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Rational Requisite Pro

- Requirement Management

Courseware Information
This session covers Requirement Management
Introducing Requisite Pro, Documenting
Requirements, Organizing Requirements,
Tracking Requirements, Advanced Features and
Additional Information

Course Objective & Outline

After completing this course, you will be able to user key features of Requisite Pro
that will help you to manage project successfully.
Course Flow:


Requisite Pro





Requisite Pro : Overview

Requirements Management: provides a definition of requirements
management, an explanation of why it is important
Introducing RequisitePro: describes the components of the software.
Usage of the templates provided with the program to create a project.
Documenting Requirements: explains how you can document your
requirements in. How to use the templates to create documents and to
create requirements within these documents.

Requisite Pro : Contd..

Organizing Requirements: explains how you can use RequisitePro to organize

and describe requirements and to view them in table form with various query
and sorting options that you choose.

Tracking Requirements: shows you how you can use specific features of
RequisitePro to establish and track relationships among your requirements.

Advanced Features: lists several features that are helpful for advanced users
of RequisitePro.

Additional Information: provides links to other sources of information.

1.0 Requirement

What is requirements management?

1) Agree on a common vocabulary
2) A systematic approach to eliciting, organizing, and documenting the
requirements of a system.
3) Maintains agreement between the customer and the project team on the
changing requirements of a system.

Why is requirements management important?

1) To meet deadlines and on budget
2) Organizing and tracking helps to manage the requirement changes

1.0 Requirement
Management Contd..

What are the causes of project failure?

1) Exceeding Budget
2) Run past their deadline
3) Abandoned midway
4) Completed on time but not valuable
5) Lack of stakeholders involvement.
RequisitePro offers an easy-to-use tool to manage changing
requirements, thereby increasing your chances of delivering a product
that your client wants and doing so in a timely manner.

1.0 Requirement

What should you consider when you manage a project?
1) What is the business problem and who has a stake in its resolution?
2) What features are essential to a solution?
3) How can the proposed solution be described in language that can be
understood by technical and non technical people?
4) What are the available resources (time, people, money)?
5) How can you trace dependency relationships between requirement
6) What is the procedure for reviewing and resolving changes to

2.0 Introducing RequisitePro

Objective: To create a project using the templates provided with
Topics covered:
Working in RequisitePro
Working with requirements documents
Organizing and tracking requirements
Creating a RequisitePro project
RequisitePro is a powerful, easy-to-use requirements management tool
that helps teams manage project requirements comprehensively,
promotes communication and collaboration among team members, and
reduces project risk.

2.0 Introducing RequisitePro

- Power of a database and Microsoft Word
- Robust architecture, maintain dynamic linking to the database
- Powerful sort capabilities
- Powerful query capabilities.
- Easy organize and prioritize the requirements
- Real time impact analysis
- change history for each requirement.
- Integration with other Rational Suite products.

2.0 Introducing RequisitePro

with requirements documents
- A RequisitePro toolbar appears when you open Word in RequisitePro,
allowing you to manage requirements documents. You can click the
RequisitePro menu to open a document, create or modify requirements,
or open a view.
Organizing and tracking requirements:
- Query function for sorting and filtering requirements using views.
- Relationship between requirement and other requirements using views
- View displays requirements in Table (Matrix) or an outline tree.
- Views can be used to display requirement attributes.

2.0 Introducing RequisitePro

kind of views:
1. Attribute Matrix view
The requirements of a specified types are listed in rows, and their
attributes appear in columns
2. Traceability Matrix view
displays the relationships between two types of requirements or
requirements of the same type.
3. Traceability Tree view
displays the chain of traceability to or from requirements of a
specified type.

2.0 Introducing RequisitePro


Document types: such as glossary document, vision statement, and use

cases (which outline how the system behaves).
Requirement types: which are categories of requirements such as
features, use cases, supplementary specifications, and so on.

Requirement attributes: which describe the requirements in terms of

priority, status, stability, and other characteristics that you define

2.0 Introducing RequisitePro

with project templates

Use-Case Template (using a use-case methodology)

Traditional Template (using standard software requirements)

Composite Template (a combination of the Use Case and Traditional


Blank Template

Create a new project

Open Rational RequisitePro. Close the splash screen. In the Create

Project dialog box, click the New tab.

Click the Use-Case Template icon. Click OK. The Rational RequisitePro
Project Properties dialog box opens.

In the Name box, type My Exercise Project. Filling in the Description box
is optional. Click OK. A dialog box opens, and you are asked whether
you want to create the project directory.

Click Yes. The Create Rational RequisitePro Project dialog box appears
and informs you that your project has been created. Click Close.

3.0 Documenting
To demonstrate how to use RequisitePro outlines to create
requirements documents and to create requirements in those
Topics covered:
Working with document types
Creating documents
Working with requirements

Requirement Workflow

3.0 Documenting

Working with document types

Vision: This document gives the overall view of the system: main
characteristics, major features, key stakeholder needs, and key services

Glossary: It is important that all stakeholders use consistent terms to

express requirements. The Glossary is a tool to capture and define the
terms used in the project.

Requirements Management Plan: This document sets out guidelines for

establishing the requirements documents, types, attributes, and
traceability in order to manage the project requirements.

3.0 Documenting

Use-Case Specification. Use cases serve as a format to express

functional requirements in sequence. A use case is a sequence of

actions performed by a system that yields an observable result (a work
output) of value to a particular actor. Use cases are especially good at
documenting functional software requirements.

Supplementary Requirement Specification:. This document captures any

requirements that cannot be tied directly to any specific use case, and
especially many of the nonfunctional requirements and design

Test Plan: This document describes the target-of-test (components,

application, system) and its goals; the stages of testing; and the types of
testing that will be addressed by this plan.

3.0 Documenting

Working with requirements

Name. A requirement name is a user-defined title.

Requirement text. Requirement text is the full textual content of a


Requirement tag. The requirement tag is the requirement's unique

identifier. It consists of a prefix, which indicates the requirement type,
and a number, which is generated by RequisitePro and which is unique
within the requirement type.

Requirement attributes. Each requirement is associated with attributes

or descriptors that have been established for that requirement type.

4.0 Organizing
Objective: To demonstrate how to create requirements directly in a view,
set attribute values, and navigate between the view and the document in
which a requirement was created.
Topics Covered:
- Create requirements in a view
- Managing requirements in views
- Using attributes to organize requirement information

4.0 Organizing
Create requirements in a view

- Contd..

In the Explorer, expand the Features and Vision package and doubleclick All Features. The All Features Attribute Matrix appears. Explore the
menus associated with this type of view

The last entry in the Requirements column is entitled <Click here to

create a requirement>. Click once to activate the row, and click again to
allow editing.

Type the following new requirement in the Name box:

Click any other cell in the view, and your requirement is immediately
saved and committed to the database.

4.0 Organizing
Edit a requirement outside of a document

Click Tools > Options. In the Views section of the dialog box, make sure
the check box Double-click to go to source is selected.
Click OK.

Edit a requirement Then click any other cell in the matrix to save the

Double-click the requirement you edited.

The document in which the requirement was created is opened, and
your edit is reflected in it.

From the Word menu bar, click RequisitePro > Document > Close.
The Document Changed dialog box opens, and you are asked whether
you want to save the modified document before closing it and Click Yes.

4.0 Organizing
Using attributes to organize requirement information
Attributes are data fields associated with each requirement that contain
important project information. Each new RequisitePro requirement type
is assigned default attributes by the system. You can delete, modify, or
add an unlimited number of other attributes appropriate to your project
Attributes can be either list-type or entry-type
List (single value): A set of values from which a single value can be
selected (up to 20 characters); for example, high, medium, or low.
List (multiple value): A set of values from which more than one value can
be selected (up to 20 characters); for example, Sue, Bob, John.

4.0 Organizing

- Contd..

Text: a text string up to 255 characters; for example, John Smith.

Integer: whole numbers; for example, 5 or 1500.
Real: real numbers; for example, 1.347 or 6.5.
Date: a date in the format defined by the user's Windows setting; for
example, mm/dd/yy.
Time: a time in the format defined by the user's Windows setting; for
example, 10:00 A.M.

4.0 Organizing
Requirements Priority:

- Contd..

assign high priority to certain requirements that are important to the

customer. You can then sort through your requirements and address
those with high priority early in your project.
- Can the requirement be met within your schedule constraints?
- Is the requirement feasible given the risks associated with it?
- If the requirement is implemented, how will it affect your ability to
maintain the product?
- Do you have time to complete all of your high priorities?

4.0 Organizing
Set attribute values in a view

- Contd..

In the Features and Vision package, select the All Features view. Then
double-click the intersection of the FEAT4 requirement and the attribute
column Status.

In the list, click Approved, and then set the value by clicking another
requirement or attribute cell.
[Note: You can also change multiple attribute values simultaneously
using Microsoft's Extended Select (Shift > click or Ctrl > click).]

Click File > Save View, and then close the view by clicking the lower X in
the upper right corner.

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Objectives: To demonstrate how you can create traceability relationships
among requirements in a Word document, use RequisitePro's suspect
link feature to help you manage change, and sort requirements that you
Topics Covered:
Managing changing requirements
Setting traceability
Managing change through traceability views
Using suspect links
Establishing hierarchy
Querying (filtering and sorting)

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Managing requirement change includes (but is not limited to) the
following activities:
- Keeping track of the history of each requirement
- Establishing traceability relationships between related requirements
- Maintaining version control

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Setting traceability
Traceability is a directional relationship between any two requirements
(of the same type or different types). ReqA --> ReqB means that ReqA is
traced to ReqB. ReqA <-- ReqB means that ReqA is traced from ReqB
There may be times, however, when features do not apply to a specific
use case, they are not easily traced from a particular use case, or they
are not functional requirements. In these situations, you can trace
supplementary specification (SUPP) requirements to the feature

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Managing change through traceability views
Traceability Matrix: which illustrates the relationships between
requirements of the same or different types. Use this matrix to create,
modify, and delete traceability relationships and to view traceability
relationships with a suspect state. Also use the Traceability Matrix to
filter and sort the row requirements and column requirements separately.
Traceability Tree, which displays all internal and external requirements
traced to or from a requirement (depending on the direction of the tree).
The Traceability Tree displays only the first level of traceability among
requirements that reside in different projects (cross-project traceability).

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Create and clear traceability relationships from a matrix view
1. Explorer, click the plus sign next to the Coverage Analysis package to
expand it, and double-click the view Functional Requirements Coverage.

2. Select one of the empty intersections between a UC and FEAT

3. Click Traceability > Trace to. You have just created a traceability
4. Review the traceability; then select the same requirements as above
and click Edit > Set Value. Select Delete Trace and click OK; click Yes in
response to the dialog box that asks you to confirm your selection. The
traceability relationships created above have been removed

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Create traceability relationships from the Word document
1. Double-click the document to open it and scroll to any section
containing requirement.
2. Click RequisitePro > Requirement > Properties.
The Requirement Properties dialog box opens.
3. Click the Traceability tab.
From this tab, you can add, delete, and modify the relationships
between the requirement you selected and any other requirement.
4. In the To section of the dialog box, click the Add button. (This will
enable you to add a traceability relationship from the use-case
requirement to another requirement.)

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Using suspect links
RequisitePro signals suspect condition with a red diagonal line through
the traced to or traced from arrow in a Traceability Matrix or Traceability
For example, if traceability relationships exist between Requirements A
and B and between Requirements B and C, and you modify
Requirement A, the relationship between Requirements A and B
becomes suspect, but the relationship between Requirements B and C
does not. Requirement B may need to be updated to reflect the
modifications made to Requirement A.
Ability to modify traceability depends upon the security permissions that
have been assigned to you as a user

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Create a suspect relationship
1. Open a requirement in Word
2. Modify the text for any existing requirement.
3.Click RequisitePro > Document > Save. The Change Description
dialog box opens and asks for a reason for the change.
4. Type for the purpose and click OK. Then minimize the document.
5. Open a view and check that Suspect symbol is displayed for all the
requirements affected by the change.
6. Suspect links can be cleared after you have reviewed the impact of
your edit by right-clicking the suspect link and then clicking Clear

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Create suspect relationships in an Attribute Matrix view
- In the Explorer, expand the Use Cases package and select the
Attribute Matrix view All Use Cases. Double-click it to open it.
- Click View > Query Row Requirements.
- In the Select Attribute dialog box, select Traced-to as the attribute to be
filtered, and click OK. The Query Requirements dialog box opens.
- Click the FEAT requirement type, and make sure that the Traced
button and the Suspect only check box are activated. Then click OK.
- In the Query Row Requirements dialog box, click OK to run the query
builder, which shows you the current criteria of your query.

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Create suspect relationships in an Attribute Matrix view - contd..
In the resulting view, scroll to the right until you reach the Traced-to
column; note the "(s)" entries after requirements. This entry indicates
that the traceability relationship between the two requirements must be
reexamined because a change has been made to one of the

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Establishing hierarchy
A hierarchical requirement is a requirement that is included within a
parent-child relationship with other requirements of the same type.
Hierarchical relationships can be used to subdivide a general
requirement into more explicit requirements
If a parent requirement appears in a document, the child requirements
must appear in the same document. The parent requirement and all of
its children must be of the same requirement type.
Each child requirement can only have one parent, but a requirement can
be both a parent and a child. If a parent requirement is changed, the
relationships with its children become suspect.

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Create hierarchical requirements in a document
Create a Requirement:

Open the use-case document and press ENTER to begin a new line,
and then type text for new requirement.

Select the text you typed and click RequisitePro > Requirement > New.
The Requirement Properties dialog box opens.

In the Type box, accept the default (UC: Use Case); in the Name box,
type any valid requirement name and Click OK.

Click RequisitePro > Document > Save to create the requirement.

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Next, make the requirement you created a child requirement
- Click anywhere in the text of the requirement you just created
- Click RequisitePro > Requirement > Properties.
The Requirement Properties dialog box opens.
- Click the Hierarchy tab. In the Parent box, select Choose Parent.
The Parent Requirement Browser dialog box opens.
- Select a valid existing requirement as the parent and click OK.
Click OK to close the Requirement Properties dialog box.
- Click RequisitePro > Document > Save to commit the requirement.
-The Change Description dialog box asks you to provide a reason for
the requirement change. Type "for the purpose of this exercise" and click

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Change the parent of a child requirement
- In the document select a child requirement and Click RequisitePro >
Requirement > Properties. The Requirement Properties dialog box opens.
- Click the Hierarchy tab, and from the Parent box, select the choose
parent option.
- Select a different parent requirement and click OK.
- On the Word menu bar, click RequisitePro > Document > Save The
Change Description dialog box opens, and you are required to give a
reason for the change; in the window, type Assigned to a different parent
for more logical clustering of child requirements. Then click OK.

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Querying (Filtering and Sorting)
Filtering restricts the information being displayed, and sorting
determines the order in which information is displayed.
You filter and sort requirements by applying query criteria to the
attributes. These criteria limit the values of the attributes or limit the
traceability relationships. You can create a simple query involving only
one attribute, so that you can see the results of each query. Or you can
create a query that filters and sorts all at once for several attributes.

5.0 Tracking Requirements

Create a query in an Attribute Matrix
-In the Explorer, select the All Features Attribute Matrix, and double-click
it to open it.
- Click View > Query Row Requirements. (You may also select the
Query row requirements icon .) This opens the query builder.
- In the Select Attribute dialog box, make sure the FEAT requirement is
displayed in the Requirement Types box; in the Attribute to Filter/Sort
Requirements field, select Difficulty and click OK.
The Query Requirements dialog box opens.

5.0 Tracking Requirements

- Click the None button to clear all attribute values, select the value Low,
and click OK.
This criterion is now added to the Query Row Requirements window.
- Click the Add button and follow the same procedure to add the attribute
Stability with a value of High.
Both attributes appear in the Query Row Requirements window.
- Click OK to run this query.
- The result of this query scopes and directs the development toward
those requirements that are stable and relatively easy to implement. Two
requirements meet the criteria.

6.0 Advanced Features

RequisitePro includes two powerful management tools that help you
track the status of your requirements, trace the changes to
requirements, and enhance your ability to perform impact analyses
when changes occur.
Traceability provides a methodical approach for managing changes by
linking high-level requirements to their more specific descendants.
Traceability relationships make it easy to track changes to a requirement
throughout the development cycle.
Version control through archiving and creating baselines allows you to
trace changes.

6.0 Advanced Features

Advanced features of RequisitePro are described below.
Archiving : RequisitePro offers two ways that you can archive your
projects. Archiving is the process of duplicating a project (the database,
documents, and all related files) in a directory of your choice for the
purpose of restoring at a later time.
- The RequisitePro Archive command.
- The Rational ClearCase command

6.0 Advanced Features

Archiving projects with the RequisitePro Archive command
1. Click File > Project Administration > Archive > RequisitePro Archive.
The Archive Project dialog box appears.
2. Select the directory where you want the backup copy stored. Click
Browse to open the Browse for Folder dialog box. Navigate to a
directory, select a folder, and click OK.
3. If you want to add a new revision number for the project, type it in the
Revision # text box.
4.. To apply the revision number to the requirement documents, select
the Propagate to all documents (offline documents excluded) check box.

6.0 Advanced Features

The RequisitePro Archive command performs the following:
- Creates a directory (beginning with "bak") to hold the archive files.
- Copies the RequisitePro project files (.rqs and .rql) to the directory.
- Copies all project documents to the directory.
- Updates the version of the original project (if you have security
permissions to modify the project structure).
For Microsoft Access-based projects the RequisitePro archive also
performs the following:
- Copies the project database file (.mdb) to the directory.
- Updates the .mdb file in the archive directory with the location of the
project documents in the archive.

6.0 Advanced Features

Archiving projects with Rational ClearCase
To archive your Rational RequisitePro projects in ClearCase, open the
RequisitePro Options dialog box (click Tools > Options) and specify the
path of the default ClearCase view for any new project being archived.
- Copies the RequisitePro project files (.rqs and .rql) to the directory.
- Copies all project documents to the directory.
- Updates the RequisitePro Revision # of the original project (if you have
security permissions to modify the project structure).
- Checks in all files and the directory.

6.0 Advanced Features

Unified Change Management
Rationale's out-of-the-box usage model for managing change in
software system development, from requirements to release. UCM is a
unified approach to configuration management and change request
management, automated in Rational ClearCase and Rational
ClearQuest. ClearCase can be set up to implement the UCM model for
basic activity-based configuration management or in conjunction with
ClearQuest to provide full change-request management. To implement
the UCM model for creating a baseline of a Rational RequisitePro
project, the project must be associated with a UCM-enabled Rational
project in the Rational Administrator.

6.0 Advanced Features

You can create a baseline of a RequisitePro project when the following
conditions are met:
- The RequisitePro project must be associated with a UCM-enabled
Rational project in Rational Administrator.
- The RequisitePro project must be versioned.
- All users must have closed the RequisitePro project.

6.0 Advanced Features

Check in the RequisitePro project
1.Click Tools > Rational Administrator to open Rational Administrator.
2. Select the Rational Administrator project, right-click, and click
Configure on the shortcut menu.
3. In the Configure Project dialog box, in the Requirement Assets area,
click Check In All.
4. Confirm your selection at the messages that follow, and type an
activity to describe the baseline in the Check in all dialog box.
5. After the check in operation is complete, close the Configure Project
dialog box.

6.0 Advanced Features

Create the baseline (Refer to ClearCase Help for more information.)
1. Open the Rational ClearCase Project Explorer. (From Rational
Administrator, you can click Tools > Rational ClearCase Project
2. Right-click the integration stream for the associated UCM project and
click Make Baseline on the shortcut menu.
3. Type or edit the Baseline Title, select a View Context, and click OK.

6.0 Advanced Features

Creating baselines: You can use RequisitePro to create a baseline, or
snapshot of the project's current state. A RequisitePro baseline is a
Rational Unified Change Management object that typically represents a
stable configuration of one or more components. A baseline identifies
activities and one version of every element visible in one or more
components. It should be created at project milestones.
Cross-project traceability: RequisitePro's cross-project traceability
feature helps you establish traceability between requirements that reside
in different projects. It is helpful in storing requirements common to
multiple projects.

6.0 Advanced Features

Customizing document and requirement types and attributes
We explained how you can use the defaults provided by RequisitePro to
create documents and requirements. You can also create, edit, and
delete document and requirement types and attributes as needed.
To modify the existing types, you select the project in the Explorer, click
File > Properties, and then click the appropriate tab. Click the Add,
Delete, or Edit buttons on the tab and follow the prompts to add or
delete information as necessary.

6.0 Advanced Features

Deleting requirements
RequisitePro provides several ways for you to delete requirements
1. The Delete-Unmark command enables you to delete a requirement
from the database but to retain the requirement text as ordinary text in
the document;
2. The Delete-Remove command allows you to delete a requirement
from the database and to delete the text of the requirement from the
document. These methods cause the requirement history and
traceability relationships to be permanently removed from the project

6.0 Advanced Features

Deleting requirements - Contd
3. These methods cause the requirement history and traceability
relationships to be permanently removed from the project database. A
third wayand this is the way we recommendis to keep the
requirement but to modify the requirement attributes to indicate that the
requirement is invalid.
Add an attribute value, such as Invalid or Deleted, to an existing
attribute, such as Status. When you sort your requirements, this value
clearly indicates that the requirement is not active. Unlike the Delete
commands, this method of deleting requirements does not delete the
requirement history, which is often helpful to retain for reference

6.0 Advanced Features

Discussion groups - Discussion groups let you comment and raise

issues and questions to a group of project users (participants).

Discussions can be associated with one or many requirements, or they
may refer to the project as a whole.
- Rational Rose for object-oriented analysis, modeling, design, and
- ClearQuest for team-based change request management
- TestManager for management of software testing assessments
- ClearCase LT for configuration management
- SoDA for project reporting and documentation

6.0 Advanced Features

Offline authoring
Offline authoring lets you edit a requirements document outside of
RequisitePro (i.e., offline). A read-only copy of the document is retained
in the project for other project users to view while edits are being made
offline. You can add and delete requirements in the offline document,
and when you bring the document back online, RequisitePro replaces
the read-only document with the modified document.
Requirement Metrics - Requirement Metrics enables you to report
statistics on requirement text, attributes, relationships, and revisions.
You can select a subset of requirements (a requirement type or a saved
view) for your report, choose filter criteria, and add them to your report.
The report results are displayed in Microsoft Excel and can be
manipulated using Excel's charting capabilities.

6.0 Advanced Features

Simplified Configuration of Rational RequisiteWeb

Configuring your Web server for RequisiteWeb is quick and easy,

requiring just five steps: Install the application, specify your username,
configure SSL (optional), reboot the machine, and add your projects to
the project list.
You can customize the RequisiteWeb Login Page and footer to
accommodate your company's needs.

6.0 Advanced Features

Requirement Metrics Overview

Requirement Metrics provides project managers and product analysts

with statistics concerning a RequisitePro projects requirement
attributes, relationships, and revisions. These statistics are displayed in
Microsoft Excel.
You can use Requirement Metrics to retrieve information that is vital for
- the progress of a project
- priorities, workloads, and deadlines
- the addition of new requirements
- changing or unstable requirements
- approved and incorporated features

6.0 Advanced Features

There are two types of reports that are available in Requirement Metrics:
A static report uses static filters and shows results about the project at
the present time.
A trend analysis report uses time-sensitive filters that analyze changes
in requirement text, attributes, traceability, and hierarchical relationships.
Trend analysis reports require that you specify an increment for
displaying revisions.

6.0 Advanced Features

A filter defines retrieval criteria for a particular aspect of a requirement. It
is the elemental building block of a Requirement Metrics query.
A query is a collection of filters. In order for a requirement to be returned
from a query, it must pass all the filters that make up the query.

6.0 Advanced Features

Question1: How many requirements were created since the last
Requirements Creation filter

Options/Time Period > 10/15/99

Question 2: How many requirements went from Low Priority to High

Priority in the last month?
Attribute Value Change filter
Priority Before = Low
Priority After = High
Options/Time Period/Last Month

6.0 Advanced Features

Question 3: Are my associations with other requirements stable?
Traceability Change filter: Select All
Relationship = Trace To and From
Action = Added or Removed
Question 4: How many requirements contain text that has changed
more than three times since the last iteration?
Requirement Text Change filter
Number of changes > 3
Options/Time Period > 10/15/99

6.0 Advanced Features

Step 1: Create a Filter and Query
1. Select a view from the Choose a RequisitePro View drop-down list.
This can either be a view that you have previously created in the Views
2. Next click the Add Filter button. The Add Filter dialog appears and
displays a list of possible filters.
3. Select a filter and click OK.
4. When you have finished making your selections, click OK to add the
filter to the filter list.
5. Add more filters to the list until your query is complete.

6.0 Advanced Features

Step 2: Add a Query to a Report
When you add the query to the report, Requirement Metrics builds all
filters in the filter list into a single query and adds that query to the
report's list of queries. Filters are joined in the query with the "AND"
logical operator.
1. Click Add to Report button The query is added to the report's list of
queries with a default label.
2.To change this label, select the query in the list, then single-click the
query again. The cursor changes into edit mode over the label.
3.Type your new label and press Enter to save the changes.

6.0 Advanced Features

4. To rearrange the order of the queries in the query list, select a query
and click Move Up or Move Down. The order to the queries determines
the order in which they appear in the report.
5. Click the menu command Options > Output Requirements Detail to
display the requirement tags, text, and attribute values (when applicable)
in the report.
A separate worksheet is created in Microsoft Excel for each query in the

6.0 Advanced Features

Step 3: Setting the Time Controls
Time Sensitive: A Requirement Metrics filter, query, or report is
considered time sensitive if it uses the revisions file to analyze changes
in a project over time.
The Options > Time Period menu command is enabled when a timesensitive filter is added to a report. The Time Period command allows
you to specify a date range for the requirement changes.
The following filters are considered time sensitive:
Attribute Change , Parent Change, Requirement Creation,
Requirement Text Change, Traceability Change

6.0 Advanced Features

Trend Analysis Report

A Trend Analysis report shows how the project has been changing over
time. Each column represents one filter in a query, and each row tallies
the number of revisions that meet the criteria of the filter for the specified
time period. Since one requirement may have several revisions that
meet the filter, you should keep in mind that the columns will not
necessarily add up to the number of requirements that have met the
query criteria.

Trend Analysis reports are particularly useful for identifying requirements

that may need to be revised. For example, you might run a Trend
Analysis report to find how many times the cost attributes or the
requirements have changed from Low to High, so that those
requirements could then be examined.

6.0 Advanced Features

To set the time controls:
Click the Time Controls button on the toolbar. The Report Time
Period dialog box appears.
Do one of the following:
- Click Relative Time Period and select a relative time period from the
drop-down list.
- Click Specific Time Period, and select an operator (such as ">") and a
date from the drop-down lists. When you select the "Between" operator,
you must select a beginning and ending date.

6.0 Advanced Features

3. For reports with only time-sensitive filters, mark the Trend Intervals
check box and select an interval from the drop-down list.
Note: The check box is not enabled if you select "Any Time" as your
relative time period. This is because there is no end date associated
with this selection.
4.Mark the Show Cumulative Counts check box to show the cumulative
number of requirements for each time interval.

6.0 Advanced Features

Step 4: Run the Report

After you have added queries to the report, you are ready to run it.
Do one of the following:
Click the Create button.
Click the File > Create Report menu command.
Step 5: Save the Report
1. To save the current report, click the File > Save Report As menu
The Save As dialog box appears.
2. Browse to a directory and type a file name for the report. Click Save.
Requirement Metrics saves the report, including all queries and settings,
to a *.rqm file.

6.0 Advanced Features

Step 6: Open and Edit a Saved Report
1. To open a saved report, click the File > Open Report menu command.
The Open dialog box appears.
2. Browse to a directory, select a saved report (with a .rqm extension),
and click Open.

6.0 Advanced Features

Enabling Auto Suspect

Use the Tools > Auto Suspect command to automatically check for
changes that affect the traceability or hierarchical relationships
between requirements in the project.

- Auto Suspect is enabled by default. If you disable Auto Suspect, it is

automatically re-enabled the next time you open the project.
- If you have disabled Auto Suspect, you can re-enable it without closing
and opening the project.

Click Tools > Auto Suspect.

The Auto Suspect dialog box appears.
Click Enable Auto Suspect.
Click OK.

6.0 Advanced Features


Offline authoring
When you take a document offline, RequisitePro creates a copy of the
document in the directory you specify. The original is still stored in
RequisitePro, but it is changed to a read-only document. Other users can view
the document in RequisitePro, but they cannot edit it until you bring it back
Taking documents offline
1 Do one of the following:
Click Tools > Offline Documents.
-- In an open document, click RequisitePro > Document > Offline
The Offline Documents dialog box appears.

In the Display Types list, select a document type.

6.0 Advanced Features

3 Click the document you want to take offline. (Use a multiple select
action to select multiple documents.)

4.. Click Take Offline. The Take Offline Information dialog box appears.
5. In the Reason text box, type a reason for taking the document offline.
6 the Location text box, type the directory path where you want to store
the document, or click Browse to locate the directory.
7. If you are taking multiple documents offline, the Take Offline
Information dialog box includes the Apply to All check box. Select the
check box to apply the Reason and Location entries to all the
8. Click OK.

6.0 Advanced Features

Bringing offline documents back online
1. Do one of the following:
-- Click Tools > Offline Documents.
In an open document, click RequisitePro > Document > Offline
The Offline Documents dialog box appears.
In the Offline documents list, select the document you want to
bring back online. (Use a multiple select action to select multiple
Click Bring Online.
The Bring Online Information dialog box appears.

6.0 Advanced Features

4. In the Description of Changes box, type a description of the changes
made to the currently selected document while it was offline.

5. If you want to remove the copy of the offline Microsoft Word document
when you bring the RequisitePro document online, select the Remove
the offline document from the file system check box. (This prevents you
from editing the old version of the document.)
6. If you are bringing multiple documents back online and the changes
apply to all subsequent documents, select the Apply to All check box.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Yes to accept updating the document, or click No to decline
updating the document.

6.0 Advanced Features

Generating SoDA reports - Rational RequisitePro is a supported

domain for Rational SoDA. This allows you to create reports that extract
information from various data sources, including a RequisitePro
Using SoDA and RequisitePro, you can:
- Use SoDA to modify and generate SoDA reports and documents from
an open RequisitePro project.
- Use SoDA and RequisitePro to create a report that consolidates
RequisitePro requirements information and Rational Rose modeling
- Create a use-case report that includes all use-case requirements and
Rose use-case diagrams.

6.0 Advanced Features

Steps to generate SoDA Report
1. Click Tools > Generate SoDA Report.
The SoDA dialog box appears, showing a list of templates for use with
2. Select a template from the list and click OK.
SoDA for Word opens. The SoDA menu is active and the selected
template is open.
3. Use the template to create a SoDA report from the open RequisitePro

6.0 Advanced Features

Configuring e-mail for discussions
- To use e-mail with RequisitePro discussions, you must provide user email addresses:
- Type an e-mail address in the Project Security dialog box (click File >
Project Administration > Security). This entry supplies the user
information for each user in RequisitePro. A valid e-mail address is
required here for receiving discussion items by e-mail.

Click Tools > E-mail Setup.

The E-mail Configuration dialog box appears.
Select the Enable e-mail notification check box to automatically
generate notification e-mail

6.0 Advanced Features

Select the E-mail protocol option that is used on your network:

For SMTP/Pop3, type the following:

your SMTP server
your e-mail address, such as ""
your name (Real Name) as it should appear in discussion group


For MAPI, select your MAPI Profile.

Click OK.

6.0 Advanced Features

Adding customized menu commands
- The Tools > Add-ins command allows you to add your own customized
commands to menus in Rational RequisitePro. These menu commands
can be used to start external applications, such as e-mail or the
Windows Notepad, directly from RequisitePro. In addition, you can
configure a command to open an individual file with the application of
your choice. You can add commands to any of the following RequisitePro
menus: File, Edit, View, Requirement, Traceability, Tools, and Help.
- You can add either a project-wide menu command for use by all
members of the project team or a command that appears only when
RequisitePro is open on your PC. The Add-ins command prompts you to
specify an external menu file that defines your customized menu

6.0 Advanced Features

External project : A project containing requirements that are used to
establish traceability relationships with requirements in the currently
open project.
- Connecting a project activates the relationship between the current
project and the external project. When an external project is
disconnected, you temporarily remove the connection to the open
- Use the File > Project Administration > External Projects command to
establish cross-project traceability. You can establish traceability
between requirements that reside in different projects. You can
dynamically disconnect and connect the external projects.

6.0 Advanced Features

Cross-project traceability overview
- To use cross-project traceability, you first open each external project
and mark the requirement types in the projects for external traceability.
Then you open the primary project and connect the external projects to
it. After you make the connection, you can add traceability relationships
for all requirements of the marked requirement types.
- External requirements are identified with a prefix that you set in the
General tab of each project's Project Properties dialog box.

6.0 Advanced Features

Import Wizard: Select a Source
-- Microsoft Word Document : Use the Import Wizard to import
requirements from a Word document into a Rational RequisitePro
document or to import a Word document in its entirety into a
RequisitePro project.
- Comma Separated Value (*.CSV) file. The CSV import process is
recommended for importing requirements from a non-RequisitePro
database into the active project or for updating existing requirement
attributes with new information.

6.0 Advanced Features

The CSV file and RequisitePro must be configured properly in order for
you to import all information:
- The CSV file must contain a header in RequisitePro format.
RequisitePro uses the following header format:
<Tag>, "Requirement text", "Name", <Attribute 1>,<Attribute 2>,
<Attribute 3>.

6.0 Advanced Features

Exporting requirements in Word format
When you export requirements in Word format, Rational RequisitePro
creates a new Microsoft Word document showing the expanded levels in
a view. You can export Attribute Matrix and Traceability Tree views.
Exporting requirements in CSV format
With this export option, you export a view as an ASCII file, with commaseparated values (CSV files). Depending on the view, each requirement
is exported with the requirement tag, followed by the requirement text,
requirement name, and requirement attributes:

6.0 Advanced Features

Exclusive access

A condition by which access to a project and its documents is only

available to the user who opens the project. Exclusive access is required
to change a variety of project characteristics.
You set access when you open a project. You can open a project and its
documents in exclusive mode only if the project and documents are not
already open by another user.
When modifying project properties that require exclusive access, if you
are the only current user of the project and you have not opened the
project in exclusive mode, Rational RequisitePro displays a dialog box
that gives you the opportunity to gain exclusive access (without closing it
and reopening it).

6.0 Advanced Features

With exclusive access, you can:
Renumber requirements
Change tag prefixes
Change requirement color and style
Delete attribute from a requirement type
Propagate a revision number

6.0 Advanced Features


Click File > Project Administration > Security.

The Project Security dialog box appears.

Select the Enable security for this project check box.

Three default groups are added to the Groups list:
Administrators group
Users group
Deleted Users groups

Click OK.

6.0 Advanced Features

Project Permissions
can manage project structure
Entitles group members to create, delete, or modify items within
projects, such as document types, requirement types, and requirement
can manage project security
Entitles group members to change group and user permissions.

6.0 Advanced Features

Adding groups
If you are a Rational RequisitePro administrator or a member of a group
with project security permissions, you can add a group.
Click File > Project Administration > Security.
The Project Security dialog box appears. (Make sure the Enable security
for this project check box is selected.)
Click Add below the Groups list.
The Group Permissions dialog box appears.
Type a name for the group.
Set the group project permissions.
Set the document and requirement type permissions.
Click OK.

6.0 Advanced Features

Permissions :
Read: Members of the group can view a document of this type, but they
cannot modify one.
Update: Members of the group can view and modify a document of this
type, but they cannot create or delete one.
Create: Members of the group can view, modify, and create documents
of this type.
Delete: Members of the group can view, modify, create, and delete
documents of this type.

6.0 Advanced Features

Renumbering requirements Renumbering all requirements is useful to
eliminate the "holes" in a numbering scheme that result when you delete
or move requirements. Requirements are renumbered in the order in
which they appear in a document.
1. Click File > Project Administration > Renumber Requirements.
2. In the Requirement Type list, select the requirement type for which
you want to change the numbering.
3. Select the Renumber Requirements of this type check box.
4. In the Initial Requirement Number text box, type the initial
requirement number that you want to set. The default number is 1 and
Press OK

7.0 Additional Information

Restrictions and Guidelines on Using RequisitePro
Microsoft Word Issues
1. Text Boxes and Stories in Word
- Avoid creating requirements inside text boxes. RequisitePro cannot
access them properly.
- Special Characters in Word
2. Macros and Macro Security
- RequisitePro does not support Word customized macros.
- Choose to clear the Trust all installed add-ins and templates check
box on Tools > Macro > Security, you must click Enable at the Microsoft
Word message box each time you open Microsoft Word. (RMBU11361)

7.0 Additional Information

Refreshing Requirements - RequisitePro contains a Refresh
Requirements command (available when you click RequisitePro >
Document) that lets you reset the style and color of all requirement text
in a document in case you inadvertently change it.
Non textual Requirements
You cannot edit the requirement text outside the document (even when
the extended editing feature is enabled) if you include the following in
the text of a requirement located in a document:
- OLE objects
- Pictures (both inline and floating)
- Tables

7.0 Additional Information

Printing project summaries
You can print a summary of the project structure in report form. The
requirement types, document types, and document details are printed.
1. Click File > Project Administration > Print Summary.
A standard Windows Print dialog box appears.
2. Select the options you want and print.

7.0 Additional Information

Integrated Use Case Management

Rationals integrated management of use cases between Rational Rose

and Rational RequisitePro allows you to start or work in either
environment, according to your process.

Integrated Use Case Management allows you to manage use cases

using attributes (such as Priority, Risk, Status, and Iteration) by
associating Rose use cases with RequisitePro documents and
requirements. You can easily navigate from Rose use-case models to
RequisitePro use-case documents and requirements and vice versa.

If you have Rose installed, you can use the Tools > Rational Rose/XDE
command to open Rose or XDE from RequisitePro. You can use
commands on the Requirement and RequisitePro menus to associate
requirements to Rose items and to view those items in Rose.

7.0 Additional Information

Integration with Rational Rose
Combining Rational Rose and RequisitePro gives you Integrated Use
Case Management by enhancing use-case modeling with powerful
requirements management capabilities. Integrated Use Case
Management enables you to extend use cases beyond diagrams with
sort able attributes, documents, and race ability and helps you to
manage large numbers of use cases across your team.
Integrated Use Case Management helps manage large numbers of use
cases across your team. This is the tightest and most robust integration
in the market between a visual modeling tool and a requirements
management tool.

7.0 Additional Information

Working with Rational Rose
Requirement management capabilities are visible from the standard
shortcut menu in the Rational Rose browser -- right-click on a use case
in Rose to view the new use-case menu options. They include:

Use Case Document to create a new use-case document or associate

the use case with an existing RequisitePro use-case document
Requirement Properties to view and edit attributes and traceability links
to the use case
View RequisitePro Association to view the Rational RequisitePro context
for that use case (the associated use case document template and use
case attributes -- set via a requirement "type")

7.0 Additional Information

Options on the use-case shortcut menu in Rose

Figure 1: New options on the use-case

shortcut menu in Rose

Lets look at these

7.0 Additional Information


User may be writing use-case documents and attaching them to your

use-case model via the Rose External File property. The new Integrated
Use Case Management capability goes beyond simply attaching a file to
a Rose use case.

Use case documents are based on proven use-case document

To associate a use case document with a Rose use case, right-click on
the use case in the Rose browser, and select Use Case Document>New
from the shortcut menu. The RequisitePro Word environment is
launched and your template-based document is displayed, ready for
editing. You can also associate an existing RequisitePro document to a
Rose use case by using the Use Case Document>Associate menu item.

7.0 Additional Information

This integration permits flexible mapping to RequisitePro at the model,
package, or use-case level. Models and packages can be associated
with a RequisitePro project, which provides a location for storing and
managing the use-case documents and attributes. This project is the
context in which you determine attributes and the document style.

Class Diagram Rose to

Requisite Pro

Rose \ Requisite Pro

To associate a Rose model with a RequisitePro project:
1. Open the Rose model.
2. Click Tools > Rational RequisitePro > Associate Model to Project. The
Associate Model to Project dialog box appears.
3. At the Project Name field, click the Browse button. Navigate to and
select the RequisitePro project file (with an .rqs extension). Typically, this
is located in a project subdirectory in the C:\Program
Files\Rational\RequisitePro\Projects directory. This may vary when
accessing network-based projects or customized local project directories.
4. Click Open. The full path and name of the RequisitePro .rqs file appear
in the Project field. The available document types and requirement types
are listed in the appropriate fields.

Rose \ Requisite Pro

5. Select a document type from the Default Document Type field.
6. Select a requirement type from the Default Requirement Type field.
7. Select a path map from the Rose path map field if you are using a
virtual path map for your Rose model.
8. Click OK to save the association and close the dialog box.

Rose \ Requisite Pro

To associate a use case with a new RequisitePro document:
1. Open a Rose model associated with a RequisitePro project.
2. In the browser tree or use-case diagram, right-click a use case that
does not have an association with a RequisitePro document.
3. Right-click Use Case Document > New....

Rose \ Requisite Pro

To associate a use case with a new RequisitePro document:

1. Create a new RequisitePro document.
2. Click RequisitePro > Requirement > Associate to Use Case.
The Document Use-Case Association dialog box appears.
3. Type a full path and Rose model file name in the indicated field, or
click Browse and open the Rose model file.
4. Click Apply. Any use cases in the model that are not associated to a
requirement or document appear in the Select Rose Item's list.
5. Select one or more use cases and click Associate. The Associate Use
Cases to Requirements dialog box appears.

Rose \ Requisite Pro

Managing use-case attributes
To associate attributes such as priority or status with a Rational Rose
use case, you must associate the use case with a requirement in
Rational RequisitePro. You can associate the use case with an existing
requirement or create a new one. The requirement type is defined in
RequisitePro and determines which attributes are available to you for
managing the use case.

Thank you

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