Sypnosis Presentation sHAKESPEARE

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What is Supernatural?

Supernatural is a very natural phenomenon of nature which is still unexplained and hard to prove
with logical and scientific notions.
Magic is magic till it is unexplained.
It becomes a science or art as soon as we know its secret.

You have experienced Supernatural if you answer is YES to any of the following question.
Have you ever had a gut feeling?
Have you ever had intuition?
Have you ever experienced butterflies in stomach?
Have ever have a deja-vu?
Have you ever meet someone and instantly liked or hated that person?
Have you ever Feel the atmosphere in the room without knowing what happened there?

Why study Supernatural?

The study of supernatural is the best way to regain our true natural potential with the
help of nature.
Our sincere inner call for the help will be answered by studying it politely and positively.
There are some ill hearted practioners of these science and art who are using it for the
fulfilment of their selfish ends, we can help people if we know exactly....
What to do?
When to do?
and How to do?
To find out truthfulness of the subject.
Life is full of uncertainties and chaos. We always look for and wait for some or other help
from may be above or from unknown, and many a times we have received it, because it
[God Almighty?, Nature?, Supreme Power?] is watching us and testing us.
We want to know....who answers to our prayers? Who fulfils our wishes? Dont we?
Search of God itself is a study of supernatural whatever your way may be.

Why study Shakespeare ?

Mr. William Shakespeare provided the world with great literature and half of it filled with
Take out supernatural from his plays and then there is no Shakespeare.
Shakespeare is the only known poet who have dealt with maximum forms of
supernatural elements and entities extensively, effectively and honestly, which was
known to his contemporary society.
Shakespeares work provide us a trustworthy picture of the then society, their beliefs and
their intellectuality.

Aim and Objective

What Shakespeare trying to convey us through the use of Supernatural?

Not a single belief and supernatural element from his plays happened to be wrong.

To find out the effectiveness, influence and truthfulness of the

supernatural elements used by William Shakespeare in his plays.

Research Methodology and Review of Literature

For this research the primary data in the form of plays and secondary data in the form of
analysis, reviews and criticism by the expert on the subject of literature like A.C.Bradely,
Helen Stuwart, William Hazlitt, Hudson, Cumberland Clark and Margaret Lucy etc. will
be consulted thoroughly.

As well as secondary data with respect to Magic, Witchcraft, Occult, Metaphysics and
Alchemy by Collin Wilson, Evelyn Underhill, Israiel Regardie, Aleister Crowley, Scott
Cunningham, Marion Weinstein, Dion Fortune, etc. will be consulted.


In today's society Superstations are prevailing because of the lack of proper knowledge.
Whatever the kind of Knowledge may be.

Through this research the researcher will try to find out whether these supernatural
elements exists or whether they are just the fragment of ones imagination.
This research will help to the proper understanding of the uncanny subject
This research will help to understand the real nature of Supernatural.

Scope and Limitation

This study will be confined to the following two comedies of William Shakespeare
A Midsummer Nights Dream (1595)
[Actual involvement of supernatural in the plot to form a sub plot.]

The Merry Wives of Windsor (1597-98)

[ Some beliefs are incorporated]
No substantial practioner of the subject is available in today's world to the best
knowledge of researcher to show and perform the Magic as it is in the plays. So
whatever the study and findings will be will remain on paper only until the right time. And
this is the scope and limitation of the research.

Scheme of Chapters

Chapter I
Elizabethan Superstation and Popular Beliefs
Chapter II
Supernatural Elements Used in Shakespeares The Midsummers Night Dream and The Merry Wives of Windsor,
their Supernatural association and uses
Chapter III
The Supernatural in A midsummer Nights Dream
Chapter IV
The Supernatural in and The Merry Wives of Windsor
Chapter VI

Chapter I
Elizabethan Superstation and Popular Beliefs

The study regarding the superstation and popular beliefs of the Elizabethan society will be done
in this chapter . The reasons, stories and myths behind the superstation and popular beliefs of
Elizabethan society will be studied and analysed in this chapter. Beliefs such as One should not
talk or watch the works of fairies.

Chapter- II
Supernatural Elements Used in Shakespeares The Midsummers Night Dream and
The Merry Wives of Windsor, their Supernatural association and uses

In this chapter the researcher will give a detail study of the supernatural elements used by
Shakespeare like Dreams, Visions, Oracles, Prophecies, Fairies, Witches, Spirits, Angels,
Telepathy, Thought Transference, Nymphs, etc. as they are frequently and forcefully used by
Shakespeare in particular.

Chapter- III
Supernatural in Shakespeares A Midsummers Night Dream

This comedy of Shakespeare contain a sub plot full of supernatural entities, here he
gave of a fairy land their king, queen, their helpers and their mundane quibbles and
troubles. In this drama he showed how this supernatural can be helpful as well as
troublesome to us the human.

Supernatural in Shakespeares The Merry Wives of Windsor

There is no exact appearance of any supernatural entity in this play, but this play
provides a strong belief of the contemporary society towards supernatural.


This chapter will provide a conclusion of the study and will also try to provide a
discussion about the co-existence of supernatural and human and whether we the
human should follow this realm of knowledge or not?
The Researcher will also try to incorporate the views of some present day wizards and
witches as well as the scholars and some prominent authors of the present time on the

Now my charms are all oerthrown,

And what strength I haves mine own,
Which is most faint. Now tis true
I must be here confined by you
But release me from my bands
With the help of your good hands.
Gentle breath of yours my sail
Must fill, or else my project fails,
Which was not please. Now I want
Spirits to enforce, art to enchant;
And my ending is despair
Unless I be relieved by prayer,
Which pierces so, that it assaults
Mercy itself, and frees all faults.
As you from crimes would pardoned be,
Let your indulgence set me free.
William Shakespeare
Act-V, Scene I
The Tempest

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