought; and
A continued effort to keep up-to-date and/or
contribute to NDT or PdM related knowledge.

ASNT Level III Recertification

Requires a minimum of 6 points during each

five year period of certification through one or
more of the following:
Author presentations at society meeting- 2 pts;
Publish papers in technical journals- 3 pts;
Attend technical sessions- 1 pt. per 6 hrs.;
Present courses for credit- 1 pt. per 2 hrs.; or
Complete courses for credit (CEUs)- 1 point.

Recertification may also be accomplished by


Part 3ANSI/ASNT CP-189

NDT Level III Study Guide
Pg. 51-55


ANSI/ASNT CP-189, ASNT Standard

for Qualification and Certification of
Nondestructive Testing Personnel:
ANSI approved standard that contains a
set of clearly defined requirements that
must be satisfied in their entirety.


American National Standard (ANS)

developed in accordance with ANSI canvass

Ultimate responsibility still remains with the


Demands that a minimum set of

requirements be met by all employers who
claim to have a program that embraces the

CP-189 - Section 1

1.0 Scope:
Standard establishes minimum
requirements for personnel qualification
and certification.
Details minimum training and experience
requirements for NDT personnel.
Requires employer to establish a
certification procedure.
Requires employer to include any unique
requirements in the written procedure.

CP-189 - Section 2

2.0 Definitions:
Details in greater detail the meanings of
terms used in the Standard.

CP-189 - Section 3

3.0 Levels of Qualification:

5 Levels: Trainee, Levels I, II, III, & NDT Instructor

NDT Instructor:
An NDT Instructor shall have the skills and
knowledge to plan, organize and present
classroom, laboratory, demonstration, and/or onthe-job NDT instruction, training and/or education
programs in accordance with the course outlines
approved by the NDT Level III.

CP-189 - Section 4

4.0 Qualification Requirements:

Levels I & II require sufficient organized
training to be familiar with the principles
and practices of the Method.
Courses are to include all topics listed in
the Method Outlines in Appendix B, and a
final exam is required after the course.

CP-189 - Section 4 (cont.)

4.0 Qualification Requirements:

The minimum number of classroom hours
is listed in Appendix A.
Training is done by an NDT Instructor;
however, specialists may be used to assist
in specific info.

CP-189 - Section 4 (Contd)

4.0 Experience:
Level I & II: Required times are shown in
Appendix A.
Level III: The training and experience
requirements are satisfied by having a
currently valid ASNT NDT Level III
certificate. (Note: Corporate Level IIIs are
not recognized.)
Previously earned training and experience
must be verified and documented.

CP-189 - Section 4 (Contd)

NDT Instructor Criteria (must meet one):

Current ASNT NDT Level III certificate;
B.S. or equivalent in Engineering, Physical
Science or Technology & adequate knowledge of
the method being taught;
2-year graduate of a science, engineering or NDT
school and 5 or more years experience in the
NDT Method;
10 or more years of NDT experience as a Level II,
or equivalent, in the Method to be taught.

CP-189 - Section 5

5.0 Qualification and Certification:

Written procedure required
Procedure minimum requirements detailed
Procedure must be approved by a Level III

CP-189 - Section 6

6.1 Visual Examinations:

Near Distance Vision: Must read Jaeger J1, or equivalent, in one eye at no less than
12 inches. Required annually.
Color Vision: Must be able to differentiate
between colors used in the method.
Required when recertifying.
Vision exams must be done to a procedure
and by personnel approved by the
employers designated Level III.

CP-189 - Section 6

6.2-6.7 Examinations:
Covers requirements for Level I, II & III
Level III can administer and grade exams
for those methods in which the Level III is
Retesting may be done after additional
documented training or after waiting 30
days. May not use the same questions or
samples for the retest.

CP-189 - Section 7

7.0 Expiration, Suspension,

Revocation, Reinstatement:
Expiration: Termination; 3 years for Level I
& II; when ASNT NDT Level III expires.
Suspension: when vision cert expires (1
year); the individual has not used the
method for 12 months; performance is
determined to be deficient. Level III - when
ASNT cert expires.

CP-189 - Section 7

7.0 Expiration, Suspension,

Revocation, Reinstatement:
Revocation: When no work is done in 24
months; when employer deems conduct to
have been incompetent or unethical. Level
III: when ASNT certification has been
Reinstatement: suspensions: determined
by Level III, or by employer for Level IIIs.
Revocations: by exam only.

CP-189 - Section 8

8.0 Employer Recertification:

Level I & II: Recertification by exam only,
per Section 6 requirements.
Level III: 5-year intervals by verification of
a valid ASNT NDT Level III certificate.

CP-189 - Section 9

9.0 Records:
Certification documentation is required.
Shall include:
Certification record
Experience record
Previous experience (if reqd)
Vision examination record
Records are described.

CP-189 - Section 10

10.0 Referenced documents:

Referenced documents constitute
provisions of CP-189:
1992 Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC1A
Level III certification application package

Inquiries for SNT-TC-1A

ASNT Level III Certification
NDT Level III Study Guide
Pgs. 16, 21, 24, 34, 37, 41, & 48

Review Questions

NDT Level III Study Guide

Pgs. 18, 21, 23, 29, 31, 35, 40, 42, 49 & 55

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