CHAPTER 8 The Concept of Lifestyle Building LIYA

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The concept of

lifestyle building

Career means a job that we do

throughout life. (Hoyt in Sciarra, 2004).
In context of the world of work, career
refers to the overall experience of one's
work in a public job categories For
example : education, accountancy,
medical, engineering, and management.
Counselling and Guidance services is the
source of supply to provide skilled and
competitive workers to face the
challenges in the world of employment.

Glossary of career development


Career guidance

Activities and programmes:

To achieve self-understanding
of self-perception and
perception of others.
Understand the influence of
workers attitudes and
discipline on society.
Aware of the roles of leisure
Understand the aspects related
to career planning.
Understand the importance of
skills and knowledge to achieve
job satisfaction.
To learn and apply the career
decision-making process .

Career counselling

A meeting between individuals or

group with guidance and
counselling teacher seeking for
sensible career decision.


A conscious effort to utilize self

and others.

Career awareness

Inventory of knowledge, values,

priorities, and self-concept as a
reference when making decision
on career choices.

Career information

Education information, job, and

psychosocial that is importance
for career development. For
Training provided, workers status
in difference sector.

Career education

Formal education which aims to

help the students to acquire and
apply knowledge, skills and
attitudes in making the work to
be meaningful part of their life,
productive and satisfied.

Vocational education

Education that is needed to

prepare the students to involved
in technical and vocational field.

Career exploration

Trial in various activities, roles

and situation in order to know
more about the aptitude and
interest of one career.

Career development

A combination of psychology
factor, sociology, education,
physical and economy that can
mould ones career for the whole

Career development theory

Theoretical basic used by

professional to help client solve
their career problems.

Lifestyle is a way of life or style of living
that reflects the attitudes and values of a
person or group
A theory of Individuals Psychology by the
Alfred Adler refers lifestyle as :
Individuals attitudes which includes attitudes
towards self, other people and social
It is refers to basic orientation of the individuals
related to his life and cover patterns recurring
theme throughout life.

Adler lifestyle theme

Interest to be part
of the community
- play in group (social
- sense of belonging
and comfortable with
- mutual support and
respect in social
- empathy and like to

- a follower
- follow the rules and
- could not accept weird
or out of norm behaviors
- always avoid any
- very careful not to hurt
others feeling
- compromise personal
happiness and well-being
for the sake of others

Adler lifestyle theme


Want recognition

- dominant and
- love to be praised
and to praise
- strong personality
- would give up if
and strive to fulfill
not praised
his goal
- always grab
- being very careful
others attention
and doubtful
- not a good
- make decision too
listener, egocentric,
quickly, taking risks
and very emotional
and hot tempered

Career and
How does they relate to
each other?
How will our career affects
our lifestyle?
How will our lifestyle affects
our future career?
Being involve in educational
field, what is your lifestyle?

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