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Non verbal

is the message or response not expressed
or sent in words - hints , suggestions ,
Most of the expressions are non verbal
it is the most basic part of our personality.
NVC is the unspoken communication that
goes on in every Face-to-Face encounter
with another human being.

Non verbal
It is recognized as the route to discover what the
other side wants, without them ever saying it, like
a secret way into their soul.
It expresses beyond words
NVC stands for the innermost, instinctual form of
human communication.
Communication researcher found that only 7% of
a messages effect are carried by words ;
listeners receive the other 93% through non verbal means.

Importance of NVC

Functions of NVC
To regulate the flow of information
To express emotions.
To control or influence others.
To qualify, compliment,contradict or
expand verbal messages.
to provide information

Types of NVC



It is a form of language in which

meaning is conveyed through
variations in speech qualities such as:

Kinesics or body language

the use of :
facial expressions
eye movements
body postures
In communicating emotions

Two types of body

Open / Closed
People with arms folded and legs crossed
and bodies turned away are signaling that
they are rejecting messages.
People showing open hands, fully facing
you and both feet planted on the ground
are accepting them.

Types cont
Forward / Back
When people are leaning forward and
pointing towards you they are actively
accepting or rejecting the message.
When they are leaning back, looking up at
the ceiling, doodling on a pad, cleaning
their glasses they are either passively
absorbing or ignoring it.

the use of touch in communicating, as
a handshake
a pat on the back
an arm around the shoulder
a hug, etc.

communicating status through the use
of time, e.g.:
making people wait
allowing some people to go ahead of
others, etc.

the use of physical objects or office
designs to communicate status or
culture such as:
display of trophies
pictures with important people, etc.

communicating values and expectations
through clothing and other
dimensions of physical appearance :
Formally dressed
Informally dressed
Party wear

Ways to improve non verbal

It is not only what you say is important, but
it's how you say it that can make the
Eye contact
Facial expression
Body orientation

Effective NVC
The use of nonverbal cues is affected by
variables such as gender and culture.
Culture is the collective programming of
the mind, which distinguishes the members
of one human group from another .
The different expectations affect the way
they understand others.

One should consider following point

The distance of relation ship
Cultural differences and its nuances
Situations-What ,when ,to whom

Some culture specific

Rules regarding standing and position distance
Face-on for Arabs
45 degree angle for Anglo-Saxons
Side-to-side for Chinese
Smiling in Japan is strongly associated with nervousness, social
discomfort, or sorrow
In Buddhist Thailand never cross legs
The sole of the foot is the furthest part from heaven and the
least sacred. To show the bottom of the foot to someone is to
show disrespect
In Asian and Middle-eastern cultures it is appropriate for the
same sex to walk hand in hand but not the opposite sex

One should observe

Eye Contact
-Eye is a passage to ones soul
When and how to make eye contact
Eye contact,- it displays interest and
understanding between the speaker and listener.
Rolling eyes can be a sign of annoyance
Follow culture specific eye contact pattern
Europe- To continue a conversation
India May hamper conversation (Male-Female)
-talking to elders eye contact is avoided

Body Orientation
People can read your emotions through
Someone who has excellent posture is also
thought to have excellent power
Those who walk quickly and freely may be
goal oriented; while those who walk with
their heads down and hands in their pocket
may not be so motivated

Facial expression
Never show
while talking to Japanese
It is considered rude to
overtly express your
emotions in public.

Actions speak louder than words
Following gestures have different connotation
Placing a hand on chin -contemplation
Wringing hands -sign of stress and tension
crossing your arms over your chest -defensive,
although it could simply signal coldness.
Raising middle fingers
Europe Humiliation

Europe- Hand shake( Firmly)
India- Joining hands
Confucian country- bow forward


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