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Metal Plasticity

Metal plasticity Goal and Desciption

Introduce a nonlinear metal plasticity material to the same large deflection model
from the first workshop regarding the non-linear effects and compare/contrast

Model Description
3D large deflection of spring plate
Spring plate
Ductile steel
Loads and Boundary Conditions:
Fixed support
3 Mpa Pressure load at opposite end

Metal Plasticity
Steps to Follow:

Start an ANSYS Workbench session. Browse for and open Spring_ws02A.wbdb

Workbench Projects file.

This project contains a Design Modeler (DM) geometry file Spring_ws02A.agdb and a
Simulation (S) file Spring_ws02A.dsdb.

Highlight the Model, Small Deflection-Linear Matl (Spring_ws02A.dsdb) file and

open a Simulation Session.

Metal Plasticity Non Linear Material

Highlight the Small Deflection- Linear Matl
Branch and duplicate this Branch with RMB=>
Change the new branch name to Large
Deflection-Non Linear Matl
Add metal plasticity:

Highlight Geometry Solid branch

Activate Nonlinear Material Effects (YES)
Click on Structural Steel
Select Edit Structural Steel

Metal Plasticity Non Linear Material

From the Engineering Data Tab

Select Add/Remove Properties

From Add or Remove Properties Dialogue

Activate Bilinear Isotropic Hardening Plasticity


Metal Plasticity - Non Linear Material

Click on the ICON to the right of Bilinear Isotropic Hardening

Define Yield Strength of 250Mpa and a Tangent Modulus of 10,000Mpa.

Select Close Curve

Metal Plasticity Analysis Setting

In Details of Analysis Settings Branch and set up the following solution
control specifications:
Number of Steps* = 2
For Current Step = 1
Auto Time Stepping = On
Initial Substeps = 1
Minimum Substeps = 1
Maximum Substeps =1

Weak Springs = Off

Large Deflection = On

For Current Step = 2

Auto Time Stepping = On
Initial Substeps = 10
Minimum Substeps = 5
Maximum Substeps =100

Weak Springs = Off

Large Deflection = On
* Note: This will be run as a two step solution.
Load step 1: zero pressure load.
This null solution enables graphing force vs. deflection curve starting from zero.
Load Step 2: Pressure = 3Mpa

Metal Plasticity - Load

Define Pressure over two load steps

Metal Plasticity Solution Setup

Highlight Solution Branch and insert the
following additional items for post processing:
Equivalent Plastic Strain
Force Reaction
Location Method = Boundary Condition
Boundary Condition = Fixed Support

Execute Solve

Metal Plasticity - Solution

This last solution run can take up to two minutes depending on machine.
Review the Solution Convergence History as before.
It now takes 45 iterations in nine substeps, including one bisection.

Metal Plasticity - Solution

Review the displacement, stress and strain results and compare with the linear run. Note:
Total Deformation is considerably large due to the onset of localized yielding near the

Metal Plasticity - Force vs Deformation

Plot Force vs Deformation:
From Utility Menu, Insert New Chart & Table
In the details of Chart insert 2 objects into
Outline Selection:
Total Deformation
Force Reaction
Change X Axis to Total Deformation (Max)
Define X and Y axis labels as Deformation and
Force respectively
Output Quantites, Omit all but:
Total Deformation (Max)
Force Reaction (Total)

Metal Plasticity - Force vs Deformation

Force vs Deformation (contd):

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