Evaluation Question 2: How Effective Is The Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?

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Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary


Throughout all three products we have created what I feel Is successful

synergy. For example we have linked each product to the documentary title
Do young people make bad choices when it comes to healthy eating? by the
use of colours, images and voice overs. We created a successful setting using
mise-en-scene with the title screen which includes and image of a green
apple on a lined paper background. This connotes nature and health which is
the theme of the documentary.

The apple also links with the documentary as it can be seen through a
medium close up shot of a student eating one. This also links with the colour
scheme of green as the apple can be seen as green which is also the colour of
the banner used to show the names of the experts.

This colour green can also be seen in our double page spread. It is used to
represent the theme of healthy eating and can be easily recognisable with the
documentary, this is due to stills being taken and used for the images in the
double page spread. The main image on the double page spread is the
medium close up of a student eating an apple. This image has created
branding thought our media texts. And therefore synergy has been used

Theorist- Stuart Hall

A theorist that supports this is Stuart Hall. He came up with the theory that
and audience will decode something based on their past experiences. This has
been shown through our three products. Although we were not aware of it at
the time the magazine was created to be more intriguing, as the typical
experience of our readers are that students are unhealthy eaters however we
are showing them and image of a student eating healthily, the same effect is
created through the gratification theory.

Theorist- Blumler and Katz

The gratification theory by Blumler and Katz suggests that an audience will
get pleasure out of watching something that they are familiar with. We have
supported this theory by choosing a topic that is widely familiar with our
target audience as they are able to relate to it.

Synergy is demonstrated through our documentary using external sounds. We

extracted clips from our documentary to use as the voice over. These include
clips from our vox pops and expert interviews. This therefore created synergy
relating the radio trailer to the documentary.

Overall I feel the use of synergy thought my three products worked well to
create branding however this was more clear, I feel, through the documentary
and double page spread as the use of images and colours is what mainly
combined the two, whereas the radio trailer could have had more sounds to
relate to healthy eating.

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