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Chapter 3

Persuading Your Audience

Technical Communication,
13th Edition
John M. Lannon
Laura J. Gurak

Copyright 2014, 2011, 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Objectives
Appreciate the role of persuasion in technical

Identify a specific persuasive goal for your
Anticipate how audiences may react to your
Respect any limitations such as company
rules or legal constraints
Support your argument using evidence and
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Learning Objectives (continued)

Understand that cultural differences may

influence audience reactions

Prepare a convincing argument

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Persuasion means trying to influence
someones actions, opinions, or decisions. In
the workplace, we rely on persuasion daily.

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Implicit and Explicit Persuasion

Almost all workplace documents have an
implicit or explicit persuasive goal:
Implicit persuasion assures readers that the

information provided is accurate, the facts are correct,

and the writer is fluent, competent, and knowledgeable.
Explicit persuasion seeks to win readers over to a
particular point of view about an issue that is in some
way controversial.

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Identify Your Specific

Persuasive Goal
Before you undertake writing a persuasive
document, first consider what you want it to
accomplish, and realize that goals may overlap.
Do you want to:
Influence peoples opinions?
Enlist peoples support?
Submit a proposal?
Change peoples behavior?

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Try to Predict Audience Reaction

and Expect Resistance
Also consider how your audience might react

to your argument. Reaction depends on how

controversial the argument is or if it conveys
bad news. The audience will accept or resist.
Audiences will accept an argument for any of
three reasons: compliance (acceptance
under pressure), identification (acceptance
for personal reasons), or internalization
(acceptance because the argument makes
good sense). Aim for internalization.
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Try to Predict Audience Reaction

and Expect Resistance (continued)
This graphic illustrates the three types of
audience acceptance:

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Know How to Connect

with the Audience
Three ways of connecting with an audience are
the power connection, the relationship
connection, and the rational connection.

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Allow for Give and Take

Make a balanced argument, with both sides of
the issue considered evenly and fairly:
explain the reasoning and evidence behind your

invite people to find weak spots in your case, and to
improve on it
invite people to challenge your ideas

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Ask for a Specific Response but

Dont Ask for too Much
Dont be afraid to ask for what you want when

making an argument. Let people know what

you want them to do or think.
However, remember that any request that
exceeds its audiences latitude of
acceptance is doomed.

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Recognize All Constraints

Constraints are limits or restrictions imposed by
the situation when you make an argument:
Organizational constraints: Constraints based on

company rules.
Legal constraints: Constraints based on the law.
Ethical constraints: Constraints based on honesty and
fair play.
Time constraints: Constraints based on the right timing.
Social and psychological constraints: Constraints
based on audience.

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Support Your Claims Convincingly

The most persuasive argument will be the one
that presents the strongest casefrom the
audiences perspective. You must:
Offer convincing evidence: The evidence must have

quality, use credible sources, and be reasonable. Types

of evidence are factual statements, statistics, examples,
and expert testimony.
Appeal to common goals and values: Consider what
the audience also wants to accomplish and how they

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Consider the Cultural Context

Reaction to persuasive appeals can be
influenced by a cultures customs and values.
Be aware of the following considerations:
Recognize that cultures differ
Understand the importance of face saving in all

Learn all you can about various business cultures

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Review Questions
1. What is the definition of persuasion?
2. What is the difference between implicit
persuasion and explicit persuasion?
3. What is identifying your persuasive goal
important and what are three types of
persuasive goals?
4. Why is it important to predict your
audiences reaction?
5. What are the three types of audience
acceptance and how do they work?
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Review Questions (continued)

6. What are the three types of audience
connection and how do they work?
7. Why is it important to allow for give and take?
8. What are the five types of constraints on an
argument and what do they each mean?
9. In what two ways can you support your claims
10. What three things can you do to ensure you
consider the cultural context in an argument?
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