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King Fahd University of Petroleum and

College of Computer Science and
Computer Engineering Department
COE -390 : Seminar
PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture

Presented by

Muhammad F. Sagr

Java Virtual Machine
3 Ways to Execute Java Code
PicoJava Overview
PicoJava Structural Implementation
The Stack Cache
Cost and Performance

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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Java Virtual Machine

(A Machine within a Machine)

System Calls

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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3 Ways to Execute Java Code

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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PicoJava Chip

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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PicoJava Structural Implementation

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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Stack cache
The stack cache is a 64 entry register file
which caches the top few entries of the
operand stack.
Stack is circular. 65 pushes would result in
one cache replacement.

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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PicoJava Features
Developed Using Verilog RTL.

Hardware floating-point arithmatics.

6-digit instruction pipeline.
Instruction / Data Caching.
Innovative Stack Management Unit.

Stack-based architecture:

Has no General-purpose Registers

Allows up to 2 POP and 1 PUSH per clock cycle.

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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JVM and PicoJava

Data types: byte, short, int, long, float,
double, char, object, returnAddress
All opcodes have 8 bits followed by a
variable number of operands (1,2,3)

200 assigned
24 quick variations
2 reserved

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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JVM Code Size

Compact Code

Average JVM instruction is 1.8 bytes

RISC instruction required 4 bytes

Java based bytecodes are smalls

No register specifiers
Implicit VARS register for local variable accesses

Large application (2500+ lines) coded both the

C++ and Java Languages

Java bytecodes are 2 3 x smaller than the RISC

code from the C++ complier

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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PicoJava Microprocessor Overview

Pipeline instructions.
Single cycle execution for most
Implement in hardware only those
instructions that make a difference.
Trap for costly instruction that do not
occur often.
PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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PicoJava 4-Stage Pipeline

Figure 2 Simple 4 stage pipeline
Fetch fixed
Cache lines
(from I/O via
Cache) into the

Decode and
apply folding
Logic, if

Execute for one
Or more cycles.

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

Write results back
Into the operands

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Stack-Based Architecture
Stack architecture implement as a RISC
Operands typically accessed from the stack, put
back on the stack
Example: Integer addition

Add top 2 entries in the stack and put the result back
on top of the stack
Typical emulation on a RISC processor

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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PicoJava: Performance and cost

Embeded market products (mobile phones
etc) very sensitive to systems cost
Eliminates interpreter or JIT
Excellent systems performance compare
to other processor ( Pentium etc.)
Efficient implementation through use of
the same methodology; process circuit
techniques developed for RISC
PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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PicoJava: Performance and cost

Simple and very efficient
Accelerates runtime

Support for garbage collection

Support for threads

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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Comparison of PicoJava and

Pentium chips Fig. 6

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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PicoJava is used in internet appliances,
WebTV, mobile phones and other high
speed appliances.
In the very near future, PicoJava will be a
processor of choice for CPUs.
PicoJava achieved speed and efficiency.
Five major companies are already
licensed for PicoJava chips.
PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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PicoJava Microprocessor Core Architecture:
Sun Microsystems:

PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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Thank you!

? ?


PicoJava Microprocessor Architecture Muhammad Sagr

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