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HRM Case Study Of

Submitted To:Chandani Oza

Submitted By:Akash
Bhavesh (AB)
Asha (AB)


Application Case
Questions and Answer
Continuing Case
Questions And Answer

This both case study is about how we
take test of employee at a time
There are some important concept.
1) Job Description: A list of a jobs
relationships, working conditions, and
product of a job analysis.

2) Job Specification: A list of a jobs
human requirements, that is, the
requisite education, skills, personality,
and so onanother product of a job
3) Recruiting: Finding and / or attracting
applicants for the employers open
positions is known as RECRUITING.
4) Screening: Means screen out the
eligible candidates from total applicant.

Application Case

Wanted: Professional Social Worker

Tehri Hydro Electric Corporation Ltd. (THDC), with headquarters

at Rishikesh, is a joint-venture company owned by the
Government of India and the Uttar Pradesh state
government. The company was set up to develop, operate,
and maintain the Tehri Hydro Power Complex and other
hydropower project. The Tehri dam, situated on the river
Bhagirathi, is the largest earth-filled dam in Asia that is
designed to withstand a high level of seismic activity. The
hydropower plant attached to the dam has a generating
capacity of 1,000 MW. ( Mega Watt)
The project involved large-scale displacement of people, who
were residents of the towns and villages that fell within the
reservoir area for the dam. As per legal regulations and
international humanitarian conventions, the project-affected
people had to be relocated or compensated, and the entire
exercise was difficult and time consuming.

After the successful completion and commissioning of

the project, THDC is developing other hydropower
projects, including the 444MW Vishnugad Pipakoti
Hydro Electric Project(VPHEP), located in the Chamoli
district in Uttarakhand. According to the national
policy on rehabilitation of displaced people, the
company is responsible for the rehabilitation of
People affected by the project. The company has
decided to employ professional social workers to
work as the interface between THDC and the local
community. They will facilitate the rehabilitation and
resettlement work in the Area. THDC has
approached you for Help.

1) What should the job descriptions
of a social worker look like?
2) What are the ideal job
specifications for the person at this
3) How should we have gone about
recruiting and screening for this
position? What selection tools,
specifically, whould you use?


Que. 1 What should the job description of a

professional social worker look like?

The professional social workers main

work is providing social services to
identified person, groups or family to
improved well- being and good coordination between company and
society. The main responsibility
(Duties) of social worker are as
Provide counselling and support.

Provide assistant to the individual to
eliminate the problem.
Provide mental health services within
the code of ethics.
Provide all type of referral services for
clients who require the special
Provide help in residential placement,
finance, and safety.
Monitor needs fulfilment and needs

The Knowledge, skills and Abilities Require
in Social Worker.
Knowledge of all social theories, practices and
Knowledge about all legal rules and
Knowledge about management, handling
situation, investigation.
Must able the emergency situation, flawed etc.
The skill of communication, negotiation,
interpersonal, conflict handling etc.

Working Condition.
The work condition of social worker is
very imbalance there are no any fix
time of work, and are very stressful in
some of the time.

Que.2 What are the ideal job specifications for

the person at this position?

The social worker Education:

The social worker is basically hold some
degree from the registered colleges or
Like BSW ( Bachelor in Social Work)
MSW ( Master in Social Work)
DSW ( Doctoral In Social Work Or Social
This study include subject about Human
Behaviour, Rehabilitation measures, disaster
management, ethics.

Skills Specifications
Ready to works in rural area.
Have physically and mentally healthy.
Have a good Interpersonal and verbal
communication skills.
Working for long hours with
uneducated people, children.
Leave in rural area without any
luxuries facility.

Que.3 How should we have gone about

recruiting and screening for this position? What
selection tools, specifically, would you use?

When we gone selecting right social

worker for a this position they must
be BSW or MSW registered college.
For select right candidates must
professional references, and criminal
background clearance.

Selection Tools:
The Big Five Personality Factor i.e Extraversion,
Emotional stability, Openness to experience,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness.
Structured interview
Work sampling to predict job performance.
Physical ability test to measures physical
Situational judgment tests to know candidates'
mental strenghts.

Continuing Case

Honesty Testing at Carter Cleaning Company

Jennifer Carter, president of the Carter Cleaning Centers, and her

father have what the latter describes as an easy but hard job
when it comes to screening job applicants. It is easy because
for two important jobs- the people who actually do the pressing
and those who do the cleaning- spotting- the applicants are
easily screened with about 20 minutes of on the job testing. As
with typists, as Jennifer points out, Applicants either know
how to press cloths fast enough of how to use cleaning
chemicals and machines, or they dont, and we find out very
quickly by just trying them out on the job. On the other hand,
applicant screening for the stores can also be frustratingly hard
because of the natures of some of the qualities that Jennifer
would like to screen for. Two of the most critical problems facing
her company are employee turnover and employee honesty.
Jennifer and her father sorely need to implement practices that
will reduce the rate of employee turnover.

If there is a way to do this through employee testing and

screening techniques, Jennifer would like to know about it
because of the management time and money that are now
being wasted by the never ending need to recruit and hire
new employees. Of even greater concern to Jennifer and her
father is the need to institute new practices to screen out those
who may be predisposed to steal from the
Employee theft is an enormous problem for the Carter Cleaning,
and one that is not just limited to employee who handle the
case. For example, the cleaner spotter and/or the presser
often open the store themselves, without a manager present, to
get the days work started, and it is not unusual to have one or
more of these people steal supplies or run a route. Running a
route means that an then secretly cleans and presses them in
the Carter store, using the companys supplies, gas, and power.

It would also not be unusual for an unsupervised person (or his

or her supervisor, for that matter) to accept a one-hour rush
order for cleaning or laundering, quickly clean and press the
item, and return it to the customer for payment without
making out a proper ticket for the item posting the sale. The
money, of course, goes into the workers pocket instead of
into the cash register.
The more serious problem concerns the store manager and the
counter workers who actually have to handle the cash.
According to Jack Carter, You would not believe the creativity
employees use to get around the management controls we
set up to cut down on employee theft. As one extreme
example of this felonious creativity, Jack tells the following
story: To cut down on the amount of money my employees
were stealing, I had a small sign painted and placed in front
of all our cash registers.


-550-0235. It was my intention with this sign to force all our
cash-handling employees to place their receipts into the
cash register where they would be recorded for my
accountants. After all, if all the cash that comes in is our
stores, right? Well, one of our managers found a diabolical
way around this. I came into the store one night noted that
the cash register this particular manager was using just
didnt look right, although the sing was dutifully placed in
front of it. It turned out that every afternoon at about 5:00
P.M. when the other employees left, this character would
pull his own cash register out of a box that he hid
underneath our supplies. Customers coming in would notice
the sign and of course the fact that he was meticulous in
ringing up every sale.

But unknown to them and us, for about five months

the sales that came in for about an hour every day
went into this cash register, not mine. It took us that
long to figure out where our cash for that store was

1) what would be the advantages and
disadvantages to Jennifers company of
routinely administering tests to all its
2) Specifically, what other screening
techniques could the company use to
screen out theft-prone and turnover-prone
employees, and how exactly could these be
3) How should her company terminate
employees caught stealing, and what kind
of procedure should be set up for handling


Que. 1 what would be the advantages and

disadvantages to Jennifers company of
routinely administering tests to all its

There are many types of Honesty

testing like The Polygraph and
Honesty Testing, Paper and Pencil
Honesty Tests etc.
Advantages of this testing.
The honesty test are helpful for knowing
the the candidates are honest or not.
And after knowing that the manager of
this company are through this type of
employee from organization.

Disadvantages of this testing:
The Polygraph testing for Honesty testing are
create some time problem for the organization
because of the some legal restriction against
the this type of test.
The continuous Honesty testing are may some
time result in down the moral of employee.
Honesty test may Time as well as Money
consuming for the organization.
It has not any surety about test is give 100%
correct result.

Que.2 Specifically, what other screening

techniques could the company use to screen
out theft-prone and turnover-prone employees,
and how exactly could these be used?
conducted at a time of selection of employee.
Like Past job Data analysis, Past Job
Performance Data, Background Investigation
For the eliminate theft as well as dishonesty
from the organization effectively the Jennifer
must check the all the past data of the
candidates before select the candidates as
well as give streak warning to all and create
rules for the same.

Que.3 How should her company terminate

employees caught stealing, and what kind of
procedure should be set up for handling reference
calls about these employees when they go to
other companies looking for jobs?

The company must terminate employees

if the caught stealing but only if the
Jennifer are find out and collect validated
proof against this time of employee.
Because without any type of proof they
not terminate any employee. This type
of action will created fewer on the mind
of other employee and in future they not
try to this type of wrong practices.

And prepare one record file of this
employee include all his practice in
organization with all proof or
evidence of his theft or dishonesty
and do this all information to the
person who call for the know about
those employee information.

This both case study is very helpful
for understanding concept of Job
screening of candidates before
selection, Honesty testing, and the
action on that employee who will find
done a wrong practice in the


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