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Mentoring in

Abderrahim Zennouhi
Acacia Rosilez
Michael Salazar

Mentoring in Organizations
Mentoring and Management: Developing
Human Assets
Beyond Traditional Mentoring: Peers and
Mentor Networks and Career Success: Lessons
for Turbulent Times

High Level Themes

Differences between coaching and mentoring
Why mentoring is important
Mentoring networks
Benefits to personal development
Three career competencies
5 Specific strategies for creating effective
developmental relationships

Hypothetical: Coaching or Mentoring

Bob works as a sous-chef at a restaurant. The chef works to enhance
his cooking skills and techniques. He constantly challenges Bob to
cook faster and use the techniques he teaches him. Bobs dream is
to open his own restaurant. One day he mentioned this to Carl his
friend who works as a small business loan manager. Carl being the
nice guy that he is begins to teach Bob the business side of
restaurant ownership by introducing him to other small restaurant
owners. Carl also teaches Bob about all the possible financing
opportunities and helps guide him to his goal. Every time they
meet, Carl asks Bob how his training with the chef is going and
constantly informs him about culinary schools in the area.
Who is Bobs mentor and who is his coach? Why? How did you identify each?

Differences Between Coaching and Mentoring



Key Goals

Correct Inappropriate Behavior;

Improve Performance, and Impart
Skills that the Employee Needs to
Accept New Responsibilities

To Support and Guide Personal

Growth of the Protege

Initiative for

Directs Learning and Instruction

In Charge of Learning


Not Usually Voluntary

Usually Voluntary





Feedback and Corrections

Suggestions and Connections


Usually Short-Term



Immediate Supervisor/Manager

Usually No Power Over Individual

Mentoring Costs and Benefits

3 Key Benefits of Mentoring
1. Develops Human Assets of Organization
2. Transfer of Tacit Knowledge
3. Aids in the Retention of Employees

Mentoring Costs
4. Time commitment for both you and mentor

Who Should Have A Mentor?

Career oriented
Self-awareness: strengths and weaknesses
Eager to learn
Ambition is key
Is mentoring for everyone?

Mentoring in General

Peers to Peer Mentoring

Why someone would use Peer to Peer Mentoring?
Peer-to-peer mentoring rests on this solid premise:
ambitious and hardworking young managers have a
great deal to learn from each other, and because they
have shared experiences, they can empathize and
provide mutual support.

Peers to Peer Mentoring


Lack the power of high level mentors

Peers can be also be competitors
Peers can be reluctant to ask for help


Usually a larger pool of candidates for mentoring

Better understanding from peers
Each person has something to learn - Reciprocal Learning
Confidentiality can be maintained

Peer Pool Mentoring - What is it?

A formal pool of mentoring peers created by the HR Dept. who
determines which special capabilities each person has to
contribute to the pool and which capabilities each could use in
developing his/her career.

Peer Pool Mentoring


Requires Substantial Coordination

Shifts Initiative from Individual to HR Dept. which fills the coordinating role


Shifts Initiative from Individual to HR Dept. which fills the coordinating role
Puts personal preference aside
Opportunity to Learn More

Does anyones workplace utilize the Peer Pool Mentoring?

Mentoring Networks

3 Career Competencies
Knowing Why - Who am I?
Knowing How - What can I do?
Knowing Whom - Who do I know?

Five Strategies for Developing Mentor


Small Group Discussion Questions

Break into three groups. Each group will be assigned a
question. Elect someone to discuss the overall opinion of the
1. Discuss which is more beneficial to you: single or multiple
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages youve run into
with mentoring?
3. Now that you see the differences between mentoring and
coaching, do you view your personal mentor as a mentor or
as a coach?

Blackboard Group Discussion Questions

1. Do you see yourself as a mentor or protege? Describe why.

2. Do you view the relationship with your mentor as reciprocal or one way?
3. What characteristics do you look for in a mentor? Describe why.

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