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Background of Choosing

The Subject
The national Security in America with its tight relation with
Islamic issue

Problem Formulation

How American Government policy concerns on home

security for Muslim? (in this case Islamic terrorism issue).

How Muslims confront the government policy towards


Objective of The Study

To identify American National Security on Islamic Terrorism

To Analyze the reaction of American Muslims toward the
Home Security Policy

The Scope of the Study

This paper focuses on sociological, political, and

psychological issue that emerge for Islamic
world in America. It focuses on the impact of
Islamic terrorism attacks in United States on the
homeland security along with the struggle of
Muslims America confront the stereotypes that
emerge after the certain attack on the society.

Review on The Related Study

Novianti Agil Pamungkas writes about Muslims American
life in America, how they are treated and how they
conquer the discrimination after 9/11 attack (Novianti:
The Impact of 9/11 Terrorist attack towards
Moslems Life in America Society as Seen in My Name is
Khan Film.
Ropiah writes about The Effect of Islam to Malcolms Life
as Reflected in Spike Lees Film (Ropiah: 2008). In this
undergraduate thesis the writers concern on the
consequence of Islam to Malcolms life.
Effa Sandra Dewi (2010) writes The Negative Images of
Moslem as Reflected in the Film The Siege. It tends to
elaborate the stereotypes that emerge on American
society toward Muslims.

Theoretical Approach
Since this undergraduate thesis is a product of American
studies discipline, it will follow the characteristics of American
Studies which has the mainstream as interdisciplinary studies.
Bruce Lohof gives the specific principle as follows:
1. American study is holistic in its approach to the culture of
the United States.
2. such attribute of American Studies is its interdisciplinary
approach to the culture of the United States (1978, 3-4).
It means that any issue in American presidents, American
foreign policy, and terrorism, the Islamic world, and global
insecurity are issues in line with the development of America
(Murwantono: 2012).
Political approach, social approach and psychological
In this volume, the writer addressees the question of Islamic
world in terms of the contents of courses that is introduced
history, politics, psychology, tradition, social and culture of
Islam in America

Method of Research
Method of Collecting Data: Qualitative method
To complete the data, the writer uses purposive
sampling. The writer gathers the important data from
books, magazines, and internet source. The writer also
tries to find the data by visiting some libraries,
watching video relating on the issue, and from
Television news.

Common data collection methods used in qualitative

research is focus groups, triads, dyads, in depth
interviews, uninterrupted observation, bulletin boards,
and ethnographic participation/observation (Mora,


This thesis will consist of four chapters; the first chapter

includes background of choosing topic, problem formulation,
object of the study, scope of the study, theoretical
approach, research method, and presentation. The second
chapter is Theoretical Framework, the third chapter is
discussion, and the fourth chapter is conclusion.

Theoretical Frame work

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