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Writing III

3 class : 15 of March 2015



Meiliza Fitri

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

Course Introduction

Text book : Writing 3, Rahmat Budiman, Universitas Terbuka 2011

Tutorial module consists of 9 parts but will be cover in 8 classes.

Class 1 : Descriptive Paragraph

Class 2 : Personal Letters

Class 3 : Business Letters

Class 4 : Basic Essays

Class 5 : Narrative 1

Class 6 : Narrative 2 & Comparative

Class 7 : Cause and Effect

Class 8 : Argumentative

Tutorial method: Online (Justin TV or Ustream) and In class

Grading Components

Task 1, Task 2, and Task 3


Final Exam

Course material can be found at Portal UT Korea

Module 3 Business Letters

Used in formal situations

Formal language must be used

Diction (word selection), has to be picked carefully in order to

show respect to the person we send the letter to

Three types of business letters

Complaint letters


Letters to the editor

The purpose of this unit are that you are expected to be able
to write business letters

Unit 1 Complaint Letters

WRITING: Writing Complaint Letters
There are some steps in writing a complaint letters, they are:

Know who you are writing to

Never write in anger or emotionally

Never wait more than a week

Type it, dont write

Know who you are addressing, be specific in your opening address\

Be direct

Drive home your facts

Dont embellish, stick with the fact

Explain what you want to accomplish, but dont be unrealistic

Let them know what you plan to do if your issues are not addressed

Give contact information

Thank the person reading your letter in advance

Model for Complaint Letter:

GRAMMAR : Simple Past and Past Progressive Tense

FORM Simple Past [VERB+ed]

USE 1 Completed Action in the Past

USE 2 A Series of Completed Actions

USE 3 Single Duration

GRAMMAR : Simple Past and Past Progressive Tense

USE 4 Habit in the Past

IMPORTANT When clauses happen first

Clauses : groups of words which have meaning

but not complete sentences. When clauses is
clauses begin with the word when.


GRAMMAR : Simple Past and Past Progressive Tense

FORM Past Progressive [WAS/WERE] + [VERB + ing]

USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past

USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption


Clauses with the Past Continuous

usually start with while. While
expresses the idea during the time.

GRAMMAR : Simple Past and Past Progressive Tense


USE 3 Parallel Actions

USE 4 Atmosphere

USE 5 Repetition and Irritation with Always

GRAMMAR : Simple Past and Past Progressive Tense

IMPORTANT Non-Continuous Verbs/Mixed Verbs

ACTIVE/PASSIVE Past Continuous

Unit 2 Memos
WRITING: Writing Memos

Memos are used either in a formal an informal


You will learn business memos

Business memos are more formal and

complicated than informal memos, but the
intention is same

Parts of memo:

1. Heading Segment

2. Opening Segment
The purpose of a memo is usually found in the opening
paragraph and is presented in three parts:

The context, is the event, circumstance, or the background of the

problem you are solving

The specific assignment or task, you should describe what you are
doing to help solve the problem

The purpose of the memo, gives your reason for writing it and
forecast what is in the rest of the memo

3. Closing Segment

Model of Writing Memo:

GRAMMAR : Future Tense

Concentrate on the future simple, the

future continuous, be going to, the
present continuous and the present

Shall/will are used when we want to say that

we are willing to do something in the future:

Shall/will future is used to describe future

speculations and possibilities:

Stephanie thinks Manchester United will win the


Will future describes instant decisions which

had no previous plan:

I shall/will tell you the way the machine works.

We forgot to install Jims computer. I ll give him

my notebook.

Two actions in the future, one happening before

the other can happen. The first action has
present perfect, the second has the future

My mom will send me some money as soon as

she has read my letter.

The Future Continuous [shall/will + be +

present participle]

Be going to

The Present Continuous

The Present Simple

Unit 3 Letters to the Editor

WRITING: Writing Letters to the Editor

Usually written to express idea, comment, opinion, or share

experience about something that might happen to anyone else

Tips in writing letters to the editors:

Letters to the editors should be written short

Always try to refer the article you are responding

Be concise and stick to the point

Always be polite, do not say someones name or get nasty in


Feel free to use humor if it is needed

GRAMMAR : Gerund, to infinitive and infinitive


A noun formed from a verb, ends with ing.

Gerunds function as nouns. Gerunds will be
subject, subject complements, direct object,
indirect objects, and object of prepositions.

To infinitive

Gerund, to infinitive or infinitive without to

Gerund, to infinitive or infinitive without to


Activity 1 unit 1

Activity 3 unit 2

Activity 4 unit 3

LANGUAGE IN USE: choosing between gerunds and infinitives

page 3.43

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