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Mankind is divided into rich and poor, into property
owners and exploited, religious and atheists. Division has
become a integral part of this earth. First to continents,
countries, states, cities and people of course . Divisions of
countries not only means a placing a border of division on
the land but also on the people. Millions of people have to
leave their home, jobs, and life too, just for the sake
cause of division.
In the history of Indian soil, division existed since its
discovery, from Aryans to Mughals to British. In 1947,
after India was divided into Pakistan, things were not
completely done yet. In 1971, there had to be another
division The Division of Pakistan.

Early H istory
In 1947, East Bengal with a Muslim majority favoured
the division of India and merged with the new province
of the Dominion of Pakistan.
From 1947 until 1954, East Bengal was an independent
administrative unit which was governed by the Pakistan
Muslim League.
In 1955, the Bengali Prime minister Muhammad Ali
Bogra devolved the province of East Bengal and
established the state as East Pakistan with Dhaka its
state capital.

In 1964, the Awami League gained the control of East Pakistan.

In 1965 presidential elections, the people of East Pakistan voted
for Fatimah Jinnah against Ayub Khan.
The support for state autonomy grew when Awami League
introduced the Six point movement in 1966.
After 1970 general elections, President General Yahya Khan,
authorised an armed operation (codename Searchlight) to attack
the Awami League.
Awami League announced the declaration of independence of
East Pakistan, with India staunchly supporting Awami League by
the means of providing arm ammunition to its guerrilla forces.

Bengalis were approximately 56% of the Pakistans population and
yet they were denied to use it in state.
The central government (located at West Pakistan) imposed Urdu as
the state language instead of Bengali.
As per as A.S.M Abdur Rob ( A Bengali politician) Jinnah tried to
supress Bengalis through their language, thats why he imposed
70-75% of the revenue and aid was invested in West Pakistan for its
West Pakistan was denied of all power, resources.
About 2.6 billion dollars of resources were also shifted over time from
East Pakistan to West Pakistan.

During the Military rule from 1958-1969, Bengalis were

denied of all the rights.
Sk. Abdur Rahman by 1964 became the leader of Awami
league. He realized the suppression of the Bengalis.
The protest for an independent state had started by
In 1968, Awami league won 167 out of 169 seats and
still was not allowed to come to power.
3rd march 1971 Awami league started their own
government when no settlement came to a conclusion.

Liberation W ar
Muslim League sent Army to East Pakistan to supress
Awami League.
By the end of march 1971 most people took refugee in
India and as well as fled Awami leaders.
Sk. Tajuddin formed a separate government with Indian
5th December 1971 Indian army raided Bangladesh and
Pakistani soldiers were defeated and the war came to
an end on 15th of December.
East Pakistan won the war and then elected Sk. Mujibur
Rahman as their new leader.

H ero Speaks

Bangladesh And Pakistan Today

Presently 1 USD
is approximately
101.71 Pakistani
Doesnt export
any product in
large quantity.

Presently 1 USD is approximately
77.89 Bangladeshi Taka.
One of the largest exporters of
clothes and jute.

On August 15, 1975 Sk. Mujibur Rahman was
Since 1971 Bangladesh flourished tremendously both
power and economy wise.
Bangladesh became among the largest exporters of jute
and its products today.

Th e g reat m en of a n ation reach

ou t to all m an kin d . Th ey are
u n ifyin g , n ot d ivisive;
in tern ation ally con ciliatin g an d
still g reat n ation ally. -G u stav
S tresem an n


The Bangladesh Story

Presentation M ade By:

Mohammad Mohtashim Ghufrani
Sushoban Ghosh
Ranadip Nandy

Thank You

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