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Human Recourse Planning

& Resume Building

Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning is deciding


How many people the organization needs?

How to determine skill/ability mix of those
What should be the mix of hiring from the
outside versus promoting from within?

HR Planning is critical for the

company strategy

Resource Planning is
providing a continuity of efficient
manning for total business and
optimum use of manpower resources.
It cannot be a stand-alone activity
rather must exist as apart of the
company strategic planning process


being an HR function but

simultaneously embedded in the company
strategy itself, Human Resource Planning
makes the key link between the two.


is a process designed to translate the

corporate plans and objectives into future
quantitative and qualitative human
resource requirements, both shorter and
longer terms.

It is a vital tool for identifying the

1.Gaps in capabilities i.e. sufficient people, skills,
knowledge and so on which could hinder
implementation of the corporate strategy;
2.Surpluses in capabilities i.e. the skills, people
and knowledge that may be underused, so the
organization could consider new opportunities
and ventures that would capitalise on these
3.Poor utilisation of people in the organization
suggesting reviewing inappropriate HR

Is manpower planning an essential

of every organization?
Following factors have crucial role in deciding
tendency and/or requirement of HR
planning in the organizations.

Organization Type
Strategic Capacity
Approach towards managing change
Labour market situation
Degree of stability
Availability of expertise

Strategic Capacity
An overall strategic plan of an
organization is a prerequisite for
effective HR planning.
It is unlikely that organizations
lacking strategic planning in other
areas will make an exception for
strategic human resource planning.

Approach towards managing change

All organizations do not have proactive
stance, rather they active reactively and
indulge in HR planning only in the
expansion and retrenchment situations.

Labour market situation

Organizations hardly need planning
for a skill with loose market around.
In such a case the organizations may
not exercise retention polices and
career paths that have a cause and
effect relation with HR planning.

Environmental Stability
Planning is about making predictions
about future on the basis of present
knowledge. So it cannot work where
environment is so unstable that
meaningful projections are

Availability of expertise
Due to inherent attitudinal
peculiarities, it is far more
difficult to forecast the needed
human resources as compared
to financial and other inert
resources, so the organization
generally avoid it owing to lack
of required expertise.

Company goals determine demand for

the human resources
Demand forecast for the HR is based
on goals set for a specific period. It
requires answering basic questions
1. What would be the workload required by
the goal achievement for example,
number of health assistants per given
number of patients?
2. What will be the role of technology in goal
achievement and how it would affect the

However, there is no exact science for

demand forecasting nor there is any
mechanical formula for assembling the
data on which demand forecast is
based. Rather it is forecasted through:
1. Past practices
2. Analogies / similarities
3. Experience based tacit knowledge

Current HR inventory

current human resources begins by

developing a profile of the organizations
current employees
This includes a complete list of all employees
by name, education, training, prior
employment, current position, performance
rating, salary level, capabilities and
specialized skills.
This input is valuable in determining what
skills are currently available in the
The HR inventory can provide a crucial
information for identifying current
strengths/weaknesses of the organizations
ability to perform.

Labour Market Forces

Factors that affect the local labour market
1. Unemployment level
2. Tight and loose labour market for particular skills
3. Degree of competition for a particular skill
among the employers in the area
4. Quality of the produce of the education system
and the basic qualifications/skills available
5. Population movement related to job
6. Local transport facilities

Resume Building
What is a CV?
Curriculum Vitae:an outline of a person's educational
and professional history, usually prepared for job
applications.Another name for a CV is arsum.
A CV is the most flexible and convenient way to
make applications.It conveys your personal details in
the way that presents you in the best possible light.A CV
is a marketing documentin which you are marketing
something: yourself! You need to "sell" your skills,
abilities, qualifications and experience to employers.
When should a CV be used?

When an employer asks for applications to be received

in this format
When an employer simply states "apply to ..." without
specifying the format
When makingspeculative applications(when writing
to an employer who has not advertised a vacancy but
who you hope my have one)

What information should a CV include?

Personal details
Normally these would be yourname, address, date of
birth(although with age discrimination laws now in force this
isn't essential),telephone number and email.
Education and qualifications
Your degree subject and university, plus A levels and GCSEs or
equivalents. Mention grades unless poor!
Work experience
Useaction wordssuch as developed, planned and organised.
Evenwork in a shop, bar or restaurantwill involveworking
in a team, providing aquality serviceto customers, and dealing
tactfully with complaints.Don't mention the routine, nonpeople tasks
Interests and achievements
Keep this sectionshort and to the point.As you grow older,
your employment record will take precedence and interests will
typically diminish greatly in length and importance.
Bulletscan be used to separate interests into different types:
sporting, creative etc.
Don't use the old boring clicheshere: "socialising with
Anyinterests relevant to the jobare worth mentioning:
current affairs if you wish to be a journalist.

The usual ones to mention arelanguages(good
conversational French, basic Spanish),computing(e.g.
"good working knowledge of MS Access and Excel, plus
basic web page design skills" anddriving("full current
clean driving licence").
If you are amaturecandidate or have lots of relevant
skills to offer, askills-based CVmay work for you

Many employers dont check references at the application
stage so unless the vacancy specifically requests referees
it's fine to omit this section completely if you are running
short of space or to say "References are available on
Normally two referees are sufficient: one academic
(perhaps your tutor or a project supervisor) and one from
an employer (perhaps your last part-time or summer job).
See our page onChoosing and Using Refereesfor
more help with this.

What makes a good CV?

There is no single "correct" way to write and present a

CVbut the following general rules apply:

It istargeted on the specific jobor career area for which you are
applying and brings out the relevant skills you have to offer

It is carefully andclearly laid out: logically ordered, easy to read

and not cramped

It isinformative but concise

It isaccurate in content, spelling and grammar. If you mention

attention to detail as a skill, make sure your spelling and grammar
is perfect!

How long should a CV be?

Tipson presentation
Your CV should becarefully and clearly laid out -not too
cramped but not with large empty spaces either. Use bold
and italic typefaces for headings and important information.

Each page should be on a separate sheet of paper.

Be concise.

Be positive.

Be honest.

Readable font type & size.

How to Send a Resume by Email

Sending your resume by e-mail may sound like the simplest
part of the job search, but beware.

Fromat ?

Email ID ?

Size ?


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