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Scott Fitzgerald
Fourth Hour

Career Success of
F. Scott Fitzgerald
By: Andi Langer, Morgan Gallagher, Nathan Nelson, &
Brittany Pfadenhauer

This Side of Paradise

Publication in 1920
Sold out quick
Many copies sold
Theme of love
Im a slave to my emotions, to my likes, to my hatred

The Beautiful and

Published in 1922 by Scribner
Sold well enough for additional print runs
Based on Fitzgeralds relationship

The Great Gatsby


Not that successful

Not even 1/2 of desired amount

Different responses and reviews

Edwin Clark
Harvey Egaleton

Plays, Musicals, and

Fitzgeralds St. Paul Play

The Vegetable

Three Comrades

Babylon Revisited

Party Life & Jazz Age

By Rachael, Annika, Kaeleigh, J.D.

The Jazz Age

The Roaring Twenties

New breed of teenager.

People had a lot of money.

Jazz Age
Struggle between old and new
America/cultural division (modernist, urban
vs traditional, rural)
music symbolized spirit of liberation and
Phonograph and Radio = more accessible

Party Life

Heavy drinking
Reckless behavior
Tension on marriage
Francis = flirting
Zelda = jealous

Party Life

Very Chaotic
Always had a party
Drinking interfered with his life
He let himself go
Ravenous Partiers
The life of the party

Fitzgeralds Relationship
with Zelda
By: Saydee, Jake, Kinsey, Baylee


Liked to party
Had a Fiance before Scott


Liked to party

July 1918

Scott and Zelda met

Country club dance in Montgomery, Alabama
Scott thought it was love at first sight
Zelda was 18
Scott was 21

February 1919
Scott got discharged from the army
He proposed to Zelda
Zelda was having doubts

This Side of Paradise written by Scott was
published March 26
It was based off of Scott and Zelda
Zelda finally agrees to marry him
Married April 3 at St. Patricks Cathedral in New

October 1921
October 26, Frances Scott Fitzgerald was born
Her nickname was Scottie

Fitzgerald family moved to Paris
Wanted more fame

Zelda became involved with ballet
Physical and mental health began to worsen

Downfalls including death

Alyssa, Trent, & Paige


When work or family life was not great.

3 week binge drinking.
He would try to quit. Often drinking Coca Cola.
Americas drunkest writer.

Zelda Fitzgerald
For years, Scott Fitzgerald had been
struggling to find the right approach
to his mentally unstable wife. She
began to show many signs of a
serious disturbance in the late
1920s. Scott had to check her into a
ton of mental hospitals. He couldnt
see her a lot though because a
spouse visiting was not common.
Scott Fitzgerald was always kind of
sad because his wife wasnt happy or
normal anymore. She died in a fire at
a mental hospital, 8 years after her
husband died.

Serious Depression & SelfDestruction

Due to his alcoholism and Zeldas constant
nag for him to make more money, Fitzgerald
became depressed. When being depressed he
was more likely to drink and be self-destructive.

Jobs in his downfall

Due to his drinking and outlashes he was not able
to hold jobs. He wrote for countless movies and
plays but he did not do such a good job, so he
was then fired. So he decided to go back to his
hometown and began writing novels again.

Died December 21,
Hollywood, Los
Angeles, California
Buried in Saint Marys
Heart Attack


F. Scott Fitzgerald
Rayshawn, Dalton, Kelsey, Bryton, Kolton

Early theater life

In college, Fitzgerald was into drama
Wrote and performed in many plays
He considered himself above Hollywood writing
and movie producing even when it was his only

Time in Hollywood
He moved to Hollywood in the summer of 1937
After the move he stayed for only 2 years
In his time in Hollywood, Fitzgerald only got 1
screenwriting credit for the film Three

Opinions of Him
Mr. Bruccoli, a scholar at The University of South
Carolina, said that Fitzgeralds time in Hollywood
was useless and all he did was drink

The end of His Hollywood


He died thinking he was a failure but later on in

history people ended up liking his books and
F Scott Fitzgerald died from a fatal heart attack.

The Rediscovery of his works

Delaney Oliver, Grant Samples, & Lacey Jackson

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald


Fitzgerald did not die out-of-print

Fitzgeralds death

Fitzgerald died in 1940

He was working on The Last Tycoon
He died of a heart attack
25 people had attended his funeral
Pastor didnt actually know who he was
Fitzgerald died believing that he was a failure

In 1945 and 1953, The Great Gatsby was republished
Many schools began to use the book because it showed how the
Roaring 20s were
F. Scott Fitzgerald never won any awards but had an award
created in his honor

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